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How To Create An Online Course In Kajabi - Step By Step (Day 13 of 30) Zero To Kajabi Hero

zero to kajabi hero Oct 13, 2023

In this article, I will be sharing my step-by-step process for creating an online course using Kajabi. As a Kajabi Hero, I have put together a program called Zero to Kajabi Hero to guide you through everything you need to know to become a Kajabi Hero and beyond. Before we dive into the training, I want to offer you an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial available to the public. By signing up through my affiliate link, you will also receive a free course, "Kajabi Unboxed."

When creating your first course, it's important to consider how you will put it out to the world. Rather than building a course in a vacuum, consider building a minimum viable product or conducting a beta test to get feedback from your audience. Once you have a solid course structure, you can easily tweak and revise it based on student feedback and interaction.

Key Takeaways

  • Consider building a minimum viable product or conducting a beta test to get feedback from your audience when creating your first course.
  • Use the drip content strategy to release course content over time.
  • Utilize student feedback and interaction to revise and improve your course.

Understanding Kajabi

As a Kajabi hero and fan, I am excited to walk you through the process of creating an online course with Kajabi. Before we dive into the training, let me offer you my extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial available to the public. You can access it by heading over to to create your account today. Once you've created your account, I will automate a free course for you called "Kajabi Unboxed."

When creating your first course, navigate to the "Products" section, click "All Products," and then select "Course." Before you click "Get Started," it's important to make some decisions. Some people build a course in a vacuum, spending weeks or months on it, only to find out that no one is interested in buying it. To avoid this, it's best to build a course on a topic that people are already interested in. You can gauge interest by having people ask you about it or by doing a beta test and getting feedback from a small group of people.

Once you've decided on a topic, click "Get Started" and use the information to generate a sample course. You can use a thumbnail to add artwork to your course, and you can choose to make it free or paid. Kajabi will then populate the course with three modules and lesson content.

It's important to note that when building out your course, you can use a drip feature to release modules at certain intervals, or you can lock them until a certain date. Consider the customer experience and how you want them to interact with your course.

To edit a lesson, simply click into it and add descriptive text and a compelling title. You can also upload a video or audio file and select a thumbnail image. I recommend leaving comments visible so that students can ask questions and provide feedback.

In summary, building a course on Kajabi is all about understanding your audience and creating a course that meets their needs. With Kajabi's user-friendly platform, you can easily create and publish your course, and with the right approach, you can turn it into a successful business venture.

Zero to Kajabi Hero Program

As a Kajabi Hero, I have created a program that can help you become a Kajabi Hero too. The program is called Zero to Kajabi Hero, and it will guide you through everything you need to know to get from where you are today to Kajabi Hero and beyond.

Before we jump into the training, I want to offer you my extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial available to the public. To get access, simply head on over to my website and create your account today. Once you've done this, I will automate a free course called "Kajabi Unboxed" for you.

Once you unbox your Kajabi account, there are a few things you need to do immediately. Stick around at the end of the 30 days to become a paying member of Kajabi, and I will grant you another course, which is my sales page templates. You can just download these in a theme and then upload them into your Kajabi account.

To create your first course, click into products, then all products, get started, and navigate to course. Before you even click get started, there are a few things to make a decision on or understand. Some people build a course in a vacuum, spending weeks or months building it out, but once they put it out to the world, they might not get anyone buying it. If you have people tapping you on the shoulder, that's a good indicator that you should probably build a course on that.

A good medium would be to build a minimum viable product, which means building out a small element of the course with the bare bones on it but having some lessons that address some of the points that you think will help your audience. Putting a course out there to the world isn't really "build it and they will come"; it's actually building it with as much back and forth as you can have with your audience.

To build out a course, click on course and then click get started. I'm going to use the example of French Vocab Mastery. This is just going to be using a little bit of AI, so I click continue. You may want to use a thumbnail at this point to get some artwork into that course. Then click continue and click free because I'm just going to work on the actual paid elements later.

Kajabi has populated a course for you, the French Mastery course. It has three modules and populated lesson content, giving you a good structure and a good start. Click into each lesson and edit a little bit of the descriptive text. Make sure the title of the lesson is compelling enough, and then upload a video. Select a thumbnail image, and have comments visible so that if someone has a question, they can comment under each lesson. This is a really good way of getting student feedback.

Remember, building a course takes time and effort, but with the right approach and tools, you can create a successful course that will help you become a Kajabi Hero.

Extended 30-Day Kajabi Trial Offer

As a Kajabi Hero, I am excited to offer you an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi. This is over double the 14-day trial that is available to the public. To access this offer, simply head on over to my website,, and create your account today. Once you have created your account, I will automate you a free course called "Kajabi Unboxed".

If you stick around at the end of the 30 days and become a paying member of Kajabi, I will grant you another course, my sales page templates. These templates can be easily downloaded and uploaded into your Kajabi account. It is important to note that this is an affiliate link, but part of your payment will come back to me in support of this Channel at no extra cost to you.

