FREE Workshop

How To Create A Podcast On Kajabi To Grow Your Audience (Day 20 of 30) Zero To Kajabi Hero

zero to kajabi hero Oct 20, 2023

If you're looking to start a podcast and grow your audience of targeted leads for your online business, then you've come to the right place. My name is Tim Peakman, and as a Kajabi Hero, I've put together a program called "Zero to Kajabi Hero" to walk you through everything you need to know to get from where you are today to Kajabi Hero and beyond.

Before we dive into the training, I want to make you an offer. I'm offering an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial available to the public. If you create your account today, I will automate you a free course called "Kajabi Unboxed." These are the things you need to do immediately once you unbox your Kajabi account. If you stick around at the end of that 30 days to become a paying member of Kajabi, I will grant you another course, my sales page templates, which you can download and upload into your Kajabi account.

Key Takeaways

  • Kajabi is a great platform to host your podcast and grow your audience of targeted leads for your online business.
  • Kajabi offers an extended 30-day trial and a free course called "Kajabi Unboxed" to help you get started.
  • If you become a paying member of Kajabi, you can access additional courses, such as sales page templates.

Creating a Kajabi Account

If you are thinking about creating a podcast, Kajabi is the right place for you. As a Kajabi Hero and fan, I will walk you through everything you need to know to create a podcast on Kajabi and grow your targeted leads for your online business.

To get started, head over to and create your account today. As an offer, I will provide you with an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial that is available to the public. Once you've created your account, I will automate a free course called "Kajabi Unboxed" for you.

Under the "Products" tab, click "All Products" and then "New Product." You can either have a monetized podcast or a free podcast. Before creating a podcast, think about your strategy and whether this platform is right for you. If you want to grow your audience, it should be public.

Click "Podcast" and then "Get Started." You can either import your existing podcast to Kajabi or start a brand new podcast. If you have a podcast on another platform, consider importing it to Kajabi and test it out.

Create a new podcast by going to "Podcast Details." Enter the title and a brief description of your podcast. Choose whether you want your podcast to be public or private. Next, configure your podcast settings, including the language, category, and order. Choose your primary and accent colors and upload an image.

Once you have created your podcast, you can preview it and add episodes. Click "New Episode," enter the title, type, and show notes. Upload your media file, and check the box if you have explicit content.

Distribute your podcast by filling in all the fields, including Apple, Google, and Spotify URLs. Analyze your podcast's performance by checking the total downloads, apps, devices, operating systems, top countries, and podcasts you are mainly pulling from.

Finally, change your podcast's settings, including copyright, categories, colors, and migration settings. You can link your podcast from your homepage and edit it anytime.

In conclusion, Kajabi is an excellent platform to create and host your podcast. With its features, you can grow your audience and targeted leads for your online business.

Accessing the Kajabi Dashboard

In this video, I will guide you through the process of how to create and grow a podcast on Kajabi. To access the Kajabi dashboard, you need to first create an account on the platform.

Once you have created your account, you can access the Kajabi dashboard by clicking on the "Products" tab. From there, click on "All Products" and then "New Product" to create a new podcast.

You can choose to either import your existing podcast to Kajabi or start a brand new podcast. To create a new podcast, click on "Podcast" and fill out the necessary details such as the podcast title and description.

You can choose to make your podcast either public or private, depending on your preference. It's recommended to make it public to reach a wider audience.

After configuring your podcast settings, you can choose a primary color and accent color for your podcast page. You can also upload an image for your podcast thumbnail.

Once you have completed all the necessary steps, your podcast will be created and available on your Kajabi dashboard. From there, you can add new episodes, distribute your podcast on various platforms, and track your analytics.

Overall, creating a podcast on Kajabi is a simple and straightforward process. Whether you're starting a new podcast or migrating from another platform, Kajabi provides all the necessary tools to help you grow your audience and reach your business goals.

Starting a New Podcast

If you are considering starting a podcast, Kajabi is a great platform to use. As a Kajabi hero, I have put together a program called "Zero to Kajabi Hero" that walks you through everything you need to know to get started.

To begin, under the "Products" tab, click "All Products" and then "New Product." You can either have a monetized or free podcast. It's important to think about the strategy when building out a podcast and whether this platform is right for you.

If you decide to go with Kajabi, click "Podcast" and then enter the details such as the title, brief description, and whether it should be public or private. You can configure your podcast settings, including language, category, and order of episodes.

Kajabi offers options for primary and accent colors, and you can upload an image for your podcast. Once you have saved your podcast, you can preview it and add episodes. You can also distribute your podcast to networks such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

Kajabi provides analytics for your podcast, including total downloads, apps, devices, operating systems, and top countries. You can also change the settings of your podcast, including categories, colors, and migration settings.

Overall, Kajabi is an excellent platform for starting a podcast and growing your audience of targeted leads for your online business.

Podcast Details Setup

In this section, I will guide you through the process of setting up your podcast on Kajabi. To start, under the "Products" tab, click "All Products" and then "New Product". You can choose to have either a monetized or free podcast, but it's essential to consider your strategy when building out a podcast and decide if Kajabi is the right platform for you.

