FREE Workshop

How To Use Kajabi To Host Your Entire Online Business (Day 2 of 30) Zero To Kajabi Hero

zero to kajabi hero Oct 02, 2023

As a Kajabi Hero, I've built my entire online business using this powerful platform. In this article, I'll share with you some key insights into how to use Kajabi to grow and scale your own online business.

First, I'll provide an overview of what Kajabi is and how it works. Then, I'll walk you through the steps to become a Kajabi Hero yourself, including setting up your account and site settings, connecting your domain, and customizing site details. Finally, I'll share some tips on how to build your online business using Kajabi, and offer a special extended 30-day trial of Kajabi to help you get started.

Key Takeaways

  • Kajabi is a powerful platform for building and growing an online business.
  • Becoming a Kajabi Hero involves setting up your account and site settings, connecting your domain, and customizing site details.
  • With Kajabi, you can build and scale your online business in a variety of ways, from courses and coaching to memberships and more.

Understanding Kajabi

As a Kajabi hero, I have built my entire online business using this platform. Kajabi is an all-in-one platform that allows you to host your entire online business. You can use it to create courses, coaching programs, memberships, and more.

To get started with Kajabi, you need to first set up your domain. If you haven't purchased a domain yet, you can do so through Kajabi's domain setup process. Once you have your domain set up, you can start customizing your site settings and account settings.

In the site details section, you can fill out your general information and choose a homepage option. Kajabi also allows you to add branding elements such as a social image, favicon, and color palette to your site. You can also add a profile image and bio to your instructor page.

One of the main benefits of Kajabi is that you can host your entire online business under one roof. You can create sales pages, checkout pages, and deliver online courses all within the platform. With Kajabi, you can easily connect everything up and use it to build and grow your online business.

Becoming a Kajabi Hero

As a Kajabi hero, I've built my entire online business using this one platform. If you're wondering how to use Kajabi to build your entire online business, stick around and watch this video. I'm going to show you inside my Kajabi account and walk you through everything you need to know to get from where you are today to Kajabi hero and beyond.

To start, I want to make you an offer. I'm offering an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial that's available to the public. You can get access by heading over to timman and creating your account today. Once you've done this, I will automate a free course, Kajabi Unboxed, which will show you the things you need to do immediately once you unbox your Kajabi account.

If you stick around at the end of that 30 days to become a paying member of Kajabi and know it and love it like I do, I will grant you another course, my sales page templates. You can just download these in a theme and then upload them into your Kajabi account. This is an affiliate link, which means part of your payment will come back to me in support of this channel at no extra cost to you.

Now, let's dive straight into the training. The first thing you need to do is to scroll down to settings in your account and have a look at some of these settings, including site settings and account settings. If you haven't purchased a domain, go and purchase one. If it's the name of your business or the name of yourself, follow the steps to set up a personal domain.

Once you've got your domain set up, go to site details and fill out your general information, including your homepage. I recommend showing the templated homepage. Then, put in some branding, including a social image, favicon, and color palette. This will save you time in the long run. Also, add a profile image, give yourself a name and title, and fill out your instructor bio.

The SEO and sharing section is really important. Put the name of your site in there, a site description, and any social image you want to pull through. Try to get your content description under 160 characters.

The main reason why Kajabi can host your entire online business is that you can point your domain to it, host your main domain page, landing page, sales page, checkout page, and deliver an online course. If it's courses, coaching, memberships, or anything else you're considering putting together, this site has it all under one roof.

Just have a look through the settings and play with them to get used to them. Going through your site details will actually help you in the long run. Hopefully, you found value in this training and managed to implement something. If you haven't already, claim your free account at and look for that free mini-course I'll be granting you.

Special Offer

As a Kajabi Hero, I am excited to offer you an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial available to the public. To access this offer, simply create your account today by heading over to my website and clicking on the link. Once you have created your account, I will automate a free course for you called Kajabi Unboxed. This course will guide you through everything you need to do immediately to get started with Kajabi.

If you stick around at the end of the 30-day trial and become a paying member of Kajabi, I will grant you access to another course called Sales Page Templates. These templates can be easily downloaded and uploaded into your Kajabi account. Please note that this is an affiliate link, and part of your payment will come back to me in support of this channel at no extra cost to you.

Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to build and grow your online business using Kajabi. Sign up today and take advantage of this special offer!

Navigating the Kajabi Dashboard

Welcome to my Kajabi dashboard! As a Kajabi hero, I have built my entire online business using this platform. In this section, I will guide you through how to navigate the Kajabi dashboard and use it to build and grow your own online business.

The first step is to log in and scroll down to the settings in your account. There are two types of settings: site settings and account settings. Site settings apply to all of your sites, while account settings apply to your entire account.

One of the most important things to do is to set up your domain. If you have already purchased a domain, great! If not, you should purchase a domain that reflects your business or personal brand. Kajabi provides step-by-step instructions to help you set up your personal domain.

Once you have set up your domain, you can move on to site details. This section includes general information, homepage options, branding, color palette, profile image, and SEO and sharing options.

To save time in the long run, I recommend filling out all of the information in the site details section. For example, choose a social image and a favicon, and select your color palette. You can also upload a profile image and provide a site description for SEO purposes.

