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Kajabi Membership Site Examples: Get Inspiration From Others (Day 19 of 30) Zero To Kajabi Hero

zero to kajabi hero Oct 19, 2023

As a Kajabi Hero and enthusiast, I have put together a program called Zero to Kajabi Hero to guide you through everything you need to know to become a Kajabi Hero and beyond. But before we dive into the training, I want to extend an offer of an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial that is available to the public.

By creating your account through, you can access a free course called Kajabi Unboxed, which provides you with all the necessary steps to take once you unbox your Kajabi account. If you stick around and become a paying member of Kajabi, I will grant you another course called Sales Page Templates, which you can download and upload into your Kajabi account.

If you're interested in starting your own community, I can provide you with some inspiration by showcasing examples of Kajabi communities and memberships that are currently in use. These communities are held within the Kajabi Communities structure, and they offer a variety of features such as welcome pages, landing pages, chat circles, and more. By building out your community, you can elicit engagement, deliver value, and host live calls with your members.

Key Takeaways

  • The Zero to Kajabi Hero program provides you with everything you need to know to become a Kajabi Hero and beyond.
  • By creating your Kajabi account through, you can access an extended 30-day trial and free courses such as Kajabi Unboxed and Sales Page Templates.
  • Kajabi communities offer a variety of features such as welcome pages, landing pages, chat circles, and more, which can be used to elicit engagement, deliver value, and host live calls with your members.

Kajabi Hero Definition

As a Kajabi Hero myself, I can confidently define a Kajabi Hero as anyone who has made at least $1,000 on the Kajabi platform. This is a significant milestone and an achievement worth celebrating.

To help others achieve this status, I have created a program called "Zero to Kajabi Hero." This program walks you through everything you need to know to get from where you are today to becoming a Kajabi Hero and beyond.

But before we dive into the training, I want to make you an offer. I am offering an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial available to the public. To take advantage of this offer, simply head on over to my website and create your account today. Once you've done this, I will automate a free course for you, which includes all the things you need to do immediately once you unbox your Kajabi account.

If you stick around at the end of the 30 days and become a paying member of Kajabi, I will grant you another course, which includes my sales page templates. You can download these templates in a theme and then upload them into your Kajabi account.

As a Kajabi Hero, I am a big fan of the Kajabi platform and the community that comes with it. The Kajabi community structure allows you to create membership sites and communities that can elicit engagement and deliver value to your audience.

To give you some inspiration, I will take you through some examples of Kajabi communities or memberships that are actually used today. These are all membership sites held within the Kajabi community structure, and they showcase what you can do with this product.

By building out your community or membership site, you can host a welcome page, build out a landing page with a video and community guidelines, and host it inside your community as a new page. You can also elicit engagement by hosting live calls, engaging within the chat, and delivering quality value.

Overall, becoming a Kajabi Hero is an achievable goal, and with the right tools and resources, you can get there.

Extended 30-Day Trial Offer

As a Kajabi Hero, I am excited to offer you an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi. This offer is over double the 14-day trial available to the public. To take advantage of this offer, simply head over to my website at and create your account today.

Once you have created your account, I will automate a free course for you called "Kajabi Unboxed". This course will guide you through the necessary steps to get started with your Kajabi account.

If you decide to become a paying member of Kajabi after the 30-day trial period, I will grant you another course called "Sales Page Templates". These templates can be easily downloaded and uploaded into your Kajabi account, saving you time and effort.

It's important to note that my link is an affiliate link, which means that part of your payment will come back to me in support of this channel at no extra cost to you.

Take advantage of this extended 30-day trial offer to experience the power of Kajabi for yourself and see why it's the go-to platform for online businesses.

Kajabi Unboxed Course

As a Kajabi Hero and fan, I have put together a program called Zero to Kajabi Hero that walks you through everything you need to know to become a Kajabi Hero and beyond. Before we dive into any training, I want to offer you my extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial that is available to the public. Simply head over to and create your account today. As soon as you've done this, I will automate you a free course called Kajabi Unboxed.

