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How To Build A Kajabi Website From Scratch - Full Walkthrough (Day 3 of 30) Zero To Kajabi Hero

zero to kajabi hero Oct 03, 2023

In this article, I will guide you step-by-step on how to build a Kajabi website from scratch. As a Kajabi Hero, I have put together the program Zero to Kajabi Hero to help you become an expert on the platform. Before we dive into the training, I want to offer you an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the public trial period. Once you create your account, I will automate a free course called Kajabi Unboxed, which will teach you everything you need to know to get started.

To begin building your website, you should first decide on how you want to position your homepage. Kajabi offers a variety of templates to choose from, both free and paid. Once you select a template, you can customize it to your liking, including adding your logo, modifying the code, and updating the template. You can also export the template as a zip file to share with others. It's important to build out your system pages, including your header and footer, to maintain consistency throughout your website.

Key Takeaways

  • The Zero to Kajabi Hero program can help you become an expert on the Kajabi platform.
  • Kajabi offers a variety of templates to choose from when building your website.
  • Building out your system pages, including your header and footer, is crucial for maintaining consistency throughout your website.

Kajabi Hero Definition

As a Kajabi Hero, I am someone who has made at least $1000 on the Kajabi platform. This is the definition of a Kajabi Hero. To help others become Kajabi Heroes, I have created a program called Zero to Kajabi Hero. In this program, I will walk and talk you through everything you need to know to get from where you are today to becoming a Kajabi Hero and beyond.

To get started on your journey to becoming a Kajabi Hero, the first thing you need to do is create a Kajabi account. I am offering an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial available to the public. To access this offer, simply head over to and create your account today. Once you have created your account, I will automate you a free course called Kajabi Unboxed. This course will walk you through everything you need to do immediately once you unbox your Kajabi account.

If you stick around at the end of the 30 days and become a paying member of Kajabi, I will grant you another course. This course is my sales page template, which you can download and upload into your Kajabi account. Please note that this is an affiliate link, and part of your payment will come back to me in support of this channel at no extra cost to you.

Becoming a Kajabi Hero is a journey, but with the right tools and resources, it is achievable. Let's dive straight into the training and start building out your own Kajabi website.

Offering 30-day Trial

As a Kajabi Hero, I want to offer you an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi. This is over double the 14-day trial that's available to the public. To get access to this offer, simply head over to my website and create your account today at Once you've done this, I will automate a free course for you called "Kajabi Unboxed." These are the things that you need to do immediately once you unbox your Kajabi account.

If you stick around at the end of that 30 days to become a paying member of Kajabi and love it like I do, I will grant you another course. It's my sales page template that you can download and upload into your Kajabi account. This is an affiliate link, which means part of your payment will come back to me in support of this channel at no extra cost to you.

Take advantage of this offer to experience all the tools you need to build your own website. With Kajabi, you can build out your own website and customize it to your liking. You can choose from a variety of templates, both free and paid, and even modify code to update the template.

As a Kajabi Hero, I want to help you get started on your journey to success. Sign up for the extended 30-day trial today and start building your own website with Kajabi.

Kajabi Unboxed Free Course

As a Kajabi hero, I want to help you become one too. That's why I've put together the Zero to Kajabi Hero program to walk you through everything you need to know to get from where you are now to Kajabi hero and beyond.

Before we dive into the training, I want to make you an offer. I'm offering an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial available to the public. To access it, simply head over to and create your account today. Once you've done this, I will automate a free course for you called Kajabi Unboxed. This course will guide you through the essential things you need to do immediately once you unbox your Kajabi account.

If you stick around and become a paying member of Kajabi after the 30-day trial, I will grant you another course called my sales page template. You can download these in a theme and then upload them into your Kajabi account.

To build your own Kajabi website from scratch, you need to start with your homepage. When you log into your account for the first time, you will need to decide on how you want to position your homepage. You will then be given some options of templates to use. You can choose from free or paid templates.

Once you've chosen your template, you can customize it by adding your own logo and modifying the image width. You can also make changes to your header and footer, and add social icons.

When people land on your homepage, you want to call them to action. You want them to understand what your company is all about and whether it's right for them. If they answer yes to these questions, you want to guide them to the next step.

