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How To Grow An Online Coaching Business In The Beauty Industry

six figure success stories Aug 25, 2023

Adam Chatterley is a successful online coach who has managed to grow his business in the beauty industry over the course of four years. In this interview, he shares his journey of starting an online coaching business and his strategy for success. He also talks about the challenges and setbacks he faced along the way and the importance of passion in business.

Adam's background is in creating software systems for golf clubs and spas. He later transitioned into owning a software company and realized that his true passion was helping businesses grow. He started an online coaching business to help independent beauty salons and spas succeed. Though it took time and effort, Adam's online business is now a six-figure company with minimal team members.

Key Takeaways

  • Adam Chatterley grew his online coaching business in the beauty industry over the course of four years.
  • His background is in creating software systems for golf clubs and spas.
  • Adam's strategy for success involves helping independent beauty salons and spas grow their businesses through online coaching.

Background of Adam Chatterley

Adam Chatterley is a successful online coach who has managed to grow his online business in the beauty industry. He has been in the industry for over four years and has managed to run a six-figure company with minimal team members. His background is in creating software systems for golf clubs and spas inside of festar hotels. He has also worked as a consultant to help businesses find or create the right software for them.

Chatterley realized that his passion was helping businesses succeed and grow. He decided to shift his focus to coaching and helping independent skin clinics, beauty salons, and spas. He started his online coaching business as a hobby and gradually shifted into it full-time. He met Tim, the interviewer, at an online business conference in Southern California in 2017. This conference helped him realize that he wanted to do something that didn't tie him to a single location and made him go all-in.

Chatterley's unique niche in the beauty industry has allowed him to help businesses grow and succeed virtually. He has used his tech skills to create online courses and podcasts to help businesses, and he enjoys getting involved with them virtually. He believes that there are many ways to make money online and that anyone can grow an online coaching business if they focus on the right market and have the right tools.

Transition to Online Coaching Business

Adam Chatterley, a successful online coach in the beauty industry, has shared his experience of transitioning his coaching business online. He has managed to grow his business in the online space and now runs a six-figure company with minimal team.

Chatterley's journey started in the software industry, where he created software systems for golf clubs and spas inside of festar hotels. He later did a management buyout of that company and set up a consultancy company to help businesses find or create the right software for them. He eventually realized that he enjoyed helping businesses succeed and grow, but wanted to work with independent businesses that couldn't afford his consultancy fees.

Chatterley then shifted his focus to online coaching and started creating courses and podcasts. He met Tim at an online business conference in 2017, where he was still running his online business as a hobby project. However, he realized that he wanted to do something that didn't tie him to a single location, and decided to go all-in on his online coaching business.

Chatterley's transition to online coaching business took four years, and he admits that there are some things he would have done differently if he had started all over again. However, his success in the beauty industry proves that there are many markets to explore for coaches who want to take their business online.

Overall, Chatterley's experience highlights the potential for coaches to grow their business online, and the importance of finding a niche and creating valuable content to attract clients.

Meeting at Business Conference

During a business conference, Adam Chatterley shared his experience of growing his online coaching business in the beauty industry. He discussed how he managed to run a six-figure company all online with minimal team, and the things he would have done differently if he could start over again. He also emphasized that there are numerous ways to make money online, and many markets to explore for coaches looking to take their business online.

Adam's background is in creating software systems for golf clubs and spas inside of festar hotels. He was recruited by a software company to help them understand how to build software that would be useful in running a spa. From there, he set up a consultancy company to help businesses either find or create the right software for them. The next iteration was software systems that integrated with each other. He realized that his passion was helping businesses succeed and grow, and he found a way to do that by working with independent skin clinics, beauty salons, and spas.

At the business conference, Adam shared that he had already started his online business but was still running it more as a hobby project. However, he realized that he wanted to shift into it and make it work as a career. He wanted to do something that didn't tie him to a single location so that he could go traveling. The conference was a turning point for him, and he decided to go all-in on his online coaching business.

Challenges and Setbacks

Adam Chatterley's journey to building a successful online coaching business in the beauty industry was not without its challenges and setbacks. One of the biggest challenges he faced was figuring out how to transition from his previous career in software systems to coaching. He had to learn new skills and adapt to a new industry, which took time and effort.

Another challenge was finding the right business model that would allow him to work with a larger number of clients while still charging a small amount of money. He realized that an online business was the best way to achieve this, but it took time to build and grow.

Adam also faced setbacks along the way, such as the failure of his early online courses and the realization that his software company was not fulfilling his passion for helping businesses succeed. However, he persevered and continued to learn and adapt until he found a model that worked for him.

