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How To Upload Videos To Kajabi - Including Audio and Docs (Day 14 of 30) Zero To Kajabi Hero

zero to kajabi hero Oct 14, 2023

In this article, I will be sharing my knowledge on how to upload videos, audios, and text files to Kajabi. As a Kajabi Hero, I have created a program called Zero to Kajabi Hero to guide you through everything you need to know to become a Kajabi Hero and beyond. Before we dive into the training, I want to offer you an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial available to the public. By signing up through my affiliate link, you will receive a free course called Kajabi Unboxed, which will guide you through everything you need to know once you unbox your Kajabi account.

To upload videos to Kajabi, you first need to design your course content and create your video lessons. Once you have your video lessons, you can upload them to your Kajabi account by selecting the file and saving it. You can upload videos to the actual lesson or to the theme as a welcome video. Additionally, you can upload audios and text files for your students to download as they go through your program. Customizing the video thumbnail is also an option to make your videos more visually appealing.

Key Takeaways

  • To become a Kajabi Hero, sign up for the extended 30-day trial through the affiliate link and receive a free course called Kajabi Unboxed.
  • To upload videos to Kajabi, design your course content, create your video lessons, and upload them to your account by selecting the file and saving it.
  • You can also upload audios and text files for your students to download and customize the video thumbnail for a more visually appealing look.

Becoming a Kajabi Hero

As a Kajabi Hero, I have made at least a thousand dollars on the Kajabi platform. To help others achieve this status, I created the program "Zero to Kajabi Hero," which provides comprehensive training to get from where you are today to Kajabi hero and beyond.

Before diving into the training, I offer an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial available to the public. By creating an account through my affiliate link at, I will automate a free course called Kajabi Unboxed. This course covers everything you need to do immediately once you unbox your Kajabi account.

If you stick around at the end of the 30 days and become a paying member of Kajabi, I will grant you another course, my sales page templates. These templates can be downloaded in a theme and then uploaded into your Kajabi account.

To become a Kajabi Hero, you need to upload videos, audios, and text files that your students can consume or download as they go through your programs. To upload videos, you need to build them out first. It could be a piece to camera, voiceover PowerPoint, or voiceover any slides. You can show your face or not. I recommend having a welcome and an end video of a piece to the camera, but bare minimum, you could just have voiceover slides for the majority of it.

Once you have built out your videos, you can upload them to the actual post itself, the lesson, or you can upload them to the actual theme. If you upload them to the theme, they will be put as a welcome video, for example. To upload a video, select the file and upload it. It may take a few seconds to upload, depending on the size of the video. Once it's uploaded, click save, and it will be saved into your product. It will take a while to encode and buffer it, so be patient.

You can also upload a video to the actual product itself by going into customize and then clicking on video. This is a good way of uploading a video to your course through the custom theme. You can also upload audios and any file downloads, such as PDFs, to your course.

By following these steps and reverse engineering your lessons, you can become a Kajabi Hero and achieve success on the platform.

Offering the Extended 30-Day Trial

As a Kajabi Hero, I want to offer you my extended 30-day trial of Kajabi. This is over double the 14-day trial that's available to the public. To get access, simply head on over to my website and create your account today. As soon as you've done this, I will automate you a free course called Kajabi Unboxed. These are the things that you need to do immediately once you unbox your Kajabi account.

If you stick around at the end of that 30 days to become a paying member of Kajabi and know it and love it like I do, I will grant you another course. It's my sales page templates which you can just download in a theme and then upload them into your Kajabi account.

This is an affiliate link, and all that means is part of your payment will come back to me in support of this Channel at no extra cost to you. So take advantage of this extended trial and the free courses that come with it.

Video Uploading Process

In this video, I will guide you through the process of uploading videos, audios, and text files to Kajabi. To start, you need to navigate to the Products section and select All Products. Once you are in the product, you can upload videos in two areas: the lesson post itself or the theme.

Before you upload any videos, you need to create them. You can record videos using a camera or a voice-over PowerPoint. You can also show your face or not. I recommend having a welcome and an end video of yourself in front of the camera. However, you can have voice-over slides for the majority of the course.

Once you have created your videos, you can upload them to Kajabi. To upload a video, select the file and click upload. After the upload is complete, click save. The video will be encoded and buffered within Wistia, which is the video hosting platform within Kajabi.

You can also upload a custom thumbnail for your video. You can use a frame from the video or create a custom one using Canva. Once the encoding is complete, you can preview the video and see how it looks.

You can also upload videos to the welcome body of your product. To do so, navigate to the product and select Customize. Then, select the video and upload it. You can also upload an image and show the welcome body.

You can also upload audios and text files to your course. To do so, select the audio or text file and upload it. Your students can then either listen to the audio or download the text file.

That's it! You now know how to upload videos, audios, and text files to Kajabi.

Designing Course Content

When designing course content, it is important to have a clear understanding of the learning objectives and outcomes for each lesson. As a subject matter expert, it is recommended to reverse engineer the process and work backwards from the desired outcome to identify the necessary modules or lessons.

Each lesson should have two to four key learning objectives, and any action steps should be identified to keep the content focused and avoid any unnecessary fluff.

Once the content is developed, it can be recorded in various formats, such as face-to-camera, voice-over PowerPoint, or voice-over slides. A welcome video and an end video are recommended, but bare minimum, a voice-over slides approach can be used for the majority of the lesson.

To upload videos to Kajabi, simply select the file and upload it. It may take a few seconds to upload and encode, but once it is saved, it will be embedded within Wistia, the video hosting platform within Kajabi. A thumbnail should be selected, and comments should be visible before previewing the video.

