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How To Create Landing Pages In Kajabi That Convert

leverage your kajabi Dec 07, 2022

In this article, I will show you how to create high-performing landing pages in Kajabi that convert your visitors into leads. Whether you're starting your own online business or building out your website and landing pages, stick with me as I walk you through the three main ingredients of successful landing pages.

First, we'll start with creating a form in Kajabi to deliver your lead magnet, such as a free PDF guide. Then, we'll move on to designing a landing page that embeds the form and entices your audience to take action. By following these steps, you'll be able to create landing pages that convert and help grow your online business.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the importance of landing pages and lead magnets in converting visitors into leads.
  • Use Kajabi to create a form and automate the delivery of your lead magnet.
  • Design a simple and effective landing page that entices your audience to take action.

Understanding Landing Pages

As an online business owner, it is essential to have high-performing landing pages that convert visitors into leads. A landing page is a page on your website where visitors land and take action. The best way to entice visitors to take action is by offering them something for free in exchange for their email address. This is where forms and landing pages come in.

To create a high-converting landing page in Kajabi, you need three main ingredients: a form, a lead magnet, and a landing page. The first element you need to build out is a form that delivers the lead magnet. The lead magnet can be anything deemed valuable to your audience, such as a free video, guide, or downloadable PDF.

Once you have created your lead magnet, you can use Kajabi's form builder to create a form that collects email addresses in exchange for the lead magnet. When designing your form, remember that simplicity is key. Google's landing page, the most visited website in the world, is a great example of a simple and effective landing page.

After creating your form, you need to set up form automations to deliver the lead magnet to visitors who fill out the form. Kajabi makes it easy to set up form automations that send an email with the lead magnet attached or a link to download it.

Finally, you need to create a landing page that embeds the form and entices visitors to take action. When designing your landing page, keep it simple and easy to navigate. Use clear and concise language to explain what visitors will get in exchange for their email address.

In summary, creating high-performing landing pages in Kajabi requires a form, a lead magnet, and a landing page. By following these steps and keeping your landing page simple and easy to navigate, you can convert more visitors into leads and grow your online business.

Creating a Form in Kajabi

In order to create a high performing landing page in Kajabi that converts visitors into leads, you will need to build out a form to deliver the promised content to your audience. A landing page is a page on your website where visitors land and you want them to take a specific action. The best course of action for a new visitor to your website is to offer them something of value for free in exchange for their email address. This is where forms come in.

To create a form in Kajabi, navigate to the Marketing tab and click on Forms. From there, click on New Form and give it a name. You will then have the option to choose between a double opt-in or single opt-in. While Kajabi recommends double opt-in, it is ultimately up to you as the business owner to decide which option to use.

When it comes to form fields, it's best to keep things simple and only ask for the visitor's email address. This will increase the chances of them filling out the form and converting into a lead.

Next, you will want to set up form automations to deliver the promised content to your audience. For example, if you are offering a downloadable PDF, you can add an automation that says "once this form is filled, send an email with the PDF attached."

Once you have set up your form and form automations, you can save it to your forms library and embed it into your landing page. This will allow visitors to fill out the form and receive the promised content in exchange for their email address.

Form Fields and Automations

When creating a landing page in Kajabi, the first element you need to build is a form. The purpose of a landing page is to convert visitors into leads, and the best way to do this is to offer something for free in exchange for their email address. This free offer can be a downloadable PDF, a free video, or a free guide that you build in a word doc or Google Docs and export as a PDF.

When building your form, it's important to keep it simple. Google's landing page is a great example of simplicity. Less is definitely more, so only ask for the information that you need. For example, you don't really need a name, so you can just ask for their email address.

In Kajabi, you have the option of using a double opt-in or a single opt-in. A double opt-in means that the visitor will have to opt into the form and then go and check their email to either tick a box or opt-in again. A single opt-in means that they are giving you the authorization to email them without having to go through an additional step.

Once the form is filled out, you can use form automations to deliver the free offer. For example, you can set up an automation that says, "Once this form is filled, send an email with the free PDF guide." Kajabi provides text that you can use, and you can customize it to fit your audience.

It's important to preview and test the email to make sure it's working properly. You can send a test email to yourself or someone on your team. Once the form is successfully updated, it will be saved in your forms library and ready to be embedded into your landing page.

Delivering the PDF Guide

To deliver the PDF guide to your audience, you will need to use forms. Forms are the best way to offer something for free in exchange for your visitor's email address. You can create a form in Kajabi by going to the Marketing tab and then selecting Forms. Once you have created a form, you can use it to deliver your PDF guide.

When someone fills out the form, you can use form automations to deliver the PDF guide. Kajabi provides text that you can use to set up the automation. You can also add a message to the email that you send to your audience, thanking them for opting in and providing a download link for the PDF guide.

It's important to tailor the message to your audience and make it clear that they are receiving the PDF guide that they signed up for. Once you have set up the form and the automation, you can save it to your forms library and it will be ready to use.

To embed the form into a landing page, you can create a new landing page in Kajabi and add the form to the page. You can also add text to reassure your audience that they are in the right place and that they will receive the PDF guide that they signed up for.

Remember, less is more when it comes to landing pages. Keep the page simple and easy to navigate, and make it clear what your audience will receive when they fill out the form. With these tips, you can create high-performing landing pages that convert your visitors into leads.

