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Tapping Into Your Big Business Idea

six figure success stories Apr 03, 2024

Starting an online business can be quite the journey, but Melanie Moore shows it’s possible. With her background as a trained emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) therapist, she transitioned from hosting workshops and events in local venues to thriving in the online business world. She now offers memberships and high-ticket coaching to clients around the globe.

In this introduction to Melanie's story, we learn about her path from being unsure of her business model to becoming focused and driven. By leveraging her skills and passion for helping women at critical points in their lives, Melanie built a successful online presence. She empowers her clients to achieve their goals using her holistic coaching methods.

Key Takeaways

  • Melanie Moore has successfully transitioned from offline to online business.
  • She uses Emotional Freedom Technique to help women at life crossroads.
  • Her entrepreneurial journey highlights focus and vision in business growth.

Meet Melanie Moore: Tapping Therapy Pioneer

Background and Career Path

Melanie Moore, a qualified therapist in Tapping or Emotional Freedom Technique, has a rich career path that began in journalism at the BBC. After becoming a mother, Melanie shifted to holistic therapies like Reiki and reflexology, offering home-based treatments. She then discovered tapping around 12 years ago, finding it highly effective for her clients. Her tapping sessions initially took place in person or over Skype.

Transition to Online Business

Melanie transitioned to the online space around 2015 with the advent of Periscope, an app allowing live video broadcasts. She embraced this platform, doing live "tapping scopes" and interacting with a growing audience. Despite not having a large Twitter following, her content gained traction, leading to a significant following. Eventually, she invited her Periscope followers to join a Facebook group, marking the start of her online community and business.

By focusing on women at various life crossroads, Melanie's online business grew. Her services now include memberships and high-ticket coaching, where she continues to help clients achieve their goals using tapping techniques.

Insight into Online Business Strategies

Crafting a Targeted Business Plan

Melanie Moore didn't start with a perfect business model. Instead, her online journey began through trial and error. Initially, she hosted offline events in local coffee shops and workshops. Her main focus was serving women at various life stages and helping them through major transitions. As her understanding grew, Melanie shifted her focus and honed her goals, leading to a more streamlined and effective online business model.

Key Elements of a Focused Business Plan

  • Identify Your Audience: Melanie targeted women at crossroads in their lives. This specificity helped her tailor her services effectively.
  • Goal Setting: Over time, she became clear about her vision and goals, which improved her business model significantly.
  • Continuous Improvement: Melanie's journey involved frequent tweaks and adjustments to better serve her clients.

Premium Coaching and Exclusive Memberships

Melanie transitioned from holding physical events to offering premium coaching services and memberships online. She utilizes her expertise in Emotional Freedom Techniques to provide high-value services to her clients. These premium offerings allow her to maintain high engagement levels and deliver significant value.

Benefits of High Ticket Coaching

  • Personalized Attention: High-ticket coaching allows for one-on-one sessions, providing personalized guidance and support.
  • Higher Client Commitment: Clients who invest more financially are generally more committed to their personal growth.
  • Revenue Growth: This model supports a sustainable revenue stream by charging higher fees for specialized services.

Through deliberate steps and a clear vision, Melanie successfully transformed her offline endeavors into a thriving online business, benefiting both her and her clients.

Empowering Women at Life's Crossroads

Navigating Life Transitions

Melanie Moore is a life coach who focuses on supporting women experiencing major life changes. These transitions can include becoming a mother, going through a divorce, or seeing their children leave home. She uses a technique called tapping or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to help these women find clarity and direction. Melanie believes that life’s changes offer opportunities to redefine their identity and pursue new possibilities.

The Four Essentials of Big Vision Coaching

Melanie's coaching is based on four key areas she calls the "Four Essentials of Big Vision":

  1. Environment: Helping women who want to make changes in where they live or their surroundings.
  2. Relationships: Providing support for those looking to improve or move on from relationships.
  3. Abundance: Encouraging entrepreneurial pursuits and financial growth.
  4. Health: Emphasizing the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

These essentials guide her clients in making significant, fulfilling changes in their lives.

Holistic Methods for Life Coaching

Using Tapping in Holistic Therapy

Tapping, or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), is a popular method used to aid clients in achieving their desired outcomes. This technique involves gently tapping on specific points on the body, which can help relieve emotional stress and promote mental well-being. Originally used in in-person sessions, it is now effectively integrated into online coaching, allowing clients to benefit from this technique remotely.

Focusing on Health, Surroundings, and Prosperity

Life coaching often addresses multiple aspects of a client's life. This includes promoting a healthy lifestyle, which is crucial for overall well-being. Environmental factors, such as living conditions and personal surroundings, also play a significant role in one's life satisfaction. Prosperity and abundance, encompassing financial stability and personal growth, are key areas of focus. By addressing these aspects, life coaching supports a holistic improvement in clients' lives.




Encourage a healthy lifestyle


Improve living conditions and personal environment


Achieve financial stability and personal growth

Melanie's Entrepreneurial Journey

Beginning with Holistic Practices at Home

Melanie Moore's path to entrepreneurship started with a strong interest in holistic therapies. She initially trained in practices like Reiki and reflexology. These sessions were held in a cozy home setting, allowing Melanie to build her skills and reputation. Eventually, she also worked at a local clinic, treating clients in person.

Leveraging Online Platforms Early On

In around 2015, Melanie tapped into the power of the internet. She discovered a technique called tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Using this technique, Melanie was able to connect with her clients through Skype sessions. Her real breakthrough came with the app Periscope, where she became one of the early adopters. Broadcasts on Periscope allowed Melanie to reach a wider audience, and she held live sessions that engaged viewers globally. This online presence led to the creation of a Facebook group and marked the beginning of her successful online business.

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