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Canva Tutorial: How To Create A PDF Guide For A Lead Magnet

grow your audience Apr 24, 2024

Creating an email list is essential for anyone running an online business. While social followings might seem important, actually collecting emails is where the real value lies. One of my coaching clients recently asked me how to create a PDF guide to exchange for email addresses. In this video, I'll show you how to make a simple yet effective PDF guide using Canva.

I often use Canva to design my PDF guides because it simplifies the whole process. Even though it's possible to hire a designer, doing it yourself can save time and money. I’ll walk you through how to select a free PDF template on Canva and customize it to suit your brand. By the end of this article, you’ll know how to create a professional-looking guide that provides value to your audience in exchange for their email.

Key Takeaways

  • Email lists are crucial for online business success.
  • Canva can be used to create simple yet effective PDF guides.
  • Focus on content quality over design aesthetics.

Importance of Email Lists in Online Business

Email lists are a key part of running an online business. Having direct access to your audience's inbox is invaluable. Social media followers are good, but they can disappear if the platform changes its rules or goes down.

Advantages of Email Lists:

  1. Direct Communication: Emails land straight in your audience's inbox, ensuring they see your message.
  2. Personalization: You can tailor your messages specifically to individual subscribers.
  3. Control: Unlike social media, which can change its algorithms, you have complete control over your email list.

Building an email list involves offering something valuable in exchange for email addresses. This could be a guide, training, or an audio file. It's not just about style; the content needs to be powerful and actionable. Create a promise upfront and ensure the guide delivers on that promise.

Example Process in Canva

Using Canva to create a PDF guide is straightforward:

  1. Open Canva: Start with a free account if you don't have one.
  2. Search for Templates: Look for PDF templates and choose one.
  3. Customize: Change the title, fonts, and styles to match your brand.

Creating the guide's cover involves:

  • Downloading a royalty-free image.
  • Adding a header and your logo.
  • Exporting the final image as a PNG file.

Finalizing the Guide

After creating the front page, insert it into the first page of a Google Doc. Add sections and content relevant to your audience. Once complete, download the document as a PDF. If you're not comfortable doing this yourself, you can hire a designer.

Remember, the guide should add value and solve a problem for your audience. The most important part is the content itself, not just the design. Having a well-curated email list can significantly boost your business and audience engagement.

Creating a PDF Guide as a Lead Magnet

Generating a list of emails is essential for any online business. Social media followers are great, but collecting emails is crucial. Here’s how to create a PDF guide to exchange for email addresses.

I use Canva to design my PDF guides. If you don't have a Canva account, you can create a free one. Search for PDF templates in the search bar. You can choose from free templates or customize one that suits your needs.

Start by selecting a template you like. You can customize the template by changing the title, fonts, and styles. I usually create only the front page in Canva. For the front cover, I find royalty-free images on sites like Unsplash. I download the image, upload it to Canva, and then add a header and my logo.

Once the front cover is ready, download it as a PNG file. Open a Google Doc and insert the PNG on the first page. Add section breaks and start writing the content of your guide. Begin with an intro, add a disclaimer if needed, and then dive into the main sections.

For content, I often use tools like MindMeister for creating visual aids. After writing all the steps and adding images, download the Google Doc as a PDF. Your guide is now ready to be shared.

To distribute the PDF, create a landing page with a form that delivers the guide upon subscribing. Make sure the guide offers valuable content and calls the reader to action. Content is more important than design, so focus on providing actionable advice.

For more detailed steps on setting up landing pages and forms, you can check out my other videos where I demonstrate creating these elements in Kajabi. This process simplifies creating an effective PDF guide as a lead magnet.

Designing with Canva

Navigating Canva for Templates

When using Canva, you can start by opening a free account. Type "PDF templates" into the search bar and browse through the available options. You can choose either the free or pro templates, depending on your subscription. Look for templates without the pro badge if you're using the free version.

Customizing a Template

Once you've picked a template, you can make it your own. Change the title, fonts, and colors to match your brand. Personalize the layout by adding images and adjusting the design elements. Utilize royalty-free images from sites like Unsplash for quality visuals. This process allows you to maintain a consistent style across your documents.

Creating a Front Page

I keep my designs simple, especially for the front page of my PDFs. I find a suitable image that aligns with my theme, such as an online desktop. After downloading the image, I upload it to Canva and position it to leave space for text. I add a header for the document title and include my logo. Once satisfied, I download the image as a PNG file and insert it into my final document.

By following these steps, you can create professional-looking PDFs without needing to hire a designer.

Creating Designs with Free Tools

Locating No-Cost Images

First, find free images to use in your design. You can use websites like Unsplash. Simply search for the type of image you need, like "desktop," and download it for free. Make sure the image has enough space for adding text later.