To create a new podcast, click "Podcast" and enter the title of your podcast in the "Title" field. You can also add a brief description of your podcast, choose whether it's public or private, and click "Continue" to configure your podcast settings.

In the "Podcast Language" field, select "English," and in the "Podcast Category" field, choose the category that best fits your market. You can list your podcast episodes in either episodic or serial order.

Next, select your primary and accent colors, and upload an image for your podcast. If you don't have a square image, don't worry, Kajabi will crop it for you. Once you're happy with your settings, click "Save and Finish."

Your podcast will now appear in your product area under the "Podcasts" tab. Click on your podcast's name to preview it and see how it will look to your audience. You can add new episodes by clicking on "New Episode," entering the title and type, and uploading the media file.

It's crucial to distribute your podcast to various networks, such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify. Kajabi allows you to do this easily, and you can track your podcast's analytics in the beta studio.

In the settings section, you can change your podcast's categories, colors, and migration settings. You can also edit your podcast's copyright and link to your podcast from your homepage.

Overall, setting up your podcast on Kajabi is a straightforward process that can help you grow your audience and reach more targeted leads for your online business.

Configuring Podcast Settings

In this video, I will guide you on how to create a podcast on Kajabi and grow your audience of targeted leads for your online business. To get started, under the Products tab, click All Products and then New Product. You can either have a monetized podcast or a free podcast. When building out a podcast, you need to think about whether this platform is right for you. Kajabi can host everything for you, but you need to decide if this is where you want to start or if it's your next product or book.

To create a new podcast, click Podcast and then it gives you the features. You can import your audio content, and it's great for podcast distribution. You also have a podcast home page, analytics, and paid features. Click Get Started and then create a new podcast.

Next, you need to configure your podcast settings. Choose your podcast language, and in my case, it's English. Then, select your podcast category, depending on your market. I chose business entrepreneurship because that's what I teach. You can list the podcast in episode order or in serial order.

You also have a couple of options for the primary and accent colors, and you can upload an image for your podcast. If you don't have a square image, don't worry because Kajabi will crop it for you. Then click Save and Finish, and your podcast will be in your product area.

To add an episode, click New Episode and add the title, episode type, and show notes. The maximum file size for media uploads is 250 MB, and it's an MP3. If you have explicit content, make sure to check the box. Then, add the episode, and it will upload into the database.

For distribution, you need to decide where you want to distribute your podcast. I recommend distributing to all networks, including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify. You can also view your analytics, such as total downloads, apps, devices, operating systems, top countries, and which podcasts you're mainly pulling from.

Finally, you can edit your podcast settings, such as changing the categories, colors, and migration settings. You can also put some copyright in and change the settings. Once you're done, click Save, and your podcast is good to go. You can even link it from your home page. If you already have a podcast, consider bringing it over to Kajabi to host everything you need.

That's it for configuring your podcast settings on Kajabi. I hope you found value in this training and managed to implement something.

Designing Podcast Appearance

In this video, I will guide you on how to create a podcast on Kajabi and grow your audience of targeted leads for your online business. As a Kajabi hero, I have put together a program called "Zero to Kajabi Hero" to walk you through everything you need to know to get from where you are today to Kajabi hero and beyond.

To create a podcast on Kajabi, simply go to the "Products" tab and click "All Products" then "New Product". You can either have a monetized podcast or a free podcast, depending on your strategy and goals. Kajabi can host everything for you, but you need to think about whether this platform is right for you.

To start creating your podcast, click on "Podcast" and then enter the podcast details such as the title, brief description, and whether it should be public or private. If you're trying to grow an audience, it should be public. You can configure your podcast settings such as language, category, and episode order. You can also choose your primary color and accent color, and upload an image for your podcast.

Once you have created your podcast, you can add episodes by clicking "New Episode" and entering the episode title, type, and show notes. You can then upload your media file in MP3 format, and check the box if it contains explicit content.

To distribute your podcast, you need to fill in all the fields and get an Apple podcast URL, Google podcast URL, and Spotify URL. You can also view your podcast analytics, including total downloads, top countries, and which podcasts you're mainly pulling from.

In the settings of your podcast, you can change the categories, colors, and migration settings. You can also edit your podcast and put in some copyright.

Overall, Kajabi is a great platform to host your podcast and grow your audience. If you already have a podcast on another platform, consider importing it over to Kajabi and test it out.

Adding Episodes

In this video, I will walk you through how to add episodes to your podcast on Kajabi. To get started, navigate to the "Products" tab and click "All Products" and then "New Product." From there, you can either import your existing podcast to Kajabi or start a new one.

When creating your podcast, you can choose between a monetized or free podcast. It's important to consider your strategy when building out a podcast and deciding if Kajabi is the right platform for you. If you're looking to grow your audience, Kajabi can host everything you need.

To create a new podcast, click on "Podcast Details" and enter the title and brief description of your podcast. You can choose to make it public or private, depending on your audience goals. Next, configure your podcast settings, including language, category, and order.