Creating a Landing Page

In this video, I will show you how to create landing pages in Kajabi that convert your visitors into leads. The three main ingredients of high-performing landing pages are a form, a lead magnet, and a thank you page. Let's dive straight into my Kajabi account and get started.

First, we need to build a form to deliver the lead magnet that you promised to your audience. A landing page is a page on your website where somebody comes to visit and lands on your page, and you want them to take action. The best course of action for any newcomer onto your website is to offer them something for free in exchange for their email address. The best way to do this is by the use of forms and landing pages. I recommend sticking with something like a downloadable PDF, so design a PDF or a guide that is super useful for your audience and that you understand they'll get benefit from. Then pitch this as part of your lead magnet.

Next, head over to the marketing tab on your Kajabi dashboard and click on forms. Create a new form and name it. You have the option of double opt-in or single opt-in. Double opt-in is recommended by Kajabi, but it's up to you as the business owner to decide which one to use. I use single opt-in. You don't really need a name; all you need is their email, so take out the name and simplify the form fields.

Now, scroll down to automations. When somebody opts into the form, use the form automations to deliver the lead magnet. For example, if you have a PDF guide, add an automation that says, "Once this form is filled, send an email with the PDF guide attached." Kajabi gives you text that you can use from the get-go. Add the PDF guide as an attachment, and the target should be a new window. Save the email and send a test email to yourself to make sure it works.

Finally, head over to your landing pages and design a landing page that embeds this form. Click on the website tab on your Kajabi dashboard and then pages. Select landing pages and create a new landing page. Give it a name and start designing. Less is more when it comes to landing pages, so keep it simple and easy to understand. Add a form and select the form you just created. You can design a thank you page or use the default one.

That's it! Follow these simple steps, and you'll have a high-performing landing page that converts your visitors into leads.

Designing the Landing Page

When it comes to designing high-converting landing pages in Kajabi, there are three main ingredients you need to focus on: a form, a lead magnet, and a landing page. In this section, I will walk you through the process of designing the landing page that will entice your audience to opt-in to your form and receive your lead magnet.

First, start by selecting the "Landing Pages" tab in Kajabi and creating a new landing page. Choose a simple and easy-to-remember URL for your landing page, such as "/guide" or "/free-pdf".

Next, focus on the design of your landing page. Keep it simple and uncluttered, taking inspiration from the minimalist design of Google's landing page. A clear and concise headline, a brief explanation of the lead magnet, and a prominent form are all you need.

When designing your form, remember that less is more. Only ask for the essential information you need, such as the user's email address. Double opt-in is recommended by Kajabi, but single opt-in is also an option.

Once you have designed your form, select the lead magnet you will be offering and set up an automation to deliver it to users who opt-in to your form. This could be a downloadable PDF, a free video, or a guide.

Finally, design a thank you page that users will see after they have opted in to your form. This page should thank them for their interest and provide any additional information or resources they may need.

By following these steps and keeping your landing page design simple and focused, you can create a high-converting landing page in Kajabi that will help you grow your email list and ultimately your online business.

Embedding the Form

Now that we have created the form, the next step is to embed it on the landing page. To do this, we need to select the form that we have just built out, which actually delivers the PDF. It's important to note that the form should be simple and have only a few fields to fill out, as this will increase the chances of visitors filling it out.

Once we have selected the form, we can add it to the landing page by clicking on the "Form" button. This will add the form just under the main text. We can then add some more text to reassure anyone landing on this page that they are in the right place. For example, we can add a header that says "Free PDF Guide" followed by a short description of what the guide is about.

It's important to make sure that the landing page is easy to say and spell, so visitors can easily find it. Therefore, we can use a short descriptor of what they are going to get or what the guide is about in the URL. For example, we can use something like "" or "".

After embedding the form on the landing page, we can design a thank you page as a separate landing page or use the default thank you page. The thank you page should thank the visitor for their interest and let them know that the PDF guide will be sent to their email address shortly.

In summary, embedding the form on the landing page is a crucial step in creating a high-performing landing page that converts visitors into leads. The form should be simple and have only a few fields to fill out, and the landing page should be easy to say and spell. By following these steps, we can create a landing page that is effective in generating leads for our online business.

Finalising the Landing Page

Now that we have created the form and designed the landing page, it's time to finalise the landing page. The first thing to do is to make sure that the landing page is easy to say and spell. This is important because you don't want your potential customers to have trouble finding your landing page.

Next, you need to make sure that the landing page is easy to understand. The header should clearly explain what the landing page is about and what the customer will get by filling out the form. It's also important to keep the landing page simple and clutter-free. Remember, less is more when it comes to landing pages.

Once you have designed the landing page, you need to make sure that the form is properly embedded. Double-check that the form is connected to the email automation and that the PDF is properly uploaded and ready to download.

Finally, it's a good idea to test the landing page to make sure that everything is working correctly. You can do this by filling out the form yourself and making sure that the email automation is working properly and that the PDF is properly downloading.

By following these steps, you can create a high-performing landing page that converts your visitors into leads. Remember to keep it simple, easy to understand, and easy to use. With the right design and strategy, your landing page can be a powerful tool for growing your online business.

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