Kajabi Unboxed is a course that guides you through the things you need to do immediately once you unbox your Kajabi account. It is designed to give you inspiration and ideas on how to build out your community and membership sites using Kajabi's community structure. As you build out your community, you can use Kajabi Unboxed as a reference to create a welcome page, landing page, and video that showcase your community guidelines and meeting agenda.

Kajabi Unboxed also provides examples of various Kajabi communities and membership sites that you can build out. One example is the Kajabi Hero Live community, which was a live event held in Austin, Texas. The community was used to leverage the Kajabi live event and elicit engagement from members. It showcased the different chat circles, challenges, and real-life meetups that members could participate in. Another example is the Kajabi Partner Community, which is designed for partners to learn from each other and become better partners. The community has a welcome video, onboarding and assets information, and links out to other places. It also has a feed, different circles, and challenges to elicit engagement from members.

Lastly, there is the Kajabi Creator Studio, which is another good example of how to use a welcome page. It has a meet your host feature and links out to different resources. It also has feeds, different circles, challenges, and call recordings that members can participate in.

In summary, Kajabi Unboxed is a course that provides inspiration and ideas on how to build out your community and membership sites using Kajabi's community structure. It showcases various examples of Kajabi communities and membership sites that you can build out and elicit engagement from members.

Sales Page Templates Offer

As a Kajabi Hero, I want to offer you an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial that's available to the public. To get access, simply head on over to my website and create your account today. As soon as you've done this, I will automate you a free course called "Kajabi Unboxed." These are the things that you need to do immediately once you unbox your Kajabi account.

If you stick around at the end of that 30 days to become a paying member of Kajabi and know it and love it like I do, I will grant you another course. It's my sales page templates, which you can just download in a theme and then upload them into your Kajabi account.

This is an affiliate link, and all that means is part of your payment will come back to me in support of this channel at no extra cost to you. So, take advantage of this offer and start building your sales pages with ease.

Starting Your Own Community

If you're looking to start your own community, there are several examples of successful communities that you can draw inspiration from. All of these communities are built within the Kajabi platform, and they showcase the different ways in which you can use the community feature to engage with your audience and deliver value.

One example is the Kajabi Hero Live community, which was built around a live event in Austin, Texas. The community included a welcome page with a video, community guidelines, and a meeting agenda. It also had different chat circles for general event questions, hero chat, in-real-life meetups, and expert Q&A. The community was used to leverage the Kajabi Live event and to elicit engagement from attendees.

Another example is the Creator Challenge community, which was built to get people excited about the new community feature. The community included homework, check-in calls, and recordings of meetups. It also had leaderboards, social icons, and member profiles to help members connect with each other.

The Kajabi Partner Community is another example of a successful community that you can draw inspiration from. This community was built for Kajabi partners to learn from each other and become better partners. It includes a welcome video, onboarding and assets information, links to other resources, member wins, and community callouts. The community also has virtual meetups, challenges, and recordings of live rooms.

Lastly, the Kajabi Creator Studio is a new feature that you can use to build your community. It includes a welcome page with a host introduction and instructions on how to get started. The community also has feeds, circles, challenges, meetups, and call recordings.

Overall, these examples showcase the different ways in which you can use the Kajabi community feature to engage with your audience and deliver value. Whether you're hosting live events, challenges, or virtual meetups, there are many ways to build a successful community within the Kajabi platform.

Kajabi Hero Live Community Example

As a Kajabi Hero, I have had the opportunity to explore the Kajabi communities and memberships that are currently being used. In this section, I will provide examples of how the Kajabi community structure can be used to create engaging and valuable membership sites.

