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Kajabi vs SamCart: A Comparison For Online Business Owners

leverage your kajabi Jul 05, 2023

When it comes to choosing an online platform for selling digital products, two popular names often come up: Kajabi and SamCart. As someone who has experience with both platforms, I understand the importance of evaluating their strengths and weaknesses to make an informed decision. In this article, I'll do my best to provide a clear and knowledgeable comparison between these two platforms without making exaggerated claims.

Kajabi, an all-in-one online business platform, allows users to create, market, and sell online courses and memberships. On the other hand, SamCart focuses on providing a smooth shopping cart experience to sell physical or digital products with its easy-to-use tools and one-page websites. While both platforms cater to slightly different audiences, they do share some common features, such as the ability to create and publish landing and sales pages using a drag-and-drop builder.

However, there's more to it than just those features. Different factors, such as pricing, course creation capabilities, and integration options, will also come into play when determining the best choice for your specific needs. By the end of this article, I hope to help you understand the key differences between Kajabi and SamCart and decide which platform is the better fit for your online business.

Kajabi and SamCart Overview

As a course creator, I've found that selecting the right platform for selling online courses can be a challenging task. Two popular choices in the market are Kajabi and SamCart. In this section, I'll provide a brief overview of both platforms to help you understand their features and make an informed decision for your online business.

Kajabi is an all-in-one online course creation platform designed for those who want to create, market, and sell courses, memberships, and digital products. It offers a user-friendly interface, a wide variety of templates and customisation options, and a rich set of marketing tools to help you grow your audience. Kajabi also provides a built-in email marketing system, allowing you to automate your communication with students. While Kajabi is focused on providing an end-to-end solution for online course creators, it is also highly adaptable for selling other digital products and services.

On the other hand, SamCart focuses more specifically on the eCommerce aspect, providing an easy-to-use shopping cart solution for selling digital and physical products. It started as a "bolt-on" shopping cart feature, but has since expanded to include additional features for creating and managing sales pages. SamCart's main strength lies in its simplicity and flexibility, making it ideal for entrepreneurs who prefer to build their online business using their existing websites or one-page sites.

In terms of customisation, both Kajabi and SamCart offer a range of pre-made templates and themes. They also provide drag-and-drop page builders, making it easy for even those without coding experience to create professional-looking sales pages and online courses. However, while Kajabi focuses more on providing a complete business solution, SamCart excels in its simplicity and laser-focus on the shopping cart experience.

One key area where these platforms differ is in their pricing. Kajabi offers a tiered pricing structure, with plans designed to suit a range of business sizes and needs. SamCart also provides multiple pricing plans, but they tend to be more focused on the specific features and limits that each plan offers, rather than catering to different business sizes. This difference in approach may make one platform more attractive depending on your individual needs and budget constraints.

In conclusion, when comparing Kajabi and SamCart, it's essential to consider your specific business requirements. If you're looking for an all-inclusive platform to create, market, and sell online courses, Kajabi may be the better choice. However, if you're primarily focused on a simple and effective method for selling digital or physical products, SamCart could be a better fit for your needs.

Ease of Use and User Experience

I've found that both Kajabi and SamCart offer user-friendly interfaces, allowing users to easily navigate and manage their online businesses. The drag-and-drop page builders provided by Kajabi and SamCart ensure that creating and customising pages is a breeze, even for those with minimal web design experience.

In terms of user experience, I noticed that Kajabi offers an all-in-one platform that enables businesses to create, market, and sell digital products seamlessly. Additionally, Kajabi includes a wide range of tools for product creation, making it a top choice for businesses selling digital products. On the other hand, SamCart focuses on providing an easy-to-use shopping cart feature and one-page websites, making it a suitable option for selling both physical and digital goods.

While using both platforms, I appreciated their intuitive design and layout, offering a clear overview of essential features without overwhelming users with complex configurations. Their respective customer support teams were also responsive and helpful, contributing to a positive user experience.

