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How To Create A Landing Page In Kajabi - Less Is More (Day 4 of 30) Zero To Kajabi Hero

zero to kajabi hero Oct 04, 2023

Creating a landing page with Kajabi is simpler than you might think. In this article, I will show you how to build a landing page from scratch using Kajabi.

As a Kajabi Hero and fan, I have put together the Zero to Kajabi Hero program to guide you through everything you need to know to become a Kajabi Hero and beyond. Before we dive into the training, I want to offer you an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial available to the public. By creating your account today, you will receive a free course called Kajabi Unboxed. If you become a paying member of Kajabi and love it like I do, you will receive another course called Sales Page Templates.

Key Takeaways

  • Kajabi offers an extended 30-day trial and a free course called Kajabi Unboxed.
  • The purpose of a landing page is to squeeze an email out of someone, usually through a call to action button.
  • Once a landing page is created, it can be linked to a home page or other pages on the website.

Understanding Kajabi

As a Kajabi hero and fan, I am excited to share with you how to create a landing page using Kajabi. Building a landing page with Kajabi is simple and straightforward. Kajabi has a startup wizard that can guide you through the process of creating a landing page.

To create a landing page from scratch, you need to click on Pages, then select Landing Pages. If this is your first time creating a landing page, you can click on Start From Scratch. Once you have selected this option, you can name your landing page and start building it out.

The main idea of a landing page is to get someone to take action, usually to provide their email address. You can add a form to your landing page and be as explicit and descriptive as possible about what they will receive in return for their email address.

Kajabi provides default forms that you can use, and you can edit them to suit your needs. You can also add content blocks to your landing page, such as images, text, and forms. You can edit these blocks by clicking on them and using the left-hand menu.

It's important to note that you can customize the design and style of your landing page to match your brand. Kajabi provides a style guide that you can use to change your messaging and style.

Once you have created your landing page, you can get a URL for it and link it to your home page or other pages on your website. You can also link your landing page to a thank you page or checkout page.

In summary, creating a landing page with Kajabi is a simple and effective way to get people to take action on your website. With the right design and messaging, you can create a landing page that converts visitors into customers.

Zero to Kajabi Hero Program

As a Kajabi Hero, I know what it takes to make at least a thousand dollars on the Kajabi platform. That's why I've created the Zero to Kajabi Hero Program to help you get there and beyond.

Before we dive into the training, I want to offer you an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial available to the public. By creating your account through my affiliate link, you'll also receive a free course on Kajabi basics. And if you become a paying member of Kajabi after the trial period, I'll grant you another course on sales page templates.

Now, let's get into building a landing page using Kajabi. First, navigate to the "Pages" section and select "Landing Pages." If this is your first time creating a landing page, you can start from scratch using the "Get Started" button.

The purpose of a landing page is usually to capture someone's email address, so make sure to have a clear call-to-action and offer. You can link your landing page to a download or free guide, for example.

Kajabi provides default forms for your landing page, but you can customize them to fit your needs. You can also add and delete content blocks as necessary.

When designing your landing page, consider the background image and color scheme. You can use royalty-free images or upload your own. Make sure the call-to-action button is prominent and leads to a thank-you page or checkout.

Remember, you can always go back and edit your landing page as needed. With Kajabi, creating a professional-looking landing page is simple and easy.

Extended 30-Day Trial Offer

As a Kajabi Hero, I am excited to offer you an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi. This is double the length of the public 14-day trial and gives you ample time to explore and experience all that Kajabi has to offer.

To access this offer, simply visit and create your account today. As a bonus, I will also automate a free course for you - Kajabi Unboxed - which will guide you through everything you need to do once you unbox your Kajabi account.

If you decide to stick around and become a paying member of Kajabi, I will grant you another course - my sales page templates. These templates are easy to download and upload into your Kajabi account, and they will help you create stunning sales pages that convert.

Please note that this is an affiliate link, which means that part of your payment will come back to me in support of this channel at no extra cost to you.

Take advantage of this offer today and discover why Kajabi is the ultimate platform for online entrepreneurs.

