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Kajabi Templates: How To Use Website, Course and Landing Page Templates

leverage your kajabi Mar 13, 2024

If you’re using the Kajabi platform or thinking about starting, I’m here to show you how to get the most out of it by leveraging Kajabi templates. Kajabi offers three main types of templates: website, landing page, and product theme templates. These templates simplify the process of putting together your website, products, and landing pages efficiently.

Throughout this video, I will guide you through the use of these templates, how to export and import them, and where to find additional templates for purchase. Stay till the end, as I’ll also share tips on customizing templates and using the newest popup checkout templates. Let’s dive straight into my Kajabi account and explore these powerful tools together.

Key Takeaways

  • Kajabi templates help efficiently build websites, products, and landing pages.
  • Templates can be exported, imported, and customized to suit your needs.
  • Premium templates and new popup checkout templates are available for purchase.

Making the Most of Kajabi Templates

Advantages of Using Kajabi Templates

Using Kajabi templates can save you a lot of time in setting up your online business. These templates help you create websites, landing pages, and products quickly and efficiently. For example, Kajabi offers free templates in its store, and you can also buy and upload custom templates to tailor your site more specifically to your needs.

Here’s a brief look at the benefits:

  1. Time Savings: Templates speed up the process of building your website, products, and landing pages.
  2. Ease of Use: Exporting and importing templates is simple, whether it's for websites, products, or landing pages.
  3. Customization: You can customize templates to fit your brand and style without spending hours starting from scratch.

By utilizing these templates, you streamline your workflow, which lets you focus more on growing your business rather than spending too much time on setup.

Investigating Website Designs

Streamlined Homepage Design

In Kajabi, one of the key elements that can benefit you is the "Streamline Home" template, specifically under the Encore 1.4.3 version. This template allows me to create a clean and organized homepage. If you ever want to share this template with someone else, you can export it as a zip file by choosing the "export as a zip" option. While I prefer to customize it before sharing to avoid including personal details, it’s a useful feature. To do this, head to your email after exporting, download the zip file, and it's ready to be shared or used on another Kajabi site.

Sharing and Exporting Designs

Exporting and sharing designs in Kajabi is straightforward. If a colleague or friend passed you a zipped template file, you can easily upload it. After downloading the zip file from your email, navigate to your Kajabi dashboard. There, you'll find an option to upload the template from your device. Ensure the entire zip file remains intact during the upload process, as all components are necessary for it to function correctly. Once uploaded, it will appear under your saved designs, allowing you to activate it when ready.

Using Template Library

Kajabi's template library offers a variety of options for customization. You can access various free templates directly from the template store. If you prefer more specialized designs, you can purchase additional templates. To explore these options, go to the store section in Kajabi and browse through different design categories, including landing pages, websites, and product themes. It's a flexible way to find the right look for your projects, ensuring you have the tools to make your site unique and professional.

Organizing Stored Designs

Managing saved themes in Kajabi is convenient and efficient. Once you have your templates uploaded, they are stored under your saved themes section. You can easily switch between them as needed. For instance, if I develop a new homepage theme and want to test it, I save it under my saved themes. When it’s finalized, I simply flip the switch to make it my live theme. This function makes experimenting with different designs smooth and hassle-free.

Navigating Product Templates

Exporting Templates for Products

When you're in the Kajabi platform, you can export templates for your products. First, navigate to your product in the Kajabi dashboard. Look for the option to export the template. Click this option to export your template as a zip file.

This zip file contains all the elements of your template. If you want to share this template with someone, simply email them the file. It's important to note that I usually create a generic version of the template to share, without specific personal details. This way, it maintains the structure but ensures privacy.

Using the Installed Template Button

In your Kajabi account, there's also an installed template button. This feature allows you to upload templates. If someone has shared a zip file template with you, you can upload it using this button.

Start by saving the zip file to your computer. Then, return to your Kajabi dashboard and select Upload Template. Make sure to upload the entire zip file without extracting any components. After uploading, the template will appear under your saved themes. You can then customize and set it live when you're satisfied with the changes.

Using Landing Page Blueprints

Exporting Your Landing Page Blueprints

In Kajabi, you can easily export your landing page blueprints. This process involves creating a zip file of your blueprint. You can then share this zip file via email. The recipient will download the file and import it into their own Kajabi account.

To export a blueprint, navigate to your desired landing page and find the export option. Click on it, and your blueprint will be zipped and sent to your email address. Always remember to keep the file intact, as it contains all the necessary components for proper functionality.

Finding Kajabi's Ready-Made Blueprints

Kajabi also offers pre-made blueprints for landing pages. These are available directly in the platform, allowing you to select and use them immediately.

To access these, go to the landing pages section of Kajabi and click on "New Landing Page." This will display a range of blueprints categorized by different purposes, such as sales pages, podcasts, and creative projects. Start by choosing a blueprint that fits your needs, or use it as a starting point for your customizations.

Template Upload and Customization

Adding Website Templates

To begin with, head to the Kajabi dashboard. If you have a template file in a ZIP format, you can upload it directly. Look for the option to upload a template and select your ZIP file. This will import the entire template into your account. You will then find it under your saved templates.

Making Changes and Publishing

Once the template is uploaded, you can start customizing it. Click on the template to edit its design and content according to your needs. When you are satisfied with the changes, switch it to your live theme so it becomes visible to your visitors. Make sure every element is in place before making it live.

Buying High-Quality Templates

Finding Custom Templates for Your Use

Inside Kajabi, you can find various free templates. Just head to the store, browse, and select what you need. If you can't find a free one that fits, you can also buy extra templates. Look through different categories like websites, products, or landing pages and purchase the one you prefer. Once bought, download the template as a zip file and upload it to your Kajabi account.

Varieties of Premium Templates on Offer

Kajabi offers multiple types of high-quality templates for purchase. These include:

  • Website Templates: Customize your website's look and feel.
  • Product Templates: Design your courses and products.
  • Landing Page Templates: Set up sales pages and other landing pages.
  • Popup Checkout Templates: Create neat checkout popups for your users.

These premium templates can help you create a professional appearance and save time setting up your site or course.

New Popup Checkout Templates

One of the newest features is the popup checkout templates. These templates are meant to simplify the checkout process on your site. They work by allowing a quick and easy pop-up checkout window instead of a full-page redirect.

For those who are already selling templates, this new functionality is something to note. You can create and sell popup checkout templates just like you do with other templates in Kajabi.

Here’s a quick overview of how to use them:

  1. Find a Template You Like: Visit the template store and browse through the available popup checkout templates.
  2. Purchase and Download: Once you find a template that suits your needs, buy it and download the zip file.
  3. Upload to Kajabi: Head to your Kajabi dashboard, click on the relevant feature and upload the zip file.
  4. Customize and Go Live: Customize the template as you need, then set it live on your site.

Popup checkout templates are designed to make it easier for customers to complete their purchases without leaving the page they’re on. This seamless experience can lead to higher conversion rates and a better user experience. If you haven’t explored this feature yet, it’s definitely worth looking into.

Extra Tools

Extended Free Trial

If you're interested in Kajabi and want to test it out, I can help you get a special 30-day free trial. This is more than double the 14-day trial that's usually available. Just head to to sign up. This link is an affiliate link, which means if you decide to continue after the trial, a part of your payment helps support my channel.

Special Kajabi Course

When you sign up for the free trial, I will also give you access to a free course called Kajabi U. This course is designed to help you get the most out of Kajabi quickly. As soon as you start your trial, you'll receive this course automatically.

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