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Kajabi vs Kartra: Which Platform Is Better for Your Online Business

leverage your kajabi Sep 08, 2023

In this video, I aim to help you decide between two popular online business platforms: Kajabi and Kartra. Both platforms are designed to assist in growing your online business, but they differ in their origins and features. While Kajabi has its roots in course creation, Kartra comes from a marketing and funnel-building background. Keeping this in mind, the choice between the two platforms will ultimately come down to your personal preferences and the specific needs of your online business.

One of the key factors to consider when choosing between Kajabi and Kartra is their respective pricing structures. Although Kajabi's basic plan is slightly more expensive than Kartra's, its other plans tend to be more affordable in the long run. Additionally, Kajabi offers unlimited marketing emails, unlimited landing pages, and unlimited video hosting – features that will greatly benefit your online business.

Key Takeaways

  • Kajabi and Kartra are top online business platforms, with Kajabi focusing on course creation and Kartra on funnel-building.
  • Price comparison reveals Kajabi's plans to be more affordable in the long run, with additional unlimited features included.
  • Evaluating your personal requirements and preferences will help determine the best platform for your online business.

Kajabi vs Kartra: Exploring the Basics

When deciding between Kajabi and Kartra for your online business, there are several factors to consider. Both platforms have their strengths and weaknesses, and which one is better for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. In this section, I'll be comparing the basics of both platforms to help you make an informed decision.

Price-wise, Kajabi has three plans – Basic, Growth, and Pro – starting at $149, $199, and $399 per month respectively. On the other hand, Kartra's plans include Starter, Silver, and Platinum, with monthly fees of $199, $299, and $549 respectively. While Kajabi's Basic plan is slightly more affordable than Kartra's Starter plan, the pricing evens out as you go up the tiers.

A key difference between the two platforms is their contact limit. Kajabi's Basic plan offers four times as many contacts compared to Kartra's Starter plan: 10,000 vs 2,500. For businesses looking to grow their contact list, this should be an important consideration.

As for email marketing, Kajabi offers unlimited marketing emails, while Kartra limits users to 15,000 emails per month on its Starter plan. For those planning to send regular emails to a growing list of subscribers, Kajabi's unlimited offering might be more appealing.

When it comes to landing pages and video hosting, Kajabi triumphs again with unlimited landing pages and videos on all plans. On the other hand, Kartra's Starter plan has a limit of 100 landing pages and 50 videos. This factor may be crucial for businesses that rely heavily on content creation, such as those running blogs or producing educational resources.

Kajabi and Kartra both have three available products for their basic plans, although Kartra offers 20 products on their Starter tier – an advantage for businesses with larger product ranges. However, for most beginners, three products should be sufficient for their initial online offerings.

Lastly, Kartra also provides a built-in help desk for your students, offering a valuable support resource for those selling knowledge-based products or courses. Kajabi, on the other hand, provides a community feature for each of their plans – giving users an opportunity to create a sense of camaraderie among their customers.

In conclusion, when comparing Kajabi and Kartra, it's essential to consider factors like pricing, contact limits, email marketing, landing pages, videos, products, and available support resources. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on your specific requirements for your online business journey.

Comparison: Pricing Structure

As a user of Kajabi, I feel the need to compare the pricing structures of Kajabi and Kartra, two leading platforms for online businesses. Let's take a closer look at their monthly plans to see which one might be a better fit for your needs.

Kajabi offers three monthly plans:

  1. Basic: $149/month
  2. Growth: $199/month
  3. Pro: $399/month

Kartra also presents three monthly plans:

  1. Starter: $99/month
  2. Silver: $199/month
  3. Platinum: $549/month

At first glance, Kajabi's Basic plan is slightly more expensive than Kartra's Starter plan. However, as you move up the tiers, Kajabi's pricing becomes more affordable compared to Kartra's plans.

