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Grow Your Online Business Using The Power Of YouTube

six figure success stories Dec 14, 2022

In this article, the focus is on the journey of Iacopo De Luigi, an online entrepreneur who has successfully built two YouTube channels and grown them into six-figure businesses. He shares his background and how he combined his skill sets with his wife's to start an online business.

Iacopo's journey began in London, where he worked in visual effects for big companies. However, the stress around the job and the cost of living in the city made him and his wife, who was a professional ballet dancer, think about doing something different. They stumbled upon an online business idea that worked for them, and Iacopo's system mentality and his wife's free-thinking approach proved to be a perfect combination. They launched their first YouTube channel in 2016, and after a few months of struggling, they started to see positive results.

Key Takeaways

  • Combining skill sets can be a recipe for success in starting an online business.
  • A mindset shift is necessary when starting out, as the fear of judgment can be a significant obstacle.
  • Consistency and persistence are key to growing a YouTube channel.

Interview with Iacopo De Luigi

Iacopo De Luigi, an Italian online business owner with over 200,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel, Lazy Dancer Tips, talks about his journey to success in an interview. He started his career in London, working in visual effects for big companies and was passionate about movies. However, the high cost of living and financial stress made him think about doing something different.

Iacopo's wife, Alessia, who was a professional ballet dancer, was also struggling to find a stable job in companies, which led them to think about combining their skill sets and starting an online business. Iacopo's system-oriented mindset and Alessia's creative ideas were a perfect combination to start their online business.

They stumbled upon an online business idea that worked for them. Iacopo started studying YouTube for three to four months and consumed every video about how to grow on YouTube before launching their first YouTube channel in 2016. They started by shooting videos of ballet classes on a couch and posting them on YouTube.

In the beginning, they didn't see any positive results for a few good months, and it took them a few months to get their first 100 subscribers. However, they kept going, and their identity was on the numbers of subscribers and views. They discovered that the fear of judgment was their biggest obstacle, and they had to fight it.

Iacopo advises anyone starting an online business to stick with it and not give up after the first obstacle. He believes that putting yourself in trouble can lead to finding a better way.

Background and Journey into Online Space

Iacopo de Luigi, an Italian entrepreneur, built his online business Lazy Dancer Tips from scratch to over 200,000 subscribers. He has also built a multiple six-figure business off the back of it. Currently, he is preparing to do it all over again with his own private brand.

Iacopo's journey into the online space started when he was working in visual effects for big companies in London, such as Interstellar and 007. Despite the cool job, the stress around the job and the finances, along with his wife Alessia's struggle to find a stable job as a professional ballet dancer, made them think about doing something different using their superpowers.

Iacopo stumbled upon an online business idea that worked in the end. He combined his skill set in optimizing pipelines and his wife's skill set in running free with ideas to create a perfect marriage. They launched their first YouTube channel in 2016, offering ballet classes on YouTube for free.

Before launching, Iacopo studied YouTube for three to four months, consuming every video about how to grow on YouTube. Once they launched, it took them a few good months to even get the first 100 subscribers from scratch. They had to fight the fear of judgment and keep moving forward, despite not seeing any results at the beginning.

Their identity was on the numbers, and they discovered that they were trying to fight the fear of judgment. However, they kept going and made it work. Iacopo advises people to put themselves in trouble and find out that there's a better way if they stick with it.

Combining Skill Sets to Start an Online Business

Iacopo de Luigi, the founder of Lazy Dancer Tips, has successfully built an online business with over 200,000 subscribers and a multiple six-figure income. He has also started his own private brand and shared his insights on building an online business in an interview.

Iacopo and his wife Alessia combined their skill sets to start an online business. Iacopo's background in visual effects and his experience in optimizing workflows helped him to develop a systematic approach to the business. On the other hand, Alessia's background as a professional ballet dancer and her passion for teaching ballet provided the content for the business.

Initially, Iacopo planned to hire a studio, buy lights, cameras, and record top-quality videos to deliver the content. However, the quotes were too high, and they couldn't afford it. A friend suggested they shoot videos at home and upload them on YouTube to test the market. Iacopo studied YouTube for months before launching their first YouTube channel in 2016.

The early days were challenging, and it took them several months to get their first 100 subscribers. Iacopo emphasized the importance of not getting discouraged by slow growth and focusing on the quality of content. He also highlighted the fear of judgment as a major obstacle that many people face when starting an online business.

Iacopo's advice for anyone looking to start an online business is to combine their skill sets with someone who complements their strengths and to focus on providing value to their audience. He also stressed the importance of studying the platform and understanding the audience before launching the business.

In summary, combining skill sets is a powerful way to start an online business. Iacopo's success story shows that a systematic approach, quality content, and perseverance are key factors in building a successful online business.

Early Days of YouTube Channel

Iacopo de Luigi, the founder of Lazy Dancer Tips, started his YouTube channel in 2016 with his wife Alessia. They aimed to share Alessia's ballet teaching experience with the world. Initially, they planned to create high-quality videos in a studio, but the cost was too high. They then decided to shoot videos in their living room and upload them on YouTube to see if their content would resonate with their audience.

