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How To Know What Content To Create On YouTube (3 Ways)

grow your audience Jan 24, 2024

Growing an online business hinges on effective content marketing, and a common challenge is determining the right content to create. Through my experience, I've developed a trio of strategies that effectively guide the content creation process.

My approach starts with listening to my existing audience—be it questions from YouTube comments, online coaching clients, or students in a classroom setting. Their inquiries often uncover the precise topics that resonate with a broader audience, which leads to valuable content opportunities.

For those starting out or lacking a ready-made audience, utilizing tools like YouTube's Auto Suggest feature in an incognito browsing window is invaluable. By entering search terms related to your expertise, you can discover what potential learners are seeking, such as learning to speak French fluently. Additionally, I look at successful channels within my niche to understand what content appeals to viewers, integrating their strategies to refine my own content vision.

Key Takeaways

  • Listen to your audience to uncover content creation opportunities.
  • Use search engine Auto Suggest features to find what people are looking for in your niche.
  • Analyze successful channels to inform your own content strategy.

Content Marketing for Online Business

To effectively grow an online business through content marketing, I've honed in on certain methods that are pivotal in establishing what content to create.

Listening to Your Audience

The most fundamental approach I take is listening. Whether it's the comments on my YouTube channel or the queries from individuals I coach, these questions often inspire the content I produce. If a question is raised by one person, it's likely many more are seeking the same information.

Google Chrome Incognito for Market Research

  • Step 1: Open a Google Chrome incognito window to remove personal browsing history's influence.
  • Step 2: Use YouTube’s Auto Suggest function to understand what people are asking.

For example, as a French tutor keen to expand online, typing "speak French" into YouTube can reveal phrases like "speak French fluently" or "speak French with me." Following these Auto Suggested prompts can lead to search queries that reflect genuine interest and need in the market.

  • Step 3: Explore these search queries to determine what content would be most beneficial to create. This not only provides insights into current demand but also ensures that the content I develop is targeted and relevant.

Analyzing Successful Content

Observing what’s already working in your niche is my third strategy. By:

  • Reviewing similar channels: For instance, a French pronunciation channel with high engagement is worth studying.
  • Noting popular content themes: Videos about "French phrases to know" or "French pronunciation tips" could guide the creation of my own content.
  • Researching keywords in successful titles: This informs the optimization of my content for search engines.

Creating Engaging Content

  • Ensuring the content directly addresses specific search queries, such as "how to speak French fluently and confidently."
  • Incorporating the keywords naturally within the video dialogue for better search engine ranking.
  • Tailoring video descriptions to include relevant terms and related content.

By implementing these strategies, I utilize data-driven decisions to craft content that resonates with my audience, serves their needs, and enhances their learning experience. Each piece of content is a ladder step toward building a stronger online presence and connecting with learners worldwide.

Determining Content Creation

Listening to Your Audience

When I consider what content to create, my primary strategy is to listen to my audience. This approach involves paying close attention to the questions and feedback from those who engage with my content, be it through comments on my YouTube channel or discussions during my online coaching sessions. By noting what my audience is curious about, I craft content that directly addresses their inquiries. For instance, I notice recurring themes in their questions, which helps me pinpoint what content will serve their needs. The table below shows examples of how audience interaction might guide content creation:

Audience Query

Content Response

"How can I improve my online business SEO?"

Creating a video on SEO best practices

"What tools do I need for digital marketing?"

A tutorial on essential digital marketing tools

"Any advice for beginners in content marketing?"

An introductory guide to content marketing for newcomers

By continuously listening and responding to my audience, I ensure the content I produce is valuable and relevant.

Utilizing YouTube's Auto Suggest

My second method is leveraging YouTube's Auto Suggest feature. This powerful tool helps uncover what potential audiences are searching for within my niche. I start by typing in keywords related to my field into YouTube's search bar. As I type, YouTube automatically suggests search queries that are popular among users – providing me with insights into what content might attract more viewers. Here's a breakdown of how I use this function:

  • Type in a keyword (e.g., "speak French")
  • Review the list of auto-suggested search terms
  • Select a query that aligns with my expertise

By using these suggestions, I can create content that meets the demands of a wider audience beyond my current following. I've discovered that addressing these auto-suggested queries often leads to content that resonates well with viewers, as they're based on actual user behaviors.

Analyzing Existing Successful Channels

Finally, the third key element in my strategy is analyzing existing successful channels within my niche. I investigate channels that have amassed a significant following and study their most popular content. Here's how I go about this research:

  1. Identify a channel that aligns with my subject area and has a strong subscriber base.
  2. Examine their 'Popular Uploads' to see which videos have garnered the most views.
  3. Note the keywords and topics in their titles.
  4. Incorporate similar themes into my own content creation.

By following this method, I tap into proven content that resonates with viewers in my field. It's a way of learning from those who have already achieved success, allowing me to model my content on what works while adding my personal touch and expertise. Below is an example of the kind of insights I might gain from this analysis:

Inspirations from Successful Channels:

  • Video Title: "Learn French with Songs"
  • Views: 150K
  • My Content Idea: Create a series teaching French through music, ensuring it's tailored to aid pronunciation and vocabulary.

This not only aids in crafting relevant content but also increases the likelihood of my content being discovered by interested viewers.

Starting with Incognito Mode

When embarking on content creation for an online business, exploring what the market seeks is crucial. That's why opening a new incognito window in Google Chrome is a practical starting point. This enables a clean slate approach, with no influence from previous browsing history, thus reflecting what others are likely to search when they first approach a topic.

Let's take the role of a French tutor aiming to expand online. I'd go to YouTube in incognito mode and use the autocomplete function to identify what potential learners are searching for. For example, typing "speak French" offers suggestions like "speak French fluently" or "speak French with me."