Kajabi's system pages allow you to populate a header or footer on all of your pages, ensuring congruency throughout your site. You can also implement a favicon that will appear across all of your system pages.

In summary, with Kajabi, you can build your own website from scratch with customizable templates and system pages. And with the Zero to Kajabi Hero program, you can become a Kajabi hero and beyond.

Sales Page Template

In this section, I will be discussing the Sales Page Template offered by Kajabi. As a Kajabi hero, I have put together a program called Zero to Kajabi Hero to guide you step by step through building your own website from scratch. Before we begin the training, I want to offer you my extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is double the 14-day trial available to the public. You can access this trial by creating an account on Once you have created your account, I will automate a free course for you called Kajabi Unboxed. This course will guide you through everything you need to do immediately once you unbox your Kajabi account.

If you stick around at the end of the 30-day trial and become a paying member of Kajabi, I will grant you another course called the Sales Page Template. This template can be downloaded in a theme and uploaded into your Kajabi account. It is an affiliate link, which means part of your payment will come back to me in support of this channel at no extra cost to you.

To begin building your website, you need to decide on how you want to position your home page. Once you do that, Kajabi will give you some options of templates to use. You can choose from free or paid templates and preview or customize them as needed. Once you have chosen a template, you can modify it by clicking on any block on the main page and editing it on the left-hand side.

You can also customize your header and footer, add social icons, and implement your favicon across all of your system pages. The Sales Page Template is a great tool to help you create a professional-looking sales page for your website.

In conclusion, the Sales Page Template offered by Kajabi is a valuable resource for anyone looking to build a professional-looking sales page for their website. With the extended 30-day trial and Kajabi Unboxed course, you can get started on your journey to becoming a Kajabi hero today.

Affiliate Link Explanation

As a Kajabi Hero, I am excited to offer an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi to anyone interested in building their own website. By creating an account through my affiliate link at, you will have access to this exclusive offer, which is over double the 14-day trial available to the public.

In addition to the extended trial, I am also offering a free course called "Kajabi Unboxed" to help you get started with your new account. And if you decide to become a paying member of Kajabi after the 30-day trial, I will grant you another course - my sales page template - which you can download and use in your own Kajabi account.

Please note that my affiliate link means that part of your payment will come back to me in support of this channel, but it will not cost you any extra. Thank you for considering this offer, and I look forward to helping you become a Kajabi Hero.

Building a Website

In this section, I will guide you through the process of building your own Kajabi website from scratch. First, you need to decide on how you want to position your home page. If this is your first time going into your account, you might not see anything here. Just click on "Start" or "Create Home Page" to get started.

Kajabi offers several options for templates to use. You can go through and have a trial of them all, and choose the one that suits you best. There are some free ones and some paid ones available. I will be using the Streamlined Home template for this demonstration.

Once you've chosen your template, you can customize it to your liking. You can click on any block on the main page, and it will show the details on the left-hand side. You can go ahead and edit on the left-hand side.

The header is what you see along the front. You can navigate to it from the left-hand side to go into the logo and customize it. The footer is pretty much the same. You can add different contents like social icons and modify the copyright to your liking.

The main beauty of using system pages is once you populate a header or a footer on your system pages and then click save, it will then implement across all of your system pages. You've got congruency throughout all of your main pages and landing pages.

In the hero section, you've got a few options when people land on your home page. You want to call them to action. They've either got to understand what this page is all about, what this company is all about, and if those two are a yes, then where do they go to do the next thing. Kajabi's giving you a good example of all the tools you need to build.

Choosing a Homepage Template

When building a Kajabi website from scratch, the first step is to create a homepage. To do this, you need to decide on how you want to position your homepage and select a template to use. Kajabi offers several options, including free and paid templates.

Once you have chosen a template, you can preview or customize it. You can also set it as your live template, which allows you to work on it without changing your live homepage. If you want to share your template with someone else, you can export it as a zip file and send it to them.

Kajabi's templates include different sections, such as hero, feature columns, text and image, call to action, header, footer, exit pop, and two-step opt-in. You can customize each section to fit your needs and preferences.

When creating your homepage, make sure to consider how it looks on mobile devices as well as desktops. You can switch between mobile, tablet, and desktop views to see how your homepage looks on each.

Overall, choosing a homepage template is an important step in building a Kajabi website. Take the time to explore the available options and customize your template to create a homepage that showcases your brand and engages your audience.

