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Kajabi Lead Magnet: How To Capture Your First Leads Using Kajabi (Day 5 of 30) Zero To Kajabi Hero

zero to kajabi hero Oct 05, 2023

In this article, I will be sharing my knowledge and expertise on Kajabi lead magnets. My goal is to guide you through the process of setting up your first lead magnet, so you can start capturing leads within your platform. As a Kajabi hero, I have created the program Zero to Kajabi Hero to help you get from where you are today to a Kajabi hero and beyond.

Before we dive into the training, I want to make you an offer. I am offering an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial available to the public. By creating your account today, you will receive a free course on Kajabi basics. If you become a paying member of Kajabi after the trial period, I will grant you another course on sales page templates. Now, let's get started on creating your lead magnet.

Key Takeaways

  • Setting up a lead magnet requires creating landing pages, forms, and automations to give something free in exchange for an email address.
  • Testing the entire system is crucial to ensure it works properly.
  • Offering further products and directing leads to a thank you page can increase conversion rates.

Understanding Kajabi Lead Magnets

In this section, I'll be covering everything you need to know about Kajabi lead magnets. A lead magnet is a series of systems that includes landing pages, forms, and automations that allow you to offer something for free in exchange for someone's email address.

To set up your first lead magnet, you'll need to create a landing page and a form. You can either use the default form that comes with your Kajabi account or create a new one. When someone fills out the form, you'll need to add an automation to send them an email with a link to your free guide.

To make sure your lead magnet is effective, it's important to test all the systems and funnels to ensure they work properly. You can do this by clicking on the call to action button and previewing the landing page and form.

When someone fills out the form and downloads your free guide, you can direct them to a thank you page or offer them something else, such as a discounted product or additional training.

Overall, creating a lead magnet is a simple process that can help you capture more leads and grow your business. With Kajabi, you can easily set up landing pages, forms, and automations to deliver your free offer and start building your email list.

Setting Up Your First Lead Magnet

In this section, I will walk you through the process of setting up your first lead magnet on Kajabi. A lead magnet is a system of landing pages, forms, and automations designed to give something valuable to your audience in exchange for their email address. Follow these steps to create your lead magnet:

  1. Open the landing page you want to use as your lead magnet. You can do this by clicking on the call-to-action button that you want your audience to click on. From there, you can either copy the landing page URL or select the landing page from a list of your landing pages.

  2. Edit the form to deliver the lead magnet. Go to the "Forms" section under "Marketing" and select the default form in your Kajabi account. Use a single opt-in and only require the user's email address. Add an automation to the form that sends an email to the user with a link to download the lead magnet. You can upload the lead magnet file or attach a URL to it.

  3. Test your lead magnet system. Preview your form and make sure it delivers the lead magnet as intended. You can also send yourself a test email to see what it looks like from the user's perspective.

  4. Create a thank-you page. After the user fills out the form, they should be directed to a thank-you page that confirms their email address and offers them something else. You can offer them a discount on a product or service, or direct them to another landing page.

Remember to test all of your systems and funnels to make sure they work and don't break over time. By following these steps, you can set up your first lead magnet on Kajabi and start capturing leads for your business.

Creating An Affiliate Link

In this section, I will walk you through the process of creating an affiliate link on Kajabi. An affiliate link is a unique URL that you can share with your audience to promote a product or service and earn a commission on any sales made through that link.

To create an affiliate link, first, you need to sign up for Kajabi's affiliate program. Once you've done that, you can generate your unique affiliate link for any product or service you want to promote.

To do this, simply log in to your Kajabi account and navigate to the product or service you want to promote. Click on the "Affiliates" tab and then click on "Generate Link." You will then be given a unique URL that you can share with your audience.

It's important to note that any sales made through your affiliate link will result in a commission for you. So it's important to promote products and services that you truly believe in and that will provide value to your audience.

In summary, creating an affiliate link on Kajabi is a simple process that can help you earn a commission on any sales made through that link. Just remember to promote products and services that you truly believe in and that will provide value to your audience.

Building The Landing Page

As a Kajabi hero, I have extensive experience in creating lead magnets that capture leads inside the platform. In this section, I will walk you through the process of building a landing page for your lead magnet.

First, navigate to the landing page you want to work on and open it in a new tab. You can do this by clicking on the call-to-action button or by copying the landing page URL.

Next, you need to edit the form to deliver the lead magnet. Go to the marketing section and click on forms. Select the default form in your Kajabi account and click into it. I recommend using a single opt-in and only asking for the person's email address.

Once you have edited the form, you need to add an automation. When someone fills out the form, what do you want them to do? In this case, you want to send them an email with a link to your lead magnet. You can upload the file to Amazon AWS and add the URL to the email.

