FREE Workshop

Kajabi Integrations: Which Ones Are Essential Or Just Nice To Have (Day 6 of 30) Zero To Kajabi Hero

zero to kajabi hero Oct 06, 2023

As a Kajabi Hero, I've had the opportunity to explore and experiment with various integrations within the platform. In this article, I'll be sharing my insights on which integrations are must-haves, nice-to-haves, and those that you should avoid altogether.

Before we dive into the specifics, I'd like to extend an exclusive offer to my readers - an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi. This offer is double the length of the public trial and includes access to my free course, Kajabi Unboxed. Simply head over to to create your account and get started.

Kajabi Hero Program

As a Kajabi Hero, I want to share with you the essential Integrations that you need to use in your account. These Integrations will help you get from where you are today to becoming a Kajabi Hero and beyond.

First and foremost, the main essential Integration you need is linking your purchased domain to Kajabi. You can use Kajabi's Cloudflare account or set up your own Cloudflare account. Once you have done this, you can set up your domain by following Kajabi's how-to guide.

Next, you need to set up your payment Integrations. Currently, Kajabi payments are being rolled out, but if you're in other areas of the world, you can set up Stripe and PayPal. However, if you can use Kajabi payments, I recommend using it because it has Apple Pay and Google Pay. You will need to create an account and provide your bank details to set up Kajabi payments.

Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel are also essential Integrations that you should use. Google Analytics will help you track your website traffic, while Facebook Pixel will help you with advertising and retargeting.

If you're using any third-party Integrations like Aweber, MailChimp, Drip, ConvertKit, or ActiveCampaign, you can connect them to your Kajabi account by going to the third-party Integrations section in the settings.

In conclusion, these are the essential Integrations that you need to set up in your Kajabi account. If you need help with any of the Integrations, Kajabi provides a walkthrough guide on how to set them up. Remember, you need to have a way for people to pay you, track your website traffic, and advertise your business.

Extended 30-Day Trial Offer

As a Kajabi hero, I am excited to offer you an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi. This offer is over double the 14-day trial available to the public. To access this offer, simply head over to my website at and create your account today. Once you have created your account, I will automate a free course called "Kajabi Unboxed" for you. This course will walk you through everything you need to do immediately once you unbox your account.

If you stick around at the end of the 30 days and become a paying member of Kajabi, I will grant you another course. This course is my sales page templates that you can download in a theme and upload into your Kajabi account. This is an affiliate link, and part of your payment will come back to me in support of this channel at no extra cost to you.

Take advantage of this extended trial offer and start your journey to becoming a Kajabi hero today.

Affiliate Link Disclosure

As a Kajabi hero and fan, I want to share with you the essential and nice-to-have integrations that you should be using in your account. Before we dive into the training, I want to offer you my extended 30-day trial of Kajabi. By creating your account through my affiliate link at, you can access the trial and receive my free course, Kajabi Unboxed, which guides you through everything you need to do once you unbox your account.

I want to disclose that this is an affiliate link, and part of your payment will come back to me in support of this channel at no extra cost to you.

Moving on to the integrations, the main essential integration is the domain. Once you've purchased a domain, you can link it up with Kajabi by following their how-to's. You can either have a Cloudflare account or use Kajabi's Cloudflare account.

In addition to the domain integration, you will need to set up payment integrations. Currently, Kajabi payments are being rolled out, and if you are in the US, you can use it. Otherwise, you can use Stripe and PayPal or other providers. I recommend using Kajabi payments if you can because it has Apple Pay and Google Pay.

Third-party integrations such as Aweber, MailChimp, Drip, ConvertKit, and ActiveCampaign can be connected to your Kajabi account through the third-party integrations section in settings.

Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel are two other integrations that I recommend using. Open a Google Analytics account and grab the code for your website. Then paste it into Kajabi's Google Analytics section. Similarly, get your Facebook Pixel code and integrate it with Kajabi.

If you are struggling with any of the integrations, Kajabi provides walkthroughs on how to do it. Just click on the magnifying glass and search for what you need.

