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7 Mistakes Killing Your YouTube Channel Growth

grow your audience Sep 25, 2024

Creating content on YouTube can be challenging if you're not seeing the growth you're aiming for. I've been on this platform for a few years now and noticed steady growth by making gradual adjustments each week. If you're not happy with how your channel is expanding, you might be making some common mistakes. In my experience, one of the biggest errors is focusing too much on the algorithm instead of understanding your audience. Your viewers are individuals, not just data points.

Optimizing video titles is crucial as well. The titles should match what people are searching for, which helps get your content in front of the right audience. Check out similar channels, see what works, and find inspiration for your titles. Thumbnails are also key; they should clearly convey your video’s content at a glance. Consistency in branding and clear calls to action can enhance viewer engagement.

Key Takeaways

  • Focus on your audience, not just the algorithm.
  • Optimize video titles for search relevance.
  • Create clear, eye-catching thumbnails.

Focus on Viewers Over Algorithms

Many creators mistakenly prioritize pleasing the algorithm rather than understanding the actual viewers they are creating for. The algorithm is simply a tool, while your audience is made of people with preferences and interests. In YouTube Studio, I access the analytics to learn about my audience. It shows data like returning and new viewers, what type of content they consume, when they are online, and their location. For instance, a significant portion of my audience is from the United States, and most are men aged 25-44.

Instead of just trying to serve the algorithm, I focus on serving individual viewers. This means selecting topics and crafting titles that resonate with my audience's specific needs and interests. Understanding who my viewers are helps me tailor my content effectively. This personal focus is crucial because every viewer is an individual, not an algorithm.

Improving Video Titles for Search

When creating video titles, focusing on what people search for is key. Using the search bar on YouTube, either in incognito mode or regularly, helps generate ideas. For example, typing "Fitness for" and letting it suggest completes the phrase might result in "Fitness for beginners" or "Fitness for weight loss."

These suggestions are actual terms that people frequently search for. Tailoring video titles to these longer phrases can increase the chance of reaching the right audience. It's beneficial to explore related channels that perform well. By examining popular videos on a channel like Dr. Mike's, I can gather new ideas and see patterns in successful titles.

Using specific keywords that highlight popular searches can also be effective. These keywords should relate directly to the content of the video. Titles need to be clear and attractive, as they are the first thing people notice before deciding to watch a video.

Finally, make sure that your titles reflect the essence of what your video offers. Compelling titles, paired with strong content, can drive better results in search.

Thumbnail and Branding Strategy

Creating attention-grabbing thumbnails and effective branding is crucial for reaching your ideal audience. Thumbnails work hand in hand with titles to capture interest. They should convey what the video is about, so viewers quickly decide if it’s worth their time. Bold and simple designs make the best thumbnails. Including faces, like mine or anyone I interview, adds a personal touch.

I check how my thumbnails appear on mobile devices. Many people watch videos on their phones, so thumbnails should still look clear and informative in smaller sizes. Constantly refining these elements helps ensure they speak directly to the people I aim to reach. By keeping my branding consistent across all my content, I enhance recognition and create a professional appearance.

When considering others' channels, I examine their entire YouTube pages to learn from their strategies. Observing the success of popular channels offers valuable insights. By adopting and adapting effective ideas, I can improve my own content's visual appeal and connection with viewers.

Using Keywords in Descriptions and Tags

When I add keywords to my video descriptions and tags, it improves my video's visibility and reach. I focus on using the same keyword phrases in my descriptions that I mention during my video. For instance, if I'm targeting a specific marketplace, I incorporate that exact phrase multiple times in both the verbal content and written description. This method increases my chances of appearing in relevant searches.

Transcription and Keywords:

  • I ensure that the words spoken in the video align with the keywords in the description. This connection boosts my video's searchability.
  • Repeating key phrases throughout the video makes it easier for viewers to find content through search results.

Using Tools:

Utilizing tools, like vidIQ, helps me analyze how well my content is optimized. Before publishing a video, it's essential to evaluate if it meets optimization standards, ensuring better performance in search results.

The tags section is another opportunity to reinforce these keywords. By including precise and relevant tags, I increase the video's chances of reaching the intended audience. This strategic placement of keywords in descriptions and tags plays a significant role in drawing viewers to my content.

Clear Call to Action

Making sure you have a clear call to action is crucial for growing a successful YouTube channel. In one of my videos, I interviewed Barbara Sarah, a TV personality and a client of mine. The main call to action I use is offering a free piece of media in exchange for an email address. This strategy helps grow a business beyond just the YouTube platform.

Whether your goal is to gain likes and subscribers or something more, your call to action should align with your goals. If you aim to build a business, encourage viewers to visit your website. For example, I place a link to my website above the fold. I mention my online Revenue Workshop and provide multiple links to it. I ensure my call to action is visible, with graphics and click-out cards that prompt viewers to take the next step.

It's important to define what you want from your channel. Whether it's just views or more direct interaction, don't miss the opportunity to guide your audience towards a specific action.

Consistency in Posting

Sticking to a regular posting schedule is key to growing a YouTube channel. I see many people make the mistake of not posting often enough. Maintaining a steady flow of content helps keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.

Aim to upload at least once a week. It's important to find a schedule that works for you and your viewers. Quality is still crucial, so don't just post for the sake of it. Balance is key, ensuring each video is polished and aligns with your channel's goals. Regular uploads can make a significant difference in building and sustaining audience interest.

Consider using tools like content calendars to plan your upcoming topics and manage your time efficiently. Consistent posting is not just about frequency; it's about reliability. Your audience appreciates knowing when to expect the next video. Consistency builds trust and can turn casual viewers into loyal subscribers.

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