Take advantage of this extended trial offer and see for yourself why Kajabi is the all-in-one platform for online course creation and marketing.

Creating Your First Course

As a Kajabi Hero, I am excited to walk you through the step-by-step process of creating your first online course. To get started, click on "Products" and then "All Products" in your Kajabi account. From there, navigate to "Course" and click "Get Started."

Before you start building your course, it's important to make a few decisions. Some people make the mistake of building a course in a vacuum, spending months creating something that may not resonate with their audience. Instead, consider building a course on a topic that people are already asking you about. You can even sell your course before it's created, using a sales page to gauge interest and get early bird signups.

To start building your course structure, use Kajabi's creation wizard to generate a sample course based on your topic. From there, you can customize the modules and lessons to fit your content. When building out your lessons, make sure to publish them and add a compelling title and description. You can also add videos and other multimedia content to keep your students engaged.

One important feature to consider is the ability to drip out your content over time, giving your students a sense of progression and keeping them engaged. You can also lock certain modules until a certain date or until they complete a previous module.

Finally, make sure to leave comments enabled for each lesson, allowing your students to ask questions and provide feedback. This is a great way to improve your course and ensure that your students are getting the most out of it.

With these tips, you'll be well on your way to creating a successful online course with Kajabi.

Course Development Strategies

As a Kajabi Hero, I have developed a step-by-step program called Zero to Kajabi Hero to help individuals create their own online courses. When creating a course, it is important to consider how it will be received by your audience. One strategy is to build a minimum viable product that addresses the points that will help your audience. This approach allows you to easily change the course as you go and get feedback from your audience.

Another strategy is to sell your course before you make it, which involves putting up a sales page and getting people to sign up for early access. This cohort can then be used to help create the course content and provide valuable feedback.

When building a course, it is important to have a structure and a good start of a 10. Kajabi provides a Creation Wizard that populates a course for you, which you can then edit and publish. It is recommended to have all lessons visible to students, and to encourage them to provide feedback through comments under each lesson.

Overall, the key to successful course development is to consider your audience and their needs, and to be open to feedback and changes as you go.

Minimum Viable Product Approach

When creating an online course with Kajabi, it's important to consider the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach. This means building out a small element of the course with bare-bones content, but with some lessons that address key points that will help your audience. By doing this, you can easily change and tweak your course as you go, without spending months and months building something that may not resonate with your audience.

Before you even click "Get Started" on the Kajabi platform, it's important to understand your audience and what they want. Some people make the mistake of building a course in a vacuum without any input from their audience. This can lead to a course that nobody wants to buy. Instead, consider reaching out to your audience and getting their feedback on what they want to learn. You can even sell your course before you make it, using a sales page to gauge interest and build a cohort of beta testers.

Once you have an idea of what your audience wants, it's time to use the MVP approach to build out a small element of your course. This allows you to get feedback from your audience and make changes as you go, without investing too much time and effort upfront. When building out your MVP course, make sure to have a good structure and a good start of a 10. Use a thumbnail image to make your course look professional and engaging.

Remember to keep your customer experience in mind when building out your course. Some people like to see everything upfront, while others prefer a drip-feed approach. Consider using a drip function to unlock modules as your students progress through the course. And don't forget to encourage feedback from your students by leaving comments available under each lesson.

By using the MVP approach, you can create a course that meets the needs of your audience and provides real value. So start small, get feedback, and build your course out over time.

Course Creation Process

To create an online course with Kajabi, the first step is to navigate to the "Products" section and click on "All Products". From there, select "Course" and click "Get Started".

Before beginning the course creation process, it is important to consider how the course will be received by potential students. Building a course in a vacuum without any input from potential students can result in a product that no one is interested in. It is recommended to have some interaction with potential students before building the course, such as selling the course before it is created or conducting a beta test to get feedback from early adopters.

Once the decision to create a course has been made, Kajabi offers a simple process to build out the course structure. The first step is to input the course name and generate a sample course using AI. After that, a thumbnail can be added, and the course can be set to free or paid depending on the desired pricing structure.

Once the course has been created, lessons can be added to each module. It is recommended to have a compelling title and descriptive text for each lesson. Videos or audio files can be uploaded for each lesson, and it is important to make sure the content is engaging and informative.

To ensure a positive customer experience, it is recommended to make comments visible for each lesson so that students can ask questions and provide feedback. Additionally, the course can be set up to drip out content over time or unlock modules after certain criteria have been met.

Overall, the course creation process with Kajabi is straightforward and offers a variety of options to create a course that is engaging and informative for potential students.

Course Structure

To create an online course with Kajabi, the first step is to navigate to the "Products" tab and select "All Products". From there, select "Course" and click "Get Started". Before beginning to build the course, it is important to make some decisions about its structure.

One approach is to build a course based on a topic that people have expressed interest in or have specifically requested. This can be done through a beta test, where a small group of people are invited to provide feedback on the course content as it is being developed. Another approach is to create a minimum viable product, which is a small but complete version of the course that can be easily modified based on feedback from students.