In summary, the essential integrations are the domain and payment integrations, while third-party integrations, Google Analytics, and Facebook Pixel are nice-to-have. Remember to set up your payment integrations to collect money from your customers.

Essential Kajabi Integrations

As a Kajabi hero, I have identified the essential integrations that every Kajabi user should have. These integrations are necessary to ensure smooth operations and maximize your online business potential.

The first essential integration is linking your purchased domain with Kajabi. This can be done easily by following Kajabi's how-to guide. You can use Kajabi's Cloudflare account or your own Cloudflare account to host your domain.

The second essential integration is payment integration. Kajabi Payments is recommended as it offers Apple Pay and Google Pay. However, if it is not available in your country, you can use Stripe or PayPal. This integration is crucial to receive payments from your customers.

The third essential integration is Google Analytics. This allows you to track your website's performance and make data-driven decisions. You can open a Google Analytics account and paste the code into Kajabi's settings.

The fourth essential integration is the Facebook pixel. This is important if you plan to do any advertising or retargeting. You can get your Facebook pixel code and integrate it into Kajabi's settings.

If you are using any third-party integrations such as Aweber, MailChimp, Drip, ConvertKit, or ActiveCampaign, you can connect them to Kajabi through the third-party integrations section.

In conclusion, these essential integrations are necessary to ensure smooth operations and maximize your online business potential. Make sure to set them up correctly to receive payments, track your website's performance, and do any advertising or retargeting.

Domain Integration

As a Kajabi user, it's important to know which integrations are necessary and which ones are optional. One of the essential integrations is linking your domain to your Kajabi account. This can be done by going to your domain settings and following Kajabi's step-by-step instructions. You can either use Kajabi's Cloudflare account or set up your own Cloudflare account.

Apart from domain integration, there are other integrations that you may need. For example, you need to set up payment integrations to receive payments from your customers. Kajabi Payments is a great option if it's available in your country. If not, you can use Stripe or PayPal.

Other integrations that you may want to consider include third-party integrations like Aweber, MailChimp, Drip, ConvertKit, or ActiveCampaign. These can be connected to your Kajabi account by going to the third-party integrations section in your settings.

Additionally, you may want to integrate Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel for advertising and retargeting purposes. You can find step-by-step instructions on how to do this by clicking on the magnifying glass icon in your settings and searching for the integration you need.

Overall, it's important to have the necessary integrations set up in your Kajabi account to ensure smooth operations of your online business.

Payment Integrations

As a Kajabi Hero, I know which integrations are essential and which ones are just nice to have. When it comes to payment integrations, there are a few that you simply can't go without.

The first and most important integration is your domain. Once you have purchased your domain, you can easily link it up with Kajabi by following the steps in their how-to guide. You can either use Kajabi's Cloudflare account or set up your own.

In terms of payment integrations, Kajabi Payments is the most convenient option. It includes Apple Pay and Google Pay, and is essentially the same as Stripe. If Kajabi Payments is not available in your country, you can still use Stripe or PayPal.

Other integrations that you should consider include Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel. These are useful for tracking your website traffic and retargeting ads. If you are using any third-party integrations like Aweber, MailChimp, Drip, ConvertKit, or ActiveCampaign, you can easily connect them to your Kajabi account in the Third-Party Integrations section.

If you ever have trouble with any of these integrations, Kajabi offers helpful walkthroughs and guides to help you connect them. Remember, setting up your payment integrations is essential for collecting money from your customers.

Third-Party Integrations

As a Kajabi Hero, I've learned which integrations are essential and which ones are just nice to have. When it comes to third-party integrations, there are a few that you definitely need to set up in order to make the most of your Kajabi account.

First and foremost, you'll need to set up your domain. This is the biggest and most essential integration, and you can either use Kajabi's Cloudflare account or set up your own. Once you've purchased your domain, head over to your domain settings and follow Kajabi's how-to guides to link it up with your Kajabi account.

Next up, you'll need to set up your payment integrations. Kajabi Payments is the best option if it's available in your country, as it includes Apple Pay and Google Pay. If not, you can use Stripe and PayPal. Just follow the wizard to connect your account and start accepting payments.