However, one aspect where I noticed some difference was in their respective pricing structures. Kajabi offers a more comprehensive set of features in its pricing plans, while SamCart provides a more basic set of e-commerce tools at a lower cost. This may influence the ease of use and overall user experience for potential customers with different budgets and requirements.

In conclusion, considering their individual strengths and features, both Kajabi and SamCart offer positive user experiences and ease of use for those looking to set up and manage online businesses.

Course Creation Features

Course Templates

When it comes to course creation, both Kajabi and SamCart offer a variety of templates to help kickstart the process. I appreciate the user-friendly interface provided by both platforms, which assists me in structuring my courses and arranging the content logically. These templates can be customised according to my preferences and branding, making it easier to create a consistent and professional look for my online courses.

Assessments and Quizzes

As a course creator, I understand the value of assessments and quizzes to track my students' progress and ensure their understanding of the materials. Both Kajabi and SamCart offer this functionality, allowing me to incorporate quizzes and tests to evaluate my students' performance. I find this feature very helpful in providing feedback and maintaining engagement throughout the course.

Video Hosting and Delivery

In my experience, video content has become increasingly important in online courses. Both platforms support video hosting and delivery natively. This feature removes the need for me to rely on external video hosting platforms, simplifying my course setup process. Furthermore, it ensures that my videos remain secure, accessible only to those who enrol in my courses.

In conclusion, both Kajabi and SamCart offer essential course creation features, such as templates, assessments and quizzes, and video hosting and delivery. As an educator, I find both platforms to be viable options for creating and delivering online courses confidently and efficiently.

Marketing and Sales Features

Email Marketing

In my experience, both Kajabi and SamCart offer comprehensive email marketing tools that allow me to create and send targeted email campaigns to my subscribers. I find their email editors intuitive and user-friendly. They both provide built-in email templates, making it easy for me to create compelling and visually appealing emails. Moreover, they support various email marketing strategies such as segmenting subscribers, setting up autoresponders, and tracking email performance with ease.

Landing Pages and Templates

When it comes to landing pages and templates, I have found that both Kajabi and SamCart excel in providing a variety of pre-made templates that cater to different business needs. Their easy-to-use, drag-and-drop page builders make customising templates a breeze, allowing me to create professional-looking landing pages in no time. Additionally, both platforms provide mobile-responsive designs, ensuring that my landing pages display optimally across devices.

Funnels and Pipelines

Kajabi and SamCart both provide features that allow me to create and manage funnels or pipelines to optimise my marketing and sales processes. I appreciate their ability to guide leads down a well-designed sales funnel, making it simpler to convert them into paying customers. With both platforms, I can establish upsells, downsells, and cross-sells while monitoring the performance of my funnels to make informed decisions for improvements.

A/B Testing and Analytics

I have found Kajabi and SamCart's A/B testing features to be particularly helpful in optimising my marketing and sales efforts. By running split tests on landing pages, email campaigns, and sales funnels, I can identify the best-performing variations and make data-driven decisions. They also provide robust analytics tools that enable me to track key metrics like conversion rates, revenue, and customer lifetime value, allowing me to monitor the efficacy of my strategies and make necessary adjustments for optimal results.

In summary, both Kajabi and SamCart offer a comprehensive suite of marketing and sales features that facilitate the effective execution of various online business activities. From email marketing and landing page creation to constructing sales funnels and leveraging A/B testing and analytics, I can confidently say that these platforms provide the tools I need to succeed in the competitive online marketplace.

Integrations and Customisation

Payment Integrations

In my experience, both Kajabi and SamCart provide excellent payment integrations. The platforms allow users to integrate with popular payment gateways like Stripe and PayPal, ensuring a secure and convenient way to accept payments for their products and services. As a user, I've found the integration process to be straightforward and hassle-free, allowing me to quickly start selling online.

Third-Party Integrations

One aspect that I appreciate about both Kajabi and SamCart is the extensive range of available third-party integrations. These integrations help expand the functionality of the platforms and provide additional value to my online business. I've found that the platforms integrate seamlessly with various marketing automation tools, email marketing services, and more.