Iacopo spent three to four months studying YouTube and learning how to grow on the platform before launching their channel. They faced a slow start and struggled to gain their first 100 subscribers, with only half of them being friends and family. However, they persisted and overcame the fear of judgment and self-doubt.

In the early days, they focused on creating valuable content and engaging with their audience. They did not prioritize the number of subscribers or views but rather the quality of their videos. Over time, their channel grew steadily, and they now have over 200,000 subscribers.

Their success on YouTube allowed them to build a multiple six-figure business off the back of their channel. Iacopo's experience in visual effects and Alessia's ballet teaching experience proved to be a perfect combination for creating engaging content. Their success story serves as an inspiration for anyone looking to start an online business and leverage YouTube to grow their brand.

Challenges and Growth of the Channel

Iacopo de Luigi faced several challenges when growing his YouTube channel, Lazy Dancer Tips, to over 200,000 subscribers. One of the biggest challenges was finding a way to produce high-quality content on a tight budget. Initially, Iacopo planned to hire a studio, buy lights, cameras, and record top-quality videos. However, the quotes he received were too high, and they couldn't afford it.

A friend suggested that they shoot a bunch of videos on their couch, put them on YouTube, and see if the market was there. They followed the advice and launched their first YouTube channel in 2016. However, it took several months to get the first 100 subscribers, and half of them were friends and family.

Another challenge they faced was the fear of judgment. When they didn't see a positive effect on their channel, they started second-guessing themselves and wondered if they were good enough. But they kept going and eventually found success.

Lazy Dancer Tips' growth was not easy, and it took six years to reach over 200,000 subscribers. Iacopo advises anyone looking to start an online business or leverage YouTube to grow their business to be prepared for the long haul. It's not going to be easy, and there will be ups and downs. But with hard work and persistence, success is possible.

Lessons Learned and Strategies

Iacopo de Luigi learned some important lessons and developed strategies that helped him grow his YouTube channel and build a successful online business. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Combine your skill set with someone else's to create a unique product or service.
  • Think outside the box and be open to unconventional ideas.
  • Research and learn as much as you can about your industry before jumping in.
  • Don't be afraid to start small and iterate as you go.
  • Focus on delivering value to your audience and building a community.
  • Be patient and persistent, success takes time and effort.
  • Embrace failure and learn from your mistakes.
  • Continuously optimize your processes and systems to save time and energy.
  • Don't be afraid to pivot and try something new if things aren't working.
  • Stay true to your brand and values, and don't compromise for short-term gains.

By following these strategies and lessons learned, Iacopo was able to grow his YouTube channel to over 200,000 subscribers and build a multiple six-figure business.

Starting a New Channel

Iacopo de Luigi, a successful YouTuber and online business owner, shares his insights on how to start a new channel and grow it into a successful business. Here are some key takeaways from his interview:

  • Combining different skill sets can be a powerful strategy for launching a successful channel. In Iacopo's case, he combined his technical expertise with his wife's experience as a ballet teacher to create Lazy Dancer Tips, a channel that has over 200,000 subscribers and a multiple six-figure business.
  • Starting small and testing the market is a smart approach. Rather than investing in expensive equipment and production, Iacopo and his wife started by shooting videos on a couch and uploading them to YouTube to see if there was a demand for their content. This allowed them to test the waters and iterate on their approach without risking a lot of money upfront.
  • Consistency is key to growing a channel. Iacopo stresses the importance of posting regularly and sticking to a schedule to build an audience and keep them engaged. He also recommends creating a content calendar to plan ahead and stay organized.
  • Building a community is essential for long-term success. Iacopo emphasizes the importance of engaging with viewers and building a loyal following. This can be done through responding to comments, creating a Facebook group, or offering exclusive content to subscribers.
  • Finally, Iacopo advises new YouTubers to be patient and persistent. Building a successful channel takes time and effort, and it's important to stay committed even if results are slow to come. By following these tips and staying focused on providing value to viewers, anyone can start a new channel and grow it into a successful online business.

Advice for Aspiring Online Entrepreneurs

For those looking to grow an online business using YouTube, Jacopo De Luigi, founder of Lazy Dancer Tips, offers some valuable advice. Having built his YouTube channel to over 200,000 subscribers and a multiple six-figure business, he knows what it takes to succeed in the online space.

De Luigi emphasizes the importance of having a system in place to optimize workflow and save time and energy. He suggests combining skills and expertise with a partner to create a product or service that can be delivered through YouTube.

When starting out, De Luigi recommends studying YouTube and consuming as much information as possible to avoid wasting time and effort. It's also important to focus on quality content and engage with the audience to build a loyal following.

De Luigi admits that the early days can be challenging, with slow growth and a fear of judgment. However, perseverance and a willingness to push through obstacles are essential to achieving success.

Overall, De Luigi's advice for aspiring online entrepreneurs is to have a clear system in place, focus on quality content, and stay committed to the journey, even when progress is slow.

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