If you're using any third-party integrations like Aweber, MailChimp, Drip, ConvertKit, or ActiveCampaign, you'll need to connect them to your Kajabi account. Just head to your third-party integrations settings and follow the walkthroughs to connect them.

Google Analytics is another essential integration, especially if you're doing any kind of advertising or retargeting. Just open up a Google Analytics account, grab the code for your website, and paste it into your Kajabi account.

Finally, if you're doing any advertising or retargeting on Facebook, you'll need to set up your Facebook pixel. Just grab the pixel code and follow Kajabi's how-to guides to integrate it into your account.

Overall, these third-party integrations are essential to making the most of your Kajabi account. By setting them up, you'll be able to seamlessly connect with your audience and grow your online business.

Setting Up Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel

As a Kajabi user, there are several integrations that you should consider setting up to optimize your online business. In this section, I will walk you through the essential integrations, the nice-to-haves, and the ones you can do without.

First and foremost, setting up your domain is the most crucial integration. Once you have purchased a domain, head over to your domain settings and link it up with Kajabi. You can use Kajabi's Cloudflare account or have your own Cloudflare account. Follow the steps outlined in Kajabi's how-to guide to set up your domain.

Next, you need to set up your payment integrations. Kajabi payments are being rolled out, and if you're in the US, you can use it. If not, you can set up Stripe and PayPal. However, if you can use Kajabi payments, I highly recommend it. It has Apple Pay and Google Pay, and it's the same as Stripe.

Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel are two integrations that you should consider setting up. Google Analytics is essential if you're doing any kind of advertising or retargeting, and Facebook Pixel is useful for retargeting. To set them up, open a Google Analytics account and grab the code for your website. Then, paste it into Kajabi. Similarly, get your Facebook Pixel code and integrate it into Kajabi. If you need help, Kajabi provides walkthroughs on how to do it.

Lastly, if you're using any third-party integrations like Aweber, MailChimp, Drip, ConvertKit, or ActiveCampaign, you can connect them to your Kajabi account under the Third-Party Integrations tab in the Settings.

In summary, setting up your domain, payment integrations, Google Analytics, and Facebook Pixel are essential integrations for your Kajabi account. Follow the steps provided by Kajabi's how-to guides to set them up.

Conclusion and Offer Recap

As a Kajabi Hero, I have put together a program to guide you through everything you need to know to become a Kajabi Hero and beyond. Before we dive into the training, I would like to offer you my extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial available to the public. To access this offer, simply create your account today by heading over to Once you've done this, I will automate you a free course, Kajabi Unboxed, which will guide you through the things you need to do immediately once you unbox your account.

If you stick around at the end of that 30 days to become a paying member of Kajabi, I will grant you another course, my Sales Page Templates, which you can download and upload into your Kajabi account. This is an affiliate link, and part of your payment will come back to me in support of this channel at no extra cost to you.

Now, let's discuss the Kajabi integrations you should be using in your account. The essential integration is the domain, which you can link up with Kajabi by following the steps outlined in their how-to guide. You can either use Kajabi's Cloudflare account or set up your own.

Another essential integration is the payment integration, which you need to set up to have a way for somebody to pay you. If you are in the US, you can use Kajabi payments, which has Apple Pay and Google Pay. Otherwise, you can use Stripe and PayPal or other providers.

You can also use third-party integrations like Aweber, MailChimp, Drip, ConvertKit, or ActiveCampaign by connecting them to your Kajabi account. If you're doing any kind of advertising or retargeting, you should use Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel.

If you're struggling with any of the integrations, you can click on the little magnifying glass and find a walkthrough on how to connect them. Remember, the payment integration is a must-have, and you should also consider using Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel for your online business.

I hope you found value in this training, and if you haven't already, claim your free account by heading to and look for that free mini-course. If you become a paying member, reach out to me at [email protected], and I'll grant you that second mini-course, which involves the sales page templates. Thank you for watching, and I look forward to seeing you on another video soon.

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