I suggest targeting a new window so that the lead magnet pops out in a new window. You can also make the link bold or add other formatting to make it stand out.

After editing the form, you should test it to make sure it delivers the lead magnet as intended. You can also send yourself a test email to see what it looks like.

Finally, you can create a bespoke thank you page to direct people to after they download the lead magnet. This page can offer them something else, such as a discounted product or more information about your business.

Overall, building a landing page for your lead magnet is a simple process that can help you capture more leads inside Kajabi.

Testing The Call To Action Button

As we create our lead magnet, it is crucial to test the call to action button. This button is what prompts our potential leads to take action and provide us with their email address.

To test the call to action button, we can click on it and either go to a URL or select a landing page from a series of our landing pages. It is important to select the page instead of copying the URL so that it will still work even if the URL changes over time.

Once we have selected the landing page, we need to edit the form to deliver the lead magnet to the potential lead. We can do this by going to the default form in our Kajabi account and adding an automation to send an email with a link to the lead magnet.

It is important to test all systems and funnels to ensure that they do not break over time. We can do this by clicking on the call to action button, filling out the form, and checking to see if the lead magnet is delivered. We can also edit the copy and title of the form to make it bespoke to us.

By testing the call to action button and the form, we can ensure that our lead magnet is working effectively and efficiently in capturing potential leads.

Creating The Form

To create a lead magnet, we need to set up a series of systems such as landing pages, forms, and automations to give someone a free thing in exchange for their email address.

First, we need to edit the form to deliver the guide once someone fills it out. We can go to the marketing section and click on forms. We can use a single opt-in and choose whether or not to ask for their name. We can then add an automation that sends an email with a link to the free guide. We can upload the guide and target a new window for it to pop out. We can also customize the copy and title of the form.

Next, we can test the form by sending ourselves a test email and clicking on the link to make sure it delivers the guide. We can also edit the copy on the landing page and make sure it's bespoke to us.

We can also create a bespoke thank you page and direct people to it after they fill out the form. We can offer them something else on the thank you page, such as a one-time offer or a discounted product.

Overall, creating a lead magnet involves setting up landing pages, forms, and automations to give someone a free thing in exchange for their email address. We can customize the form and landing page copy to make it unique to us and test the system to make sure it works.

Adding Automations to Form

To create a lead magnet on Kajabi, you need to set up a series of systems, including landing pages, forms, and automations. Once you have created your landing page, you can work on the form that will capture your leads' email addresses.

To edit the form, go to the "Marketing" section and click on "Forms". The default form in your Kajabi account will appear. Clicking on the form will allow you to edit it and choose whether you want to use a single opt-in or double opt-in.

You can customize the form and choose which fields you want to include. If you are offering a free item, you may only need to ask for the lead's name and email address. Once you have customized the form, save it and add an automation.

The automation will determine what happens after someone fills out the form. You can choose to send them an email with a link to your free guide or offer. To do this, you need to upload a file to your Kajabi account and then add the file's URL to the automation.

You can then customize the email that will be sent to the lead, thanking them for their interest and providing them with the link to the free item. You can also customize the thank you page that the lead will see after filling out the form.

It is important to test all of your systems and funnels to ensure that they work properly. You can test your form by filling it out yourself and seeing what page you are directed to. You can also send a test email to yourself to see what the lead will receive.

By following these steps, you can create a lead magnet on Kajabi that will help you capture leads and grow your business.

Testing The Form

As I mentioned earlier, a lead magnet is a series of systems that include landing pages, forms, and automations to give someone a free thing in exchange for their email address. To ensure that the lead magnet is working properly, we need to test the form that delivers the free guide to the user.

To do this, we first need to edit the form by going to the "Marketing" tab and clicking on "Forms." The default form in your Kajabi account will appear, and you can click into it to edit it. I prefer to use a single opt-in and sometimes skip the name field if I'm giving away something for free. After making any necessary changes, hit "Save."

Next, we need to add an automation that will send an email to the user with a link to download the free guide. You can copy the email template provided or create your own. Make sure to upload the file you want to deliver and target a new window to ensure that it pops up in a new tab. Once you've finished, click "Save."

To test the form, type in your email and click "Download." This will take you to a default landing page, which is not ideal. To improve this, I suggest building out a bespoke thank you page and directing users there instead. Once you've created the thank you page, you can put the URL in the "Thank You Page" section of the form.

It's important to test all of your systems and funnels regularly to ensure that they are working correctly. By following these steps, you can be confident that your lead magnet is functioning properly and delivering the free guide to your users.

Creating A Thank You Page

In this section, I will guide you on how to create a thank you page for your lead magnet. A lead magnet is a free offer that you give to your website visitors in exchange for their email address. Once they fill out the form on your landing page, they will receive the free offer and be redirected to a thank you page.