Customizing a Template

In this section, I will show you how to customize a template on Kajabi. Once you have decided on how you want to position your home page, you can create a template. Kajabi offers several templates that you can choose from, both free and paid. You can preview, customize, or set your selected template as your live template.

To customize a template, you can click on any block on the main page, and it will show the details on the left-hand side. You can then edit the block on the left-hand side. You can also switch between mobile view, tablet view, and desktop view to ensure that your blocks look good on all devices.

The header and footer are essential elements of your website. You can customize your header by clicking on it, and it will show on the left-hand side. You can then edit the header on the left-hand side. The same applies to the footer.

Kajabi also allows you to implement your favicon and style guide. You can change the body font or heading font in the style guide.

Once you have customized your template, you can save it and set it as your live template. The beauty of using system pages is that once you populate a header or footer on your system pages and click save, it will Implement across all of your system pages. This ensures congruency throughout all of your main pages and landing pages.

In conclusion, customizing a template on Kajabi is easy and straightforward. With the various options available, you can create a unique and professional website that will attract your audience.

System Pages

In order to build a Kajabi website from scratch, the first thing you need to do is build out your system pages. These are the pages that visitors will see when they first land on your website, such as your home page, store page, and about page.

To get started, you will need to log into your Kajabi account and decide how you want to position your home page. Once you have done this, you can choose from a variety of templates to use for your website. There are both free and paid templates available, so you can choose the one that best fits your needs.

Once you have selected your template, you can customize it to your liking by adding your own images and logos. You can also modify the code and update the template as needed.

One of the most important aspects of building your system pages is ensuring that they look good on all devices, including mobile phones and tablets. You can preview your pages at any time to see how they will look to visitors.

In addition to your home page, you will also need to create your header and footer, which will appear on all of your system pages. This helps to ensure consistency throughout your website and provides a professional look and feel.

Overall, building out your system pages is a critical first step in creating your Kajabi website. By taking the time to customize your pages and ensure they look good on all devices, you can create a professional and engaging website that will help you attract and retain visitors.

Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop Views

When building a Kajabi website, it's important to consider how your site will look on different devices. Kajabi provides three different views: mobile, tablet, and desktop. It's crucial to ensure that your website looks good and functions properly on all devices.

One helpful feature is the ability to preview your website on different devices. This allows you to see how your website will look on a mobile phone, tablet, or desktop computer. It's important to keep in mind that different devices have different screen sizes, so it's important to test your website on all devices to ensure that it looks good and functions properly.

Kajabi also provides different sections that you can use to build out your website. These include the hero section, feature columns, text and image, text and image call to action, header and footer, exit pop, and two-step opt-in. You can customize each of these sections to fit your needs and make your website look unique.

When building your website, it's important to ensure that your header and footer are consistent across all pages. This creates a sense of continuity and helps to establish your brand. You can also use the style guide to try out different fonts and colors to make your website look even more professional.

In conclusion, when building a Kajabi website, it's important to consider how your website will look on different devices and to use the different sections available to create a unique and professional website.

Editing Logo and Header

To customize your website's logo and header, you need to access the header section of your home page template. From there, you can upload a new logo or use the default one. You can also adjust the image width and save the changes once you are happy with the result.

In addition to the logo, you can also modify the header and footer of your website. The header is what visitors see along the front, and you can navigate to it from the left-hand side. You can add social icons and customize the copyright information in the footer.

To ensure consistency across all your system pages, populate the header and footer on your system pages, and then save the changes. You can then implement these changes across all your main pages, including landing pages.

Overall, customizing your website's logo and header is a simple process that can help you create a professional-looking website. Make sure to test the changes on different devices to ensure they look good on mobile, tablet, and desktop views.

Creating a Footer

When building a Kajabi website, it's important to customize your header and footer to provide a consistent look and feel across all your system pages. The header is the top section of your website and typically includes your logo and navigation menu, while the footer is the bottom section and usually contains copyright information, social media icons, and other important links.

To customize your footer, simply navigate to the footer section in the page builder and edit the content as needed. You can add or remove elements such as the logo, copyright information, and social media icons. You can also rearrange the elements by dragging and dropping them to different positions.