Now let's see what each plan includes. In Kajabi's Basic plan, you get 10,000 contacts, one custom domain, unlimited marketing emails, unlimited landing pages, and three products. In contrast, Kartra's Starter plan comes with 2,500 contacts, one custom domain, 15,000 emails/month, 100 pages, and 20 products.

While Kartra allows for more products, Kajabi offers four times the number of contacts and has no limit on marketing emails, which can be crucial for growing an online business through list building and frequent email marketing. Additionally, Kajabi offers unlimited landing pages and video hosting, giving you more flexibility in content creation.

To summarize, Kajabi's pricing starts slightly higher but offers better value as you scale your business, providing unlimited marketing emails, landing pages, and video hosting. As you choose between the platforms, consider the specific requirements of your online business, such as the number of contacts you aim to have, your email marketing strategy, and the variety of products you intend to offer.

Comparison: Contacts and Email Marketing Potential

When deciding between Kajabi and Kartra for your online business, the potential for contacts and email marketing is an important factor to consider. Kajabi offers four times the number of contacts compared to Kartra – 10,000 contacts versus 2,500. This is a major advantage if you plan on growing your email list and reaching a larger audience.

Another key factor is the number of marketing emails you can send. Kajabi provides unlimited marketing emails, allowing you to regularly communicate with your list without restrictions. On the other hand, Kartra limits you to 15,000 emails per month. As your email list grows, this limitation could become a significant issue.

In terms of landing pages and hosting videos, Kajabi allows for unlimited landing pages and videos, while Kartra limits you to 100 landing pages and 50 videos. If you plan on creating a lot of content, especially for blogging, Kajabi's unlimited offering might be more suitable for your needs.

Lastly, Kartra offers a help desk feature for student support, which Kajabi lacks. This could be beneficial if you're building a knowledge-based product and need an integrated support system for your users.

In conclusion, when comparing contacts and email marketing potential between Kajabi and Kartra, consider your goals for growing your online business, your email list, and the features that will best support your needs.

Comparison: Bandwidth and Landing Pages

As someone who has experience with both Kajabi and Kartra, I can confidently say that there are significant differences between these two platforms in terms of bandwidth and landing pages. If you are deciding which platform to use for your online business, you should take the following into account.

When comparing the two on pricing, Kajabi starts out slightly more expensive but ultimately becomes more affordable than Kartra as we scale up. For example, Kajabi's Growth plan offers 10,000 contacts, unlimited marketing emails, unlimited landing pages, and unlimited videos. On the other hand, Kartra's Silver plan offers 12,500 contacts, a 125,000 email limit, 125 landing pages, and only a 125 GB bandwidth limit for videos.

In terms of contacts, Kajabi stands out, offering four times as many contacts as Kartra's starter plan. This could be a significant factor depending on your goals and the size of your current or prospective email list.

When it comes to marketing emails, Kajabi offers unlimited marketing emails, while Kartra limits you to a certain number of emails per month. This could be an issue if you plan to frequently communicate with your email list.

As for landing pages, Kajabi really shines with its unlimited landing pages, making it the better choice for those who create a lot of content or blog on a regular basis. In contrast, Kartra imposes a limit on the number of landing pages you can create.

When it comes to video hosting, Kajabi uses the Wistia video platform, ensuring a professional and seamless video hosting experience, whereas Kartra has a 125 GB bandwidth limit for videos.

Overall, I would say that Kajabi offers more flexibility in terms of bandwidth, marketing emails, landing pages, and hosting videos. However, the decision ultimately comes down to your specific needs and preferences in running your online business.

Video Hosting and Product Range

As a user of Kajabi, I must say that it offers unlimited video hosting, marketing emails, and landing pages. This makes it a perfect choice for those who are content creators, bloggers, or have numerous courses to offer. Kajabi uses Wistia, an inbuilt video software platform, for video hosting. However, the platform only allows for three products, which might not be ideal for those with a wide range of product offerings.