Kajabi and SamCart have both integrated with Zapier, a popular web automation platform. This allows me to easily connect the platforms to countless other services, including CRM systems, email providers, and others. I've found this flexibility to be particularly helpful in streamlining my online business operations and ensuring that various tools and platforms work together efficiently.

As for customisation options, both platforms offer a variety of tools to help me create visually appealing and user-friendly sales pages, landing pages, and product pages. I've discovered that Kajabi and SamCart provide a selection of pre-made templates, as well as easy-to-use drag-and-drop page builders, to customise the overall look and feel of my online presence.

In conclusion, the integrations and customisation options available in Kajabi and SamCart platforms have been efficient and beneficial for my online business endeavours. The platforms have provided me with a solid foundation to connect multiple services, create eye-catching pages, and ultimately succeed in selling my products and services online.

E-Commerce and Membership Management

Selling Digital and Physical Products

In my experience, both SamCart and Kajabi excel in managing e-commerce for digital products, but they differ when it comes to physical products. Kajabi focuses on helping users sell their knowledge through online courses and memberships, making it an ideal choice for creating and selling digital content like courses, e-books, and webinars12.

SamCart, on the other hand, offers users the ability to sell both digital and physical products with ease. Users can track their inventory, manage shipping costs, and handle taxes for their physical products3. This makes SamCart a more versatile option when considering the types of products that can be sold.

Subscription Management

Both Kajabi and SamCart offer efficient subscription management for membership websites. Kajabi allows me to create and manage memberships, offering various plans, tiers, and custom access to content1.

SamCart also excels in managing subscriptions, allowing users to track plans, set up trial periods, prorated payments, and even subscription pause or resume features3. This flexibility in managing memberships and subscriptions makes both platforms strong contenders in this area.

Order Bumps and Upsells

When it comes to order bumps and upsells, SamCart shines with its innovative and powerful tools to increase revenue. With SamCart, I can easily create one-click upsells, cross-sells, and add order bumps to my checkout process4. These features help me maximize sales conversions and increase the average transaction value of my online store4.

Kajabi offers some upsell options, mainly through its piped checkout feature, allowing for bundling multiple products together and offering discount opportunities5. However, its capabilities are not as extensive as SamCart, making SamCart the preferred platform for those focused on increasing revenue through advanced order bumps and upsells.

Customer Support and Resources

When it comes to customer support, I've found that both Kajabi and SamCart offer a variety of resources to assist their users. Kajabi provides comprehensive support through their help centre, where you can find articles, video tutorials, and a community forum. Additionally, they offer live chat support to address any immediate concerns you may have.

SamCart, on the other hand, offers customer support through email and live chat. While they may not have as extensive a help centre as Kajabi, they still provide resources such as a knowledge base, blog, and webinars to help guide you in navigating their platform.

As for coaching programs, Kajabi includes a valuable Kajabi University for users, offering a wide array of courses aimed at helping you succeed in your online business. These courses cover topics like marketing, content creation, and email automation. Kajabi University is accessible for all Kajabi customers at no additional cost, which is a great resource for those looking to learn more about online business.

SamCart focuses on user success by offering a variety of educational resources, such as their blog and webinars. While they don't have a dedicated coaching program like Kajabi, the content they provide can be useful in getting started with the platform and enhancing your online sales strategy.

In conclusion, Kajabi and SamCart both offer customer support and resources that cater to their users' needs. Kajabi may have a more comprehensive help centre and coaching program, while SamCart provides a variety of educational content to support your sales endeavours. It's essential to explore both platforms' offerings to determine which suits your needs best, giving you the confidence to move forward with your online business.

Pricing and Payment Plans

When evaluating SamCart and Kajabi, one of the critical factors to consider is their pricing and payment plans. I want to make sure that I am getting the best value for my money while receiving the features and services I require. In this section, I will compare and contrast the pricing structures of both platforms.

Starting with SamCart, they offer three pricing tiers: Launch at $49/month, Grow at $99/month, and Scale at $199/month. Each tier comes with a different set of features, with the higher tiers providing more advanced functionalities such as affiliate marketing, subscriptions, and testing. A significant advantage of SamCart is that they offer an option for a 20% discount on all plans when billed annually.