Kajabi Unboxed Course

As a Kajabi Hero, I have created a program called Zero to Kajabi Hero to guide you through everything you need to know to become a Kajabi Hero and beyond. Before we dive into the training, I want to offer you my extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial available to the public. To access it, simply create your account today at Once you've done this, I will automate a free course for you called Kajabi Unboxed, which covers everything you need to do immediately after unboxing your Kajabi account.

If you stick around at the end of the 30 days and become a paying member of Kajabi, I will grant you another course called Sales Page Templates. You can download these templates and upload them into your Kajabi account. This is an affiliate link, which means part of your payment will come back to me in support of this channel at no extra cost to you.

Now let's dive straight into the training. In the website builder, we're going to look at building out a landing page. Kajabi collates pages into three different areas: website pages, landing pages, and funnel pages. To start a landing page from scratch, click on "get started" under the landing pages section. The main idea of a landing page is usually to squeeze an email out of someone. To do this, we can add a form to the landing page.

Kajabi provides a default form, which we can use. We can also add a call to action button, such as "download my awesome guide now" or "join free trial." Once the user clicks on the call to action button, they will be taken to a thank you page. We can either build out another landing page for a thank you page or go to a checkout or URL.

To make the landing page more visually appealing, we can add a background image. We can use royalty-free images from websites like Unsplash. We can also edit the background color and transparency to make the page stand out.

Overall, creating a landing page with Kajabi is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. With Kajabi Unboxed, you'll have all the information you need to get started and become a Kajabi Hero.

Sales Page Templates

In this section, I will walk you through how to create a landing page using Kajabi. Landing pages are designed to squeeze an email out of someone or to get them to click away. To create a landing page, you need to click on the "Pages" tab and then select "Landing Pages." If this is your first time, you can click on "Start from Scratch" to create a blank page.

Once you've created the landing page, you can start designing it by adding content and a form. Kajabi provides a default form that you can use, and you can customize it to make it more descriptive and explicit. You can also add a background image to make your landing page more visually appealing.

To add a call-to-action button, you can link it to a thank you page or a checkout page. Once you've created your landing page, you can get the URL and link it to your home page or other landing pages.

If you're struggling to design your landing page, you can use sales page templates that are available for download. These templates are designed to help you create a professional-looking landing page quickly and easily. You can upload them into your Kajabi account and customize them to meet your needs.

Overall, creating a landing page using Kajabi is simple and straightforward. With the right tools and templates, you can create a professional-looking landing page that will help you grow your email list and increase your conversions.

Website Builder Overview

In this section, I will guide you through building a landing page using Kajabi's website builder. To get started, click on the "Pages" tab and select "Landing Pages." If this is your first time creating a landing page, you can choose to start from scratch or use Kajabi's startup wizard.

Once you've selected "Start from Scratch," you can name your landing page and begin building it out. The main goal of a landing page is usually to collect an email address or encourage a specific action, such as downloading a free guide. To achieve this, you can add a form to your landing page and customize it to collect the necessary information.

To make your landing page visually appealing, you can add images or customize the background. Kajabi offers a variety of customization options, including the ability to make your section full height or add a header.

Once your landing page is complete, you can preview it and make any necessary adjustments. You can then copy the landing page's URL and link it to a call-to-action button on your home page or other pages.

Overall, Kajabi's website builder makes it easy to create professional-looking landing pages that can help you achieve your marketing goals.

Creating a Landing Page

Building a landing page with Kajabi is a simple process. To get started, navigate to the Pages section and select Landing Pages. If this is your first time creating a landing page, you can select the "Start from Scratch" option.

Once you've named your landing page, the next step is to determine the purpose of the page. Typically, the goal of a landing page is to collect email addresses or encourage visitors to take a specific action.

To create a call-to-action, you can add a form to the landing page. Kajabi provides a default form, but you can customize it to fit your needs. Be sure to make the purpose of the form clear and descriptive to encourage visitors to submit their information.

You can also add images and other content to the landing page to make it more visually appealing. Kajabi provides a variety of design options to help you create a professional-looking page.