One important feature to note is the ability to implement your favicon across all your system pages. To do this, simply click on the settings icon and upload your favicon. This will ensure that your branding is consistent throughout your website.

Overall, customizing your footer is an important step in creating a professional and cohesive website. By taking the time to personalize this section, you can enhance the user experience and improve the overall look and feel of your Kajabi website.

Exit Pop and Two-step Opt-in

When building a Kajabi website, it's important to consider the Exit Pop and Two-step Opt-in features. These features can help improve your website's conversion rates by capturing leads and encouraging visitors to take action.

The Exit Pop feature allows you to create a pop-up message that appears when a visitor is about to leave your website. This message can be customized to offer a special promotion or encourage the visitor to sign up for your email list.

The Two-step Opt-in feature requires visitors to take a small action, such as clicking a button, before they can sign up for your email list. This can help improve the quality of your leads by ensuring that only interested visitors sign up.

To add these features to your Kajabi website, simply navigate to the "Sections" tab and select "Exit Pop" or "Two-step Opt-in." From there, you can customize the messaging and design to fit your brand and goals.

By utilizing these features, you can improve your website's conversion rates and build a strong email list of interested leads.

Implementing a Favicon

In order to implement a favicon on your Kajabi website, you will need to navigate to the "Settings" tab on the right-hand side of the page. From there, click on the "System Pages" section and then click on "New" to create a new favicon. Once you have created your new favicon, click on "Update" to upload your desired image. Finally, click "Save" to implement your favicon across all of your system pages.

By implementing a favicon on your Kajabi website, you can add a touch of personalization and branding to your site. This small but impactful detail can help your website stand out and make a lasting impression on your visitors. So be sure to take advantage of this feature and add a favicon to your Kajabi website today.

Style Guide

When building a Kajabi website, it is important to have a clear style guide in mind. This includes choosing a template that fits your brand and customizing it to your liking. Kajabi offers a variety of templates, both free and paid, that you can choose from. Once you have selected a template, you can customize it by adding your logo and adjusting the image width.

The header and footer are also important elements to consider when creating your style guide. The header is what visitors see at the top of your website, while the footer is at the bottom. You can add social icons and adjust the copyright text in the footer to fit your brand.

Kajabi also allows you to implement a favicon, which is the small icon that appears in the browser tab when someone visits your website. This helps to further brand your website and make it easily recognizable.

In terms of fonts, Kajabi offers options for both body and heading fonts. You can try different fonts and see what works best for your brand.

The hero section is where you can call visitors to action and make it clear what your website and company are all about. This section should be well-designed and easy to understand, with a clear call to action for visitors to take the next step.

Overall, having a cohesive style guide is essential for creating a professional and visually appealing Kajabi website.

Hero Section

As a Kajabi Hero, I am excited to walk you through the process of building your own Kajabi website from scratch. In this program, Zero to Kajabi Hero, I will guide you step by step using my own account to show you exactly how to do this.

Before we dive into the training, I want to offer you an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi, which is over double the 14-day trial that is available to the public. To access this offer, simply head over to my website and create your account today. As soon as you've done this, I will automate a free course called "Kajabi Unboxed" that you need to complete immediately once you unbox your Kajabi account.

If you stick around at the end of the 30 days and become a paying member of Kajabi, I will grant you another course, which is my sales page template. You can download these in a theme and then upload them into your Kajabi account. This is an affiliate link, which means that part of your payment will come back to me in support of this channel at no extra cost to you.

Now, let's dive straight into building out your own website. If this is your first time going into your account, you need to decide on how you want to position your home page. You might not see anything here, just say "start" or "create home page". Once you do that, it will then go through and give you some options of templates to use.

You can choose from free or paid templates, and it's entirely up to you which one you want to use. I recommend trying them all out to see which one works best for you. Once you've chosen a template, you can customize it to your liking.

The header and footer are important elements of your website, and you can customize them to include your logo, copyright information, and social icons. You can also add different contents here like social icons and then pull through social icons from your social pages.

In the hero section, you have a few options to call your visitors to action. You want them to understand what your page is all about, what your company is all about, and if those two are a yes, then where do they go to do the next thing. Kajabi's giving you a good example of all the tools you need to build a successful website.

Overall, building a Kajabi website is easy and straightforward. With the right tools and guidance, anyone can become a Kajabi Hero and take their business to the next level.

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