Videos can be uploaded to the actual post or lesson or to the theme as a welcome video. To upload a video to the theme, go to the actual product, click on customize, and upload the video under the video and product info.

In addition to videos, audios and any text files can be uploaded for students to consume or download as they go through the course. These can be uploaded under the audio uploads and file downloads sections, respectively.

By following these steps, you can design and upload effective course content that will help your students achieve the desired learning outcomes.

Uploading Videos to the Course

In this section, I will guide you on how to upload videos, audios, and text files to Kajabi. Uploading videos to the course can be done in two ways. First, you can upload videos to the actual post itself, which is the lesson. Second, you can upload it to the actual theme, which is like a welcome video.

Before uploading any videos, it is important to build them out first. You can create lessons using a camera, voice-over PowerPoint, or voice-over any slides. For the majority of the lessons, it is recommended to have a welcome video and an end video of you speaking to the camera. However, you can also have voice-over slides for most parts.

Once you have created the lesson, you can upload the video by selecting the file and uploading it to Kajabi. After uploading, it may take a few seconds to encode and buffer the video. To ensure that the video is properly embedded within Wistia, which is the video hosting platform in Kajabi, make sure to add a thumbnail and enable comments.

You can also customize the thumbnail using Canva. Once the video is uploaded, you can preview it and see how it looks. If you want to upload a video to the welcome body of the product, you can do so by going to the actual product itself and uploading the video to the customize section.

Apart from videos, you can also upload audios and any downloadable files such as PDFs. This will allow your students to listen to audio or download the files as they go through your course.

In summary, uploading videos to the course can be done in two ways - by uploading them to the actual post itself or to the actual theme. Before uploading, make sure to create the lesson and customize the thumbnail. You can also upload audios and downloadable files to enhance your students' learning experience.

Customizing the Video Thumbnail

To upload a video to Kajabi, you need to build it out first. You can create videos by recording yourself on camera, doing a voiceover on PowerPoint or slides, or showing your face or not. It is recommended to have a welcome and end video at the minimum, but you could also have voiceover slides for the majority of the lesson.

Once you have created the video, you can upload it to Kajabi. To do this, go to the products section and select "All Products." From there, you can upload the video to the actual post itself or to the theme as a welcome video.

When uploading a video, it is important to have a thumbnail. You can use the current frame as a thumbnail or customize the thumbnail in Canva and upload it.

In addition to videos, you can also upload audio files and PDFs for download. This allows your students to watch, listen, or read the content in your course.

Overall, customizing the video thumbnail is an important step in creating a professional and engaging course on Kajabi.

Uploading Welcome Video

In this video, I will guide you on how to upload videos, audios, and text files to Kajabi. To upload videos, you need to first create the video content and then upload it to your Kajabi account. You can upload videos to the actual post or lesson or to the theme as a welcome video.

To upload a video, select the file and upload it to Kajabi. Once uploaded, click save, and the video will be saved in your product. It may take a few seconds to encode and buffer the video before it is embedded within Wistia, which is the video hosting platform within Kajabi.

To customize the thumbnail, you can use the current frame as a thumbnail or customize the thumbnail in Canva and upload it. Once saved, you can preview the video and see how it looks.

You can also upload a video to the welcome body of your custom theme. This is a great way to introduce yourself and your program to your students. Once saved, you can preview the video, and it will be the first thing your students see when they enter your program.

Apart from videos, you can also upload audio files and downloadable files like PDFs to your Kajabi account. This will allow your students to consume or download the content as they go through your program.

That's it for uploading videos, audios, and text files to Kajabi. I hope you found this training valuable and were able to implement it in your program.

Additional Upload Options

In this section, I will discuss the various options available for uploading content to Kajabi. Apart from videos, you can also upload audios and text files that your students can consume or download as they go through your program.

To upload videos, navigate to the product you want to upload the video to and select the "video" option. You can either upload the video to the actual lesson post or the theme as a welcome video. Once you have built out the lesson, recorded the video, and selected the file, the video will be uploaded to Kajabi. It may take a few seconds to upload, and once it's done, click save to save the video to your product.

To upload audios, you can use the "audio upload" option. If you have the audio in the right format, you can upload it to Kajabi and make it available for your students to listen to.

You can also upload any file downloads, such as PDFs or text files, that you want your students to access. To do this, use the "file download" option and select the file you want to upload.

Remember to customize your thumbnail and make sure the comments are visible. You can also preview your uploaded content to see what it looks like.

That's it for this section. I hope you found this information helpful and that you can now confidently upload your content to Kajabi.

Conclusion and Next Steps

In this video, I have walked you through how to upload videos, audios, and text files to Kajabi. I have shown you how to upload videos to the actual lesson or to the theme as a welcome video.

To upload a video, you need to build it out and then select the file from your computer. Once the video is uploaded, you can customize the thumbnail and make sure the comments are visible. You can also upload audio files and any downloadable files such as PDFs.

To make sure your lessons are effective, it is important to identify the main goal of your program and the outcome you want your students to have. You should also reverse engineer the process and work from the end to the beginning, identifying the key learning objectives for each lesson.

Once you have uploaded your videos and other files, you can preview them and make sure they are ready for your students to consume. Remember to customize the thumbnail and make sure the comments are visible.

Overall, uploading videos, audios, and text files to Kajabi is a simple process that can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your courses. By following the steps I have outlined, you can ensure that your students have the best possible learning experience.

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