You can customize the appearance of your podcast by choosing a primary and accent color and uploading an image. Kajabi will automatically crop it to a square if necessary. Once you've saved and finished, your podcast will be listed in your product area.

To add an episode, click on your podcast and then "New Episode." Enter the episode title, type, and show notes. The maximum file size for media uploads is 250 Meg and it must be an MP3. Once you've uploaded the episode, you can distribute it to various networks, including Apple, Google, and Spotify.

Kajabi also provides analytics for your podcast, including total downloads, top countries, and which podcasts you're mainly pulling from. You can edit your podcast settings at any time, including changing categories and colors.

Overall, Kajabi makes it easy to add and manage episodes for your podcast. Whether you're starting from scratch or importing an existing podcast, Kajabi has everything you need to grow your audience.

Distributing the Podcast

In this video, I will guide you through the process of creating and distributing a podcast on Kajabi. Whether you have an existing podcast or want to start a new one, Kajabi can host everything for you.

To get started, under the "Products" tab, click "All Products" and then "New Product." From there, you can choose to create a monetized or free podcast. It's important to consider your strategy when building out a podcast and determine if Kajabi is the right platform for you.

Once you've chosen to create a podcast, you can import your existing audio content or start fresh. Kajabi provides features such as a podcast homepage, analytics, and paid features to help you distribute your podcast.

To configure your podcast settings, choose your podcast language and category. You can also choose to list your episodes in either episodic or serial order. Additionally, you can customize the appearance of your podcast with primary and accent colors, as well as an image.

After creating your podcast, you can add episodes by clicking "New Episode" and uploading your audio content. Kajabi also provides distribution options for popular podcast networks such as Apple, Google, and Spotify.

In terms of analytics, Kajabi's beta Studio provides data on your total downloads, devices, operating systems, top countries, and which podcasts you are mainly pulling from.

Overall, Kajabi offers a comprehensive platform for creating and distributing your podcast, making it a great choice for those looking to grow their audience.

Understanding Podcast Analytics

When it comes to podcasting, understanding analytics is crucial to growing your audience and improving your content. Kajabi provides a range of analytics tools to help you track your podcast's performance and make data-driven decisions.

To access your podcast analytics, simply navigate to the "Analytics" tab in your Kajabi dashboard and select your podcast. Here, you can view a range of metrics, including total downloads, top countries, and which devices and operating systems your listeners are using.

One of the most important metrics to track is your total downloads, as this gives you an idea of how many people are listening to your podcast. You can also use this data to identify trends and patterns in your listenership, such as which episodes are the most popular.

Kajabi's analytics tools also allow you to track your podcast's distribution across different platforms, such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify. This can help you identify which platforms are driving the most traffic to your podcast and adjust your distribution strategy accordingly.

In addition to these basic metrics, Kajabi also provides more advanced analytics tools, such as analytics by episode and analytics by device. This allows you to drill down into more specific data and gain a deeper understanding of your listeners' behaviors and preferences.

Overall, understanding podcast analytics is essential to growing your audience and improving your content. With Kajabi's powerful analytics tools, you can track your podcast's performance, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to help your podcast succeed.

Editing Podcast Settings

In this video, I will guide you on how to create a podcast on Kajabi and import your existing podcast to Kajabi. To begin, go to the "Products" tab and click "All Products." From there, click "New Product" and choose whether you want a monetized or free podcast.

When creating a new podcast, you need to provide some details, such as the podcast title, brief description, and whether it should be public or private. I recommend making it public to reach as many people as possible. You can also configure your podcast settings, including language, category, and order.

Once you have provided all the necessary details, you can choose your primary and accent colors and upload a square image for your podcast thumbnail. You can also preview your podcast settings before saving and finishing.

To add episodes to your podcast, click "New Episode" and provide the episode title, type, and show notes. You can upload an MP3 file with a maximum size of 250 MB and indicate if it contains explicit content.

To distribute your podcast, you can follow the links provided to Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify to get your podcast URL. You can also track your podcast's analytics, including total downloads, devices, operating systems, top countries, and podcasts.

Finally, you can change your podcast settings, including categories, colors, and migration settings. You can also edit your podcast and link it to your homepage.

In conclusion, Kajabi provides an excellent platform to host your podcast and grow your audience. Whether you are starting a new podcast or importing an existing one, Kajabi offers all the necessary tools to create, edit, and distribute your podcast.


In this video, I have provided a step-by-step guide on how to create a podcast on Kajabi, whether you are starting a new podcast or importing an existing one. Kajabi offers great features for podcast distribution, including a podcast home page, analytics, and paid features. By following the instructions in this video, you can create a podcast with a title, brief description, and podcast language and category. You can also configure your podcast settings, including primary and accent colors, and upload an image for your podcast. Once you have created your podcast, you can add episodes, including episode titles, types, and show notes. You can also upload your media files, and distribute your podcast to various networks, including Apple, Google, and Spotify. Finally, you can view your podcast analytics, including total downloads, apps, devices, operating systems, top countries, and podcasts. Overall, Kajabi offers a great platform for creating and growing your podcast audience, and I hope that this guide has been helpful for you.

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