One example is the Kajabi Hero Live community, which was created for the Kajabi Live event held in Austin, Texas. The community includes a welcome page with a video, community guidelines, and a meeting agenda. The chat circles include General event questions, hero chat, in real life meetups, and more. The challenges include introducing yourself, finding a friend, sharing your tips, and sharing your key takeaways. The community also encourages members to join the community on Facebook.

Another example is the Creator Challenge community, which was created to get people excited about the new community feature. The community includes a challenge, homework, check-in calls, and more. Members can view recordings of the meetups and participate in different challenges. The community also includes social icons, leaderboards, and member profiles.

The Kajabi Partner community is another example of a valuable membership site. As a Kajabi partner, members can promote Kajabi and learn from other partners. The community includes a welcome video, onboarding and assets information, links to other resources, member wins, and more. The community also includes virtual meetups, Power Hour recordings, and different challenges.

Lastly, the Kajabi Creator Studio is a new function that can be used to create a membership site. The community includes a welcome page, meet your host, how to get started with Creator Studio, and more. Members can participate in challenges, share their wins, and attend live calls. The community also includes recordings of the live calls.

These examples demonstrate how the Kajabi community structure can be used to create engaging and valuable membership sites. By hosting live calls, encouraging member engagement, and providing valuable resources, Kajabi users can create successful membership sites that deliver quality value to their members.

Creator Challenge Community Example

As a Kajabi Hero, I have had the opportunity to explore and learn about various Kajabi communities and memberships. In this section, I will provide some examples of how these communities are structured and how they can be used to engage members and deliver value.

One example is the Kajabi Hero Live community, which was created for a live event in Austin, Texas. The community included a welcome page with a video, community guidelines, and a meeting agenda. The chat circles were used for general event questions, hero chat, in-real-life meetups, and expert Q&A. The community was also used to leverage the Kajabi Live event and encourage members to join the community on Facebook.

Another example is the Creator Challenge community, which was created to get people excited about the new community feature. The community included homework, check-in calls, and recordings of meetups. Members could find each other using social icons and participate in challenges to learn more about the community function.

The Kajabi Partner community is another example of a membership using the Kajabi community function. This community was created for Kajabi partners to learn from each other and become better partners. It included a welcome video, onboarding and assets information, links out to other places, member wins, and community callouts. The community also had virtual meetups, recordings of Power Hours or live rooms, and different challenges for members to participate in.

Lastly, the Kajabi Creator Studio is a new function that can be used as a membership community. It includes a welcome page with a meet your host feature, how-to-help information, and links out. The community also has feeds to elicit engagement, circles on the left-hand side, challenges, meetups, and call recordings.

These examples should give you some inspiration for how you can build out your own Kajabi community and use it to engage members and deliver value. Remember, you can host calls, get as much engagement as possible, and deliver quality value to your members.

Kajabi Partner Community Example

As a Kajabi Hero and fan, I have put together a program called "Zero to Kajabi Hero" to guide you through everything you need to know to become a Kajabi Hero and beyond. Before we dive into the training, let me make you an offer. I am offering an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial available to the public. To access this trial, simply head over to my website and create your account today. Once you have done this, I will automate a free course for you called "Kajabi Unboxed." These are the things that you need to do immediately once you unbox your Kajabi account.

If you have decided to start your own community, I am going to take you through some examples of communities or membership sites that are held within the Kajabi Community structure. As you build out your community, I will show you some examples of what you can do to elicit engagement and deliver value.

One example of a membership using a Kajabi Community function is the Kajabi Partner Community. If you subscribe to Kajabi, you can sign up to become a partner and promote Kajabi. The aim of this community is to elicit engagement from partners and to learn from each other how to become a better partner. The community has a welcome video, onboarding and assets information, links out to other places, community callouts, and member wins. The feed has different circles, meetups, recordings of power hours or live rooms, and challenges that you can participate in.

Overall, these examples showcase how Kajabi's Community function can be used to elicit engagement and deliver value to your members. With features such as welcome pages, feeds, circles, meetups, and challenges, you can build out your community and engage with your members as much as possible.