Once you've finished designing your landing page, you can preview it to make sure everything looks good. If you're happy with the page, you can publish it and start promoting it to your audience.

Overall, creating a landing page with Kajabi is a straightforward process that anyone can do. With a little creativity and attention to detail, you can create a page that effectively captures leads and converts visitors into customers.

Purpose of a Landing Page

As a Kajabi Hero, I have created numerous landing pages using the Kajabi platform. The main purpose of a landing page is to capture leads, typically through a call-to-action that encourages visitors to provide their email address in exchange for something of value, such as a free guide or course.

A landing page should have a clear and concise message that communicates the value of the offer and why visitors should provide their information. It should also be visually appealing and easy to navigate.

Kajabi makes it easy to create landing pages with their website builder. Users can choose from pre-designed templates or start from scratch. The builder allows for customization of text, images, and forms to create a unique and effective landing page.

Once the landing page is created, it can be linked to a call-to-action button on the website or shared on social media to drive traffic and capture leads. Kajabi also provides analytics to track the performance of the landing page and make any necessary adjustments to improve its effectiveness.

Overall, a landing page is an essential tool for any business looking to capture leads and grow their email list. With Kajabi, creating a high-quality landing page has never been easier.

Building the Landing Page

Starting from Scratch

To create a landing page in Kajabi, first, navigate to the Pages tab and select Landing Pages. If you are creating a landing page for the first time, you can either use the startup wizard or choose to start from scratch. Once you have selected the blank page option, you can name your landing page and start building it out.

Adding a Form

To optimize your landing page for lead generation, you can add a form to collect email addresses. Kajabi provides a default form that you can use or customize. You can add a call to action button that links to the landing page, and behind the button, you can provide a link to download a free guide or offer.

Customizing the Design

You can customize the design of your landing page by editing the content blocks and background image. Kajabi provides a range of editing tools, including the ability to change the background color and transparency, add headers, and adjust the font size.

Adding a Background Image

To add a background image, you can either upload your own image or choose from a range of royalty-free images available online. Once you have uploaded the image, you can adjust the transparency and color to ensure that the text on the landing page is legible.

Finalizing the Call to Action

Your landing page should have a clear call to action that encourages visitors to provide their email address or take another desired action. You can customize the text and design of the call to action button to make it stand out. Behind the button, you can link to a thank you page, checkout page, or another landing page to guide visitors through the next steps.

By following these steps, you can quickly and easily create a landing page in Kajabi that is optimized for lead generation and conversion.

Linking to the Home Page

In Kajabi, creating a landing page is a simple process. To get started, click on "Pages" and select "Landing Pages." If this is your first time creating a landing page, you can choose to start from scratch or use the startup wizard. Once you have created your landing page, you can edit the details and obtain the code to link it to your home page.

The main purpose of a landing page is to obtain an email address or encourage visitors to take a specific action. To accomplish this, you can add a call-to-action button that links to your landing page and prompts visitors to provide their email address or download a free guide.

When designing your landing page, you can use blocks to add content and customize the layout. Kajabi provides default forms that you can use to collect visitor information. You can also add images and adjust the background color to create an appealing design.

Once visitors have provided their information, you can link the call-to-action button to a thank-you page or a checkout page. By following these steps, you can create an effective landing page that encourages visitors to take action and ultimately helps you grow your business.

Final Preview and Adjustments

Now that we have created our landing page, it's important to preview and make any necessary adjustments before publishing it. This will ensure that our landing page looks professional and functions properly.

To preview the landing page, we can simply click on the "Preview" button located at the top of the page builder. This will allow us to see how the landing page will appear to our visitors.

If we notice any issues or areas that need improvement, we can easily make adjustments by going back into the page builder and editing the sections that need attention. We can change the text, images, and layout to our liking.

It's important to make sure that our landing page is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and clearly communicates the value proposition to our visitors. We can use formatting tools such as tables, bullet points, and bold text to help convey information and make our landing page more engaging.

Once we are satisfied with the final preview of our landing page, we can publish it and start driving traffic to it. Remember to always test and track the performance of our landing page and make any necessary adjustments to improve conversion rates.

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