To create a thank you page, you need to edit the default form in your Kajabi account. Under the Marketing section, click on Forms and select the default form. I prefer to use a single opt-in and only ask for the visitor's email address. Once you have edited the form, add an automation to send an email to the visitor with a link to your free offer.

You can upload your free offer to Amazon AWS and attach the link to the email. I suggest targeting a new window, so it pops out in a new window. You can also make the download link bold or customize it to your preference.

After editing the form, you can test it by typing in your email and clicking download. The form should deliver the free offer, and you should be redirected to the thank you page.

I recommend building a bespoke thank you page and hosting it as your thank you page. You can direct visitors to the thank you page or offer them something else. Once you have built the bespoke thank you page, you can add the URL to the thank you page section of the form.

In conclusion, creating a thank you page is an essential part of your lead magnet strategy. It helps you deliver the free offer and provides an opportunity to offer something else to your visitors. With Kajabi, it's easy to create a thank you page by editing the default form and adding an automation.

Redirecting To The Thank You Page

When a visitor fills out the form on the landing page to download the lead magnet, they will be redirected to a thank you page. However, it is recommended to create a bespoke thank you page that is hosted on Kajabi. This will allow you to offer something else to the visitor and keep them engaged.

To set up the redirection, go to the form in the Marketing section of your Kajabi account. Under the Automation tab, select "Send an email" and attach the lead magnet to the email. Then, add a link to the thank you page in the email.

It is important to test the system to ensure that the form delivers the lead magnet and the redirection to the thank you page works properly. You can also customize the thank you page and add more offers to keep your visitors engaged.

By following these steps, you can create a successful lead magnet that captures leads and keeps your visitors engaged with your content.

Offering Further Products

As a Kajabi Hero, I want to offer you my extended 30-day trial of Kajabi. This is over double the 14-day trial that's available to the public. You can get access simply by heading on over to my website and creating your account today. As soon as you've done this, I will automate a free course called "Kajabi Unboxed" for you. These are the things that you need to do immediately once you unbox your Kajabi account.

If you stick around at the end of that 30 days to become a paying member of Kajabi and know it and love it like I do, I will grant you another course. It's my sales page templates that you can just download in a theme and then upload them into your Kajabi account.

Remember, this is an affiliate link, and all that means is part of your payment will come back to me in support of this channel at no extra cost to you.

Once you have your Kajabi account, you can start putting together a lead magnet. A lead magnet is just a series of systems in terms of landing pages, forms, and automations to actually give someone a free thing in response to them giving you their email address.

To set up your lead magnet, you need to create a landing page and a form. You can select from a series of your landing pages to ensure that the URL changes don't affect your page. Once someone fills out the form, you can send them an email with a link to your free guide.

Make sure to test all these systems and funnels so that it doesn't break over time. You can also build out a second landing page and host it as your thank you page. This will allow you to offer something to your visitors and direct them to your product or service.

Overall, setting up a lead magnet is a great way to capture leads and grow your business. With Kajabi, you have all the tools you need to create a successful lead magnet and drive more traffic to your website.

Testing The Entire System

As a Kajabi Hero, I understand the importance of testing the entire system to ensure that everything runs smoothly. In this section, I will walk you through the process of testing your lead magnet system, including landing pages, forms, and automations.

First, you need to create a landing page that offers your lead magnet. You can select a landing page from a series of your landing pages, which will ensure that the URL remains the same and does not break over time. Once you have created your landing page, you need to edit the form to deliver the lead magnet. I recommend using a single opt-in and only asking for the user's email address. Then, add an automation to send the user an email with a link to the lead magnet.

To test the system, you can fill out the form with your own email address and click on the download link. This will take you to a default thank you page, but you can create a bespoke thank you page to direct users to an offer or product. You can also test the system by sending yourself a test email and checking that the lead magnet is delivered.

It is important to test all of your systems and funnels to ensure that they work properly. By following these steps, you can be confident that your lead magnet system is functioning correctly and is ready to capture your first leads.


In this video, I have covered everything about Kajabi lead magnets. I have shown how to set up the first lead magnet to capture the first leads inside the platform. As a Kajabi hero, I have put together a program called Zero to Kajabi Hero to walk and talk you through everything you need to know to get from where you are today to Kajabi hero and beyond.

To create a lead magnet, we need to set up a series of systems such as landing pages, forms, and automations to give someone a free thing in response to them giving you their email address. We have learned how to edit the form to deliver the guide and how to send an email with a link to the free guide.

We have also learned how to create a bespoke thank you page and position something on the next page to offer something for free, whether it's free training and audio, a downloadable PDF, or something else. It's important to test all these systems and funnels to ensure they don't break over time.

By following the steps and techniques presented in this video, you can create effective lead magnets and capture more leads for your business.

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