Kajabi Creator Studio Community Example

As a Kajabi Hero, I have had the opportunity to explore and learn about the various communities and memberships that are available on the platform. In this section, I will walk you through some examples of Kajabi communities that are currently being used, to give you inspiration and ideas for your own online business.

All of the examples I will be sharing are membership sites held within Kajabi's community structure. To access these communities, simply head to the "Products" tab and select "Community" to get started.

One example of a Kajabi community is the Kajabi Hero Live community, which was created for a live event in Austin, Texas. This community includes a welcome page with a video, community guidelines, and a meeting agenda. The chat circles within the community include General Event Questions, Hero Chat, Real Life Meetups, and more. The community also includes challenges and expert Q&A sessions. This community was used to leverage the Kajabi Live event and to engage with members in a meaningful way.

Another example is the Kajabi Partner Community, which is designed for Kajabi partners to promote the platform and learn from each other. This community includes a welcome video, onboarding and assets information, and links to other resources. The community also features call recordings, virtual meetups, and challenges to encourage engagement and learning.

The Kajabi Creator Studio is another great example of a community that utilizes a welcome page to introduce members to the community and its features. This community includes feeds to encourage engagement, circles on the left-hand side for easy navigation, and challenges to encourage members to introduce themselves and share their wins. The community also includes call recordings and meetups, which are hosted within the community itself.

These are just a few examples of the many communities and memberships available on Kajabi. By utilizing the community function, you can engage with your audience, deliver value, and build a strong and loyal following. I hope these examples have given you inspiration and ideas for your own community.

Building Out Your Community

If you're looking to start your own online community, there are many examples of successful communities and membership sites within the Kajabi platform that you can draw inspiration from. As a Kajabi Hero, I have seen firsthand the power of building a strong community to support your online business.

To get started, head to the Products tab and select Community to begin building out your community. As you build, consider incorporating some of the following elements to encourage engagement and deliver value to your members:

  • Welcome Page: Create a landing page within your Kajabi account that includes a welcome video, community guidelines, and a meeting agenda. This page can serve as a central hub for new members to get started and learn more about your community.

  • Chat Circles: Use chat circles to facilitate discussions around specific topics or challenges. For example, you could create circles for General Event Questions, Hero Chat, Real Life Meetups, or Ask the Expert.

  • Challenges: Encourage members to participate in challenges that promote engagement and learning. This could include homework assignments, check-in calls, or other interactive activities.

  • Meetups: Host live calls or virtual meetups to connect with your community and provide additional value. Recordings of these meetups can be shared within your community for those who couldn't attend live.

  • Social Icons: Make it easy for members to connect with each other outside of your community by including links to social media profiles or other online platforms.

Some examples of successful Kajabi communities include the Kajabi Hero Live community, which was created for an in-person event in Austin, Texas, and the Kajabi Partner Community, which is designed to help partners promote Kajabi and learn from each other. The Kajabi Creator Studio is another great example of a community that uses a welcome page, chat circles, challenges, and meetups to engage members and deliver value.

As you build out your own community, keep in mind that engagement and value are key. By creating a strong community that supports your online business, you can build a loyal following and achieve success as a Kajabi Hero.


In this article, I have presented various examples of Kajabi communities or memberships that are currently being used. These examples are meant to inspire and guide online business owners in building their own communities within the Kajabi platform.

The Kajabi communities structure offers a range of features, including welcome pages, landing pages, video hosting, chat circles, and social icons. These features can be used to elicit engagement and deliver value to community members.

Some of the examples discussed in this article include the Kajabi Hero Live community, the Creator Challenge community, the Kajabi Partner community, and the Kajabi Creator Studio community. Each of these communities utilizes different features to engage members and deliver value.

Overall, building a Kajabi community or membership can be a valuable asset for online business owners. By leveraging the features of the Kajabi platform, business owners can create engaging and valuable communities that can help grow their business.

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