Once the structure of the course has been determined, it is time to begin building it out. Kajabi offers a Creation Wizard that can be used to generate a sample course based on the chosen topic. From there, the course can be customized by editing the lesson content and adding video or audio files.

It is important to note that lessons should be published as they are completed, and the course should be tested in preview mode to ensure that it is working properly. Additionally, it is recommended to have comments visible under each lesson so that students can provide feedback and ask questions.

By following these steps, anyone can create an engaging and effective online course using Kajabi.

Course Content

In this section, I will walk you through the process of creating your first online course with Kajabi. Before we begin, it is important to note that building a course should not be done in a vacuum. It is essential to have a good understanding of what your audience wants and needs before creating your course.

To get started, click on "Products" and then "All Products" in your Kajabi account. From there, navigate to "Course" and click "Get Started." Before you begin building your course, it is important to make a few decisions. If you have people asking for your help or showing interest in a particular topic, that is a good indicator that you should build a course on that topic.

One approach is to build a minimum viable product, which involves building a small element of the course with the bare bones on it, but with some lessons that address some of the points that you think will help your audience. This allows you to easily change and tweak the course as you go.

Once you have made these decisions, click on "Course" and then "Get Started." I will use the example of "French Vocab Mastery" to generate a sample course using Kajabi's AI. After selecting a thumbnail, I will click "Continue" and then "Free" for the price.

Kajabi will then populate the course structure with three modules and lesson content. Once you have published the modules and lessons, you can preview what your students will see. You can also use a drip or lock feature to control when your students can access certain modules or lessons.

To create a compelling lesson, edit the descriptive text, make sure the title is compelling, and upload a video or audio file. I recommend leaving comments visible under each lesson so that you can receive feedback from your students.

In summary, building an online course with Kajabi requires understanding your audience's needs, making informed decisions, and creating compelling lessons with engaging content.

Drip Content Strategy

When creating an online course with Kajabi, it's important to have a drip content strategy. This means that you release course content to your students in a gradual manner, rather than all at once.

Before even starting to build your course, it's important to consider how you will put it out to the world. Building a course in a vacuum, without any input or feedback from potential students, can lead to low engagement and poor sales. It's important to gauge interest and gather feedback from your audience before creating your course.

One way to do this is to sell your course before it's even created. This can be done by putting up a sales page and offering early bird access to those interested. This cohort of students can then be used to help create the course content, providing valuable feedback and insight.

Another approach is to build a minimum viable product, which is a small element of the course with the bare bones on it. This allows you to easily change and tweak the content as you go, without spending months creating a full course.

Once you have your course content, it's important to use drip content to release it to your students. This can be done by using the drip feature in Kajabi, which allows you to release course content at set intervals. You can also lock certain modules until a certain date or until a previous module is completed.

Overall, having a drip content strategy is essential for creating a successful online course. It allows you to engage your students and keep them coming back for more, while also providing valuable feedback and insight into your course content.

Student Feedback and Interaction

When creating an online course with Kajabi, it's important to consider student feedback and interaction. As a Kajabi hero, I understand the value of engaging with students to ensure their success.

Before even starting to build the course, it's important to have an idea of what your audience wants. Building a course in a vacuum can lead to low sales and lack of interest. Instead, consider reaching out to potential students to gauge their interest and get feedback on what they want to learn.

One way to do this is through a beta test, where you offer early access to a small group of people and gather feedback to make improvements. Another option is to create a minimum viable product with the bare bones of the course and then build on it based on student feedback.

Once you have a course structure in place, it's important to engage with students throughout the learning process. Encouraging them to leave comments and ask questions under each lesson can provide valuable feedback and insights into their learning experience.

Overall, prioritizing student feedback and interaction can lead to a more successful and engaging online course with Kajabi.

Course Revision Based on Feedback

As a Kajabi Hero, I have learned the importance of course revision based on feedback. Before even starting to build a course, it is crucial to understand what your audience wants. Building a course in a vacuum is not ideal, as it may not be what people are looking for. One way to gauge interest is to have people reach out and ask for help or express interest in a particular topic.

In my previous business, we sold a course before even creating it. We put up a sales page and asked people if they would be interested in early bird access to a course on a specific topic. This cohort of early bird members helped us create the content for the course through weekly calls and feedback. This approach is called a beta test and is a great way to get valuable insights from your audience.

If you do not want to do a beta test, building a minimum viable product is another option. This means building out a small element of the course with the bare bones and having some lessons that address points that you think will help your audience. This way, you can easily tweak it as you go and get feedback from your audience.

Once you have built the course, it is essential to publish it and get feedback from your students. You can use the drip feature to release modules at specific times or lock them until a certain date. However, it is crucial to consider the customer experience and what they want to see.

In conclusion, course revision based on feedback is critical to creating successful courses. By listening to your audience and making changes accordingly, you can create courses that meet their needs and exceed their expectations.

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