On the other hand, Kartra comes with certain limitations, such as hosting only 50 videos, providing 15,000 emails per month, and allowing the creation of 100 landing pages. This might not be sufficient for those planning to expand their online presence significantly. However, Kartra does provide support for 20 products, making it a better choice for businesses having a diverse product range.

Another aspect setting Kartra apart is the help desk feature. This allows setting up a help desk for students, making it easier to address their questions and concerns. Such a feature can be helpful when offering knowledge-based products, as it enhances the user experience.

In conclusion, both Kajabi and Kartra serve different purposes and suit particular business needs. If you require unlimited resources for content creation and a smaller product range, Kajabi is the better choice. However, if you have a larger product range and need help desk functionality, Kartra might be a more suitable platform.

Membership Sites and Helpdesk Availability

As an online business owner, having a reliable platform to build your membership site and provide helpdesk support to your customers is crucial. I have experience using both Kajabi and Kartra, and both platforms offer membership site and helpdesk functionality.

Kajabi gives users the ability to create up to three products on their Basic plan and allows one community per website. This means you can effectively provide resources and support to your customers in a single, organized space. With Kajabi, you can also host unlimited videos, which is beneficial when creating a knowledge-based product or course.

On the other hand, Kartra offers up to 20 products for their Starter plan, which may be appealing if you have a larger product range or intend to expand in the future. Kartra also provides one helpdesk for your students. This is a great feature if you want to create a centralized support system for your customers where they can ask questions and receive help through a built-in search functionality.

In terms of email marketing, Kajabi takes the lead with unlimited marketing emails, while Kartra caps the number of emails at 15,000 per month on their Starter plan. This can be a decisive factor if you intend to heavily utilize email marketing in your online business strategy.

To summarize, both Kajabi and Kartra offer membership site and helpdesk functionality, with Kajabi excelling in email marketing and unlimited resources, while Kartra provides more products and a dedicated helpdesk. Understanding your specific business needs and taking these factors into consideration is essential when choosing the platform that best suits your online business.

Extra Features: Funnel Simulation and Webinars

As a user of this platform, I find the additional features offered quite beneficial for my online business. The platform provides a funnel simulation tool, which is a great resource to help visualize and optimize the customer journey. This allows me to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement in my sales funnels and make data-backed decisions to improve my business strategy. Also, I find the platform's webinars feature to be a fantastic tool for engaging with my audience and adding value to my courses or services.

By using the funnel simulation feature, I can:

  • Create and test multiple funnel scenarios
  • Identify the most effective customer journey
  • Improve my sales conversion rates

Moreover, the webinars functionality allows me to:

  • Host live webinars for my audience
  • Engage with participants in real-time
  • Record webinars for future use or to provide on-demand access to the content
  • Conduct polls and provide downloadable resources during the session

Both of these extra features have helped me enhance the overall experience for my customers and improve the success of my online business. In combination with the core features of the platform, the funnel simulation and webinars tools have made a significant impact on my ability to expand and grow my business effectively.

Comparing Reviews from Trustpilot

As a user of Kajabi, I thought it would be helpful to compare Kajabi and Kartra's offerings to help you decide which platform is the best for your online business at any stage.

Kajabi prides itself on being an all-in-one platform, stemming from a background in building and selling online courses. It offers unlimited marketing emails, unlimited landing pages, unlimited videos, and up to 10,000 contacts on their basic plan for $149 a month.

On the other hand, Kartra originated from a marketing and funnel-building background. Their basic plan costs $99 a month, with 2,500 contacts, 15,000 emails, and limits on the number of videos and landing pages.

It's important to consider your online business goals before choosing a platform. If list-building, consistent email marketing, and unlimited content are your priorities, Kajabi may be the better choice. However, if you have more products to offer or value the built-in help desk feature for your students, Kartra could be the way to go.

Keep in mind that Kajabi's pricing may appear higher, but as you scale up to their growth and pro plans, the pricing becomes more affordable in comparison to Kartra's higher-tier plans. Ultimately, the choice between the two platforms should be based on the specific needs of your online business and personal circumstances.

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