Kajabi also provides several pricing options, starting with the Basic plan at $119/month, the Growth plan at $159/month, and the Pro plan at $319/month. Like SamCart, each tier includes a wider range of features as the price increases. Kajabi's pricing structure also rewards long-term commitment, as they offer a 20% discount when paying annually.

While the Basic plan in Kajabi could be considered more expensive than the Launch tier in SamCart, it's crucial to note that Kajabi is an all-in-one platform that provides course creation, website building, and marketing tools. This means that you may not need to purchase additional software or services when using Kajabi, which could ultimately save you money.

Payment plans for both SamCart and Kajabi are quite flexible, as you can choose between monthly or annual payments. And since these platforms cater to a wide range of users, they offer various functionalities and features based on the chosen pricing plan.

In conclusion, when comparing SamCart and Kajabi in terms of pricing and payment plans, it is best for me to carefully assess my specific needs and requirements to make an informed decision.


In my assessment, both Kajabi and SamCart have their unique strengths and cater to different needs. Kajabi is an all-in-one online course creation software, while SamCart is more focused on being an online shopping cart solution. Deciding between these two platforms ultimately depends on your specific requirements.

I found that Kajabi is a strong option for those who need an all-encompassing platform that covers everything from course creation to marketing and sales. They also offer a free trial, allowing you to test out their platform before committing to a purchase.

On the other hand, SamCart is a solid choice for those looking to process payments from different countries and provide complementary services like A/B testing. They also excel at enhancing revenue with cross-sells and upsells through appropriate product suggestions, as mentioned in the comparison.

Keep in mind that Kajabi and SamCart both have a range of pricing plans to accommodate your budget and needs. It's essential to weigh the features and benefits of each platform in relation to their respective costs when making your decision.

Overall, I can confidently say that both Kajabi and SamCart are viable options for online course creators and e-commerce entrepreneurs. Carefully assess your individual requirements and preferences before making a choice, and remember that both platforms offer free trials to help you determine which one is the best fit for you. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main differences between Kajabi and SamCart?

The primary difference between Kajabi and SamCart lies in their feature set. While both platforms offer a landing page builder, page templates, affiliate marketing tools, and course creation tools, Kajabi is the only one to provide a built-in email marketing solution and CRM 1. SamCart, on the other hand, was initially designed as a "bolt-on" shopping cart feature for selling physical or digital goods 2.

Which platform is better for beginners, Kajabi or SamCart?

For beginners, I recommend Kajabi as the easier option because it offers an all-in-one platform for businesses selling digital products 3. Its comprehensive feature set allows you to focus on creating and selling your products without having to worry about integrating multiple tools. SamCart, while more focused on the sales and checkout process, may demand additional software integration and can be less user-friendly for newcomers.

Can Kajabi and SamCart be integrated with each other?

Yes, Kajabi and SamCart can be integrated with each other, as they both offer multiple integrations for marketing automation, email marketing, and customer relationship management platforms 4. By connecting the two, you can take advantage of Kajabi's extensive features along with SamCart's sales and checkout capabilities.

What features make Kajabi better than SamCart?

Kajabi stands out because of its broader feature set, which includes a built-in email marketing solution and customer relationship management (CRM) tools 1. Moreover, Kajabi comprises options for content creation and promotional aspects, making it a comprehensive platform for individuals and businesses selling digital products.

How does the pricing of Kajabi and SamCart compare?

Kajabi's pricing plans start at $119 per month, whereas SamCart's pricing begins at $49 per month 5 6. However, it is essential to consider the features included in each plan and whether a particular platform satisfies your business requirements, rather than simply comparing prices.

Are there any free plans or trials available for Kajabi or SamCart?

Both Kajabi and SamCart offer free trials for users to test their platforms. Kajabi provides a 14-day free trial 5, while SamCart offers a 14-day free trial for its Pro plan and a 30-day free trial for its Premium plan 6. It's a good idea to utilise these free trials to evaluate each platform's features and suitability for your specific needs.

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