Here’s a quick format to visualize this process:

Search Intention

Autocomplete Suggestions

Speak French

- Speak French fluently


- Speak French with me

By further exploring these suggestions, I refine my content strategy:

  • Typing in "speak French fluently," YouTube might suggest "in 3 months" or "confidently."
  • Using an underscore (_) before the search term reveals more specific queries.

These findings instruct me on what videos to create. I aim for titling my videos to match these queries and ensure the video's opening statement aligns with them too, which can increase the likelihood of ranking well on YouTube.

Beyond autocomplete, reviewing top-ranking videos and channels in my niche guides the direction for my content. For instance, after finding a top video about speaking French:

  1. I note the channel size and engagement.
  2. Review the popular videos sorted by views for inspiration on topics.
  3. Analyze titles containing specific keywords like "French phrases to know" that align with my content goals.
  4. I delve into the most successful videos to study their structure and content, always crediting original ideas, of course.

I invest time to research which content performs best and use these insights to tailor my own, thus providing valuable and sought-after tutorials to learners online.

Implementing YouTube Auto Suggest

Creating Relevant Content Queries

When starting off, I always listen to my audience; their questions often guide the content I create. Students or online followers raise queries that many others are likely interested in too. It's about understanding the market's needs and ensuring the developed content is on point and answers frequently asked questions.

  • Listen to direct audience queries: Use questions from YouTube comments, coaching sessions, or workshops.
  • Attend to common issues or misunderstandings: Simple questions can lead to the best content.
  • Note down frequently asked questions: These can inspire future content topics.

Analyzing Search Engine Results Pages

Utilizing YouTube's Auto Suggest function helps me identify what content to create. By entering relevant queries in the search bar, auto-populated suggestions reveal what people want to know.

  1. View auto suggestions: Type "speak French" to see phrases like "speak French fluently" or "speak French with me."
  2. Refine search queries: Adding "fluently" might suggest "speak French fluently in 3 months."
  3. Investigate SERPs: Click on suggestions to access the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) for a closer analysis of what tops the ranks.
  4. Bypass sponsored content: Focus on organically ranking videos for genuine insights.

It's not just about the keywords, how I articulate the content is key. The words I say early in a video can improve its rank, thanks to Google's auto transcription.

Crafting Content Based on Search Queries

After gathering data from search queries and SERPs, I look at successful channels within my area of expertise and analyze their content strategy.

  • Check channel sizes and engagement: A channel like "French pronunciation with NASA" has a sizable audience suggesting content resonance.
  • Examine popular videos: Learning French with songs or French phrases for a sense of what works.
  • Use video descriptions: Extract keywords and topics that are well-received.
  • Model after successful content: Without copying, I draw inspiration to inform my content framework.

It involves detailed observation, noting down elements from these channels, and integrating them into my own strategy. This approach ensures I create compelling, in-demand content that speaks directly to what my audience is searching for.

Modeling After Successful Channels

Examining Top Ranking Videos

As I seek to enhance my online presence through content marketing, I focus on observing top-performing videos within my niche—French tutoring. It isn't by chance that certain videos achieve high rankings on YouTube; it's a blend of art and science. A pivotal element is keyword optimization. For example, my video, "How to Speak French Fluently and Confidently," ascended to the first position organically, excluding sponsored content. I achieve this by aligning my video's title, description, and spoken words with sought-after search queries. Google's auto-transcription factors in heavily, improving the searchability of my content. It's essential to learn from these instances, iterating on what works to enhance my future content's effectiveness.

Identifying Popular Content Topics

Understanding audience needs guides my content creation. By using YouTube’s auto-suggest function, I unearth the popular topics people are inquiring about. For instance, when I type "Speak French" into the search bar, it reveals a range of related topics such as "Speak French Fluently," or "Learn How to Speak French Fluently Fast." This is more than mere chance—it's proof that my potential students are actively seeking these topics. I ensure that my content offerings intersect with these in-demand subjects, answering the collective call of learners far and wide.

In-depth Content Research

In pursuit of refining my online French classes, I draw inspiration from established channels that excel in their fields. A methodical review of their traffic-drawing videos, like "Learn French with Songs" or "Understand Fast French Pronunciation," gives me a blueprint. I monitor their video structure, the keywords they emphasize, and even their descriptions. Based on the insights gleaned, I produce my videos, mirroring the successful approaches and infusing them with my unique educational spin. This calculated emulation, paired with my experience and expertise, allows me to curate and distribute content that not only reaches but profoundly engages my audience.


As I grow my online business through content marketing, leveraging the insights gained from direct audience engagement is indispensable. Listening to the questions my viewers and clients ask informs the genesis of many of my content pieces. It’s through addressing these real and pressing inquiries where significant value is added.

Key Strategies:

  • Audience Queries: Reflecting on questions from my YouTube channel comments or coaching sessions, I transform these into targeted content.
  • Utilizing Auto Suggest: Exploring search queries on YouTube in Incognito mode, I identify what potential learners seek, whether it’s about speaking French fluently or mastering French pronunciation.
  • Competitor Analysis: By examining successful channels, like observing 'French Pronunciation with NASA' with nearly a million subscribers, I draw inspiration from their most-viewed content and mimic strategies to craft my own.

Content Focus Based on Audience Demand

Example Queries

Speak French Fluently

"Speak French fluently and confidently"

French Tutoring Insights

"Learn how to speak French fluently fast"

The content aligns not just in title and description but also mirrors the successful approach in terms of audience engagement and delivery. Emphasizing key phrases within videos optimizes visibility on search results pages, thereby enhancing discoverability and relevance.

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