Adding Images to Canva

After you have the image, go to Canva. If you don’t have an account, create a free one. Upload the image you downloaded. Once uploaded, you can adjust the image to fit your design. Canva has intuitive tools to help you do this easily.

Incorporating Text and Logos

In Canva, you can add text by selecting the text tool. Customize the font and size to match your brand. Add your logo by uploading it to Canva and placing it where you want. Keep your design simple and clean.

Constructing the PDF Guide

Utilizing Google Docs for Structure

To start, I open Google Docs and create a fresh document. On the first page, I insert an image that I've previously designed using Canva. This image serves as the cover page and sets the tone for the entire guide. After inserting the image, I add a section break.

Next, I add headings and a brief introduction to outline what the guide will cover. This helps to give readers a clear overview from the start. I make sure to use my brand’s fonts and colors to keep everything consistent.

Adding Images and Written Content

In terms of the content, I split it into clear sections. Each section focuses on one of the key steps that I want to share. I use images and screenshots whenever possible to make the guide more engaging and easier to follow.

The images I use often come from royalty-free websites or from my own creations using tools like MindMeister, which is great for mind mapping and organizing ideas. This keeps the guide visually appealing and helps break up the text.

Saving as a PDF File

Once everything is laid out and I'm satisfied with the content, I save the document. To do this, I go to the File menu, then choose Download, and select PDF Document. This creates a professional-looking PDF that’s easy to distribute.

By following these steps, I've created a valuable guide that can be shared with my audience in exchange for their email addresses.

Content Over Style Philosophy

When creating a PDF guide, the focus should be on the content rather than the style. The primary goal of a guide is to deliver value to the reader. While a well-designed PDF can be appealing, it’s the substance that will keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.

Here’s a simple approach I use:

  1. Choose Your Template: Open Canva and search for free PDF templates. Customize it by changing the title, fonts, and styles to match your brand.
  2. Add Eye-Catching Images: Use royalty-free images to create an attractive cover. Websites like Unsplash are great for finding high-quality images.
  3. Create a Strong Cover: Include a clear title, a relevant image, and your logo.
  4. Write Clear and Helpful Content: Use tools like Google Docs to write your content. Break down complex ideas into simple steps or lists. Include images and diagrams to make it easier to understand.

Example Table:



1. Planning

Decide on the main topic and structure of your guide.

2. Content Creation

Write clear and concise content that solves your audience's problems.

3. Design

Use a tool like Canva to design your cover and layout.

4. Assembly

Combine your content and design into a single document.

5. Delivery

Export as a PDF and set up a landing page to collect emails in exchange for the guide.

Using images, headers, and consistent fonts helps, but what you say is what really matters. Ensure the content is actionable and useful, so it prompts your readers to take the next step. Functions like exporting the document as a PDF through Google Docs and integrating it with landing pages help streamline the process.

The essence of creating a remarkable guide lies in the useful information you provide. Don't get too wrapped up in the design; focus on writing clear, actionable, and impactful content. This approach ensures your guide is valued and can effectively gather those crucial emails.

Guide Distribution Method

Making a Welcome Page

Step 1: Create a visually appealing page that introduces your guide.

Step 2: Use tools like Kajabi to build this welcome page. Make sure to include an eye-catching header image and a brief description of what the guide covers.

Configuring a Signup Form

Step 1: Set up an email capture form on your welcome page.

Step 2: Use a form builder to add fields where visitors can enter their email addresses. Ensure it's clear and simple.

Streamlining Guide Distribution

Step 1: Automate the process using an email marketing service. This avoids manual sending and ensures immediate delivery of the guide.

Step 2: Set up an automated email that includes a link to the PDF guide once someone signs up. This saves time and ensures consistency.

Wrapping Up

Review of Creating a PDF Guide

To start, creating a PDF guide can be straightforward. I use Canva for designing. If you don't have Canva yet, I suggest opening a free account. In Canva, you can find PDF templates by searching "free PDF templates." Customize them by changing the title, fonts, and styles. For the cover page, I use a royalty-free image from sites like Unsplash. After downloading the image, I upload it to Canva and add my logo and a title. Once you're happy, export it as a PNG file.

For the content, I use Google Docs. I insert the image on the first page, add a header, an intro, and then detail my steps or content. Once finished, I download it as a PDF document. This simple yet effective process ensures a polished result.

Motivation to Follow These Steps

Creating your PDF guide can add significant value to your business. Think about the content and make sure it's actionable and valuable. If designing isn't your strong suit, consider outsourcing to a graphic designer. The key is to focus on delivering content that calls readers to action and provides them with useful information. This way, you'll effectively gather emails and build your audience.

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