Despite these challenges and setbacks, Adam was able to build a six-figure online coaching business with minimal team and location independence. His journey serves as proof that with hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn and adapt, anyone can achieve success in the online coaching industry.

Adam's Strategy for Success

Adam Chatterley has managed to grow his online coaching business in the beauty industry to a six-figure company all online and with minimal team. His strategy for success involves the following key elements:

  • Focusing on helping businesses succeed and grow
  • Finding a unique niche in the beauty industry
  • Providing virtual coaching and courses to a larger number of people
  • Utilizing online tools such as podcasts and courses to reach a wider audience
  • Offering affordable coaching fees to independent skin clinics, beauty salons, and spas
  • Learning from past mistakes and continuously improving strategies

Adam's background in creating software systems for golf clubs and spas inside of festar hotels has helped him understand how to build software that would be useful in running a spa. He then progressed to owning a software company, which he later realized he hated. He found his true passion in helping businesses succeed and grow, and he realized that he could do this virtually through an online coaching business.

Attending an online business conference in 2017 helped Adam realize that he needed to be more committed to his online coaching business and make it his career. He shifted his focus to providing virtual coaching and courses to a larger number of people, utilizing online tools such as podcasts and courses to reach a wider audience, and offering affordable coaching fees to independent skin clinics, beauty salons, and spas.

Adam's strategy for success is based on his passion for helping businesses succeed and grow, his expertise in the beauty industry, and his ability to utilize online tools to reach a wider audience. He continues to learn from past mistakes and continuously improve his strategies to ensure the success of his online coaching business.

Importance of Passion in Business

Passion is an essential ingredient for success in any business, particularly in the coaching industry. Adam Chatterley, a successful online coach in the beauty industry, emphasizes the importance of passion in growing an online coaching business. He believes that passion is what drives a business owner to overcome challenges, stay motivated, and provide value to their clients.

Passion also helps a business owner to stay focused on their goals and vision. When a coach is passionate about their work, they are more likely to stay committed to their clients' success. This commitment leads to better results, increased client satisfaction, and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Moreover, passion is contagious. When a coach is passionate about their work, their enthusiasm and energy can inspire their clients and team members. This positive energy can create a supportive and collaborative work environment, leading to better outcomes for everyone involved.

In summary, passion is a critical factor in the success of any business, particularly in the coaching industry. A passionate coach is more likely to stay motivated, focused, committed, and inspired, leading to better results for their clients and business.

Adam's Regrets and Lessons Learned

Adam Chatterley has learned a lot of lessons throughout his journey of growing his online coaching business in the beauty industry. Here are some of his regrets and lessons learned:

  • It took him four years to grow his online coaching business in the beauty industry, and he wishes he had started earlier.
  • He would have focused more on building his email list from the beginning, as it is a powerful tool for marketing and communication with clients.
  • Adam regrets not outsourcing certain tasks earlier, as it would have allowed him to focus on the things he enjoys and is good at.
  • He learned the importance of having a clear and specific niche, as it allows him to target his ideal clients and stand out in a crowded market.
  • Adam also learned that building relationships and providing value to his clients is crucial for long-term success in the coaching industry.

Overall, Adam's journey has taught him valuable lessons that have helped him build a successful six-figure online coaching business with minimal team.

Revenue Generation vs Passion

Adam Chatterley, an online coach in the beauty industry, has grown his business to a six-figure company with minimal team, all online. He emphasizes that there are many ways to make money online and many markets to explore if you are a coach looking to take your business online.

Chatterley's journey started in creating software systems for golf clubs and spas in hotels. He then progressed to owning a software company, but realized that he enjoyed helping businesses succeed more than the software aspect. He shifted to consultancy work, but found that working with independent beauty salons and spas required a different model due to their inability to afford high consultancy fees.

Chatterley then turned to online courses and podcasts, realizing that this was the only way to work with a larger number of people while charging a small amount of money. He met Tim, the interviewer, at an online business conference in 2017, where he was still running the online business as a hobby project.

Chatterley's journey highlights the importance of balancing revenue generation with passion. While it may take time to find the right market and business model, it is possible to grow a successful online coaching business by focusing on helping others succeed.


In this interview, Adam Chatterley shared his journey of growing his online coaching business in the beauty industry. He emphasized the importance of finding a unique niche and focusing on helping businesses succeed. Adam's background in software systems for golf clubs and spas helped him understand the needs of his clients and create effective coaching programs.

Through his online courses and podcasts, Adam has been able to reach a larger audience and help more businesses grow. He also highlighted the benefits of working virtually, which allows him to work with clients from different locations without the need for physical travel.

Overall, Adam's success in growing his online coaching business serves as proof that there are many opportunities to make money online in various markets. With the right focus and dedication, anyone can achieve success in the online coaching industry.

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