Finally, Kajabi can host your entire online business, from your main website landing page to your sales page, checkout page, and online courses. By pointing your domain to Kajabi, you can take payments and deliver your courses all in one place.

In conclusion, the Kajabi dashboard is easy to navigate and provides all the tools you need to build and grow your online business. By following these steps, you can set up your domain, customize your site details, and start taking payments and delivering courses.

Setting Up Account and Site Settings

As a Kajabi hero, I've built my entire online business using this platform. In this section, I'll walk you through the steps to set up your account and site settings.

The first step is to log in to your Kajabi account and scroll down to the settings. You'll find two types of settings: site settings and account settings.

Site settings apply to all of your sites, while account settings apply to your entire account, including multiple sites if you have them.

The first thing you need to do is to set up your domain. If you've purchased a domain, great! If not, you can purchase one and follow the steps provided by Kajabi. You can find more information by clicking on the question mark icon.

Next, you can fill out your site details, including your general information, homepage, branding, and color palette. These details will make your life easier down the line, so take the time to set them up correctly.

You can upload your logo, favicon, and profile image, and set your site name, title, and instructor bio. You can also set up your SEO and sharing settings, including your site description and social image.

If you're on one of the plans that allow you to remove the "Powered by Kajabi" message, you can toggle it off.

By going through your site details, you can get used to the settings and play with them to fit your needs. The main reason why Kajabi can host your entire online business is that you can point your domain to it, host your main website landing page, sales page, checkout page, and deliver online courses, coaching, and memberships all under one roof.

In the next section, I'll show you how to build out your website and homepage. Stay tuned!

Connecting Your Domain

As a Kajabi user, one of the first things you need to do is to connect your domain. If you have already purchased your domain, great! If not, you can purchase your domain and then follow the steps to set up your personal domain. Kajabi provides a step-by-step guide to help you through this process.

Once you have your domain set up, you can scroll down to the settings in your account. Under site settings, you can find site details and account settings. Site details include general information, homepage options, branding, and color palette. These details will make your life easier in the long run, so it's important to fill them out.

In the branding section, you can upload your social image, favicon, and profile image. You can also choose your color palette, which will save you time when building out your site.

Under account settings, you can toggle off the "powered by Kajabi" option if you're on one of the plans that allow it.

Connecting your domain to Kajabi allows you to host your entire online business under one roof. You can point your domain to your main website landing page, sales page, checkout page, and deliver an online course. Kajabi provides everything you need to build and grow your online business.

Customizing Site Details

As a Kajabi user, one of the first things you need to do is to customize your site details. This will help you to connect everything up with Kajabi and use it to build and grow your online business. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Scroll down to "Settings" in your account. Under "Site Settings," you will find "Account Settings" that will be applicable to your whole account.

  2. Go into your domain and purchase a domain if you haven't already. If you have purchased a domain, follow the steps in Kajabi to set up a personal domain.

  3. Under "Site Details," fill out your general information and choose a social image. This will be your logo. You can also choose a favicon and color palette for your site.

  4. Upload a profile image, give your site a name, and give yourself a title. You can also add an instructor bio.

  5. Under "SEO and Sharing," put the name of your site, a site description, and any social image you want to pull through. Try to keep your content description under 160 characters.

  6. Toggle off "Powered by Kajabi" if you are on one of the plans that allow you to do so.

By customizing your site details, you can host your main domain page, sales page, checkout page, and online course all under one roof. This is what makes Kajabi an ideal platform for hosting your entire online business.

Building Your Online Business with Kajabi

As a Kajabi hero, I have built my entire online business using this platform. If you're wondering how to use Kajabi to build your own online business, keep reading.

The first step is to create an account with Kajabi. I offer an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial that's available to the public. Once you create your account, I will automate a free course called Kajabi Unboxed. This course will guide you through everything you need to do once you unbox your Kajabi account.

To get started with building your online business, you need to go to your account settings and scroll down to site details. Here, you can fill out your general information, choose a homepage, and add branding elements such as a logo, favicon, and color palette. These branding elements will make your life a lot easier down the line.

You also need to set up your domain. If you haven't purchased a domain yet, I recommend doing so. If you're not sure how to set up a personal domain, Kajabi provides a step-by-step guide to help you through the process.

Once you have set up your domain and branding, you can start building out your website and homepage. Kajabi provides templates that you can use to get started. You can also add sales pages and checkout pages to take payments and deliver online courses, coaching, or memberships.

In short, Kajabi is an all-in-one platform that can host your entire online business. It's easy to use and provides everything you need to get started. Sign up for my extended 30-day trial of Kajabi and get started building your online business today.


In this training, I have shown you how to set up your kajabi account and connect everything up to build and grow your online business. First, you need to log in to your account and go to the settings section. From there, you can set up your domain, site details, and account settings. Make sure to fill out all the necessary information, including your branding, social image, favicon, and color palette.

Once you have set up your account, you can start building out your website and landing pages. Kajabi allows you to host your entire online business, from your main domain page to your sales page, checkout page, and online courses.

Remember, as a kajabi hero, you have access to all the tools and resources you need to succeed. Take advantage of the extended 30-day trial and free course, Kajabi Unboxed, to get started. And if you stick around and become a paying member, I will grant you another course, my sales page templates, to help you take your business to the next level.

With kajabi, the possibilities are endless. So start building your online